303 research outputs found

    New data on acritarchs from the Upper Ordovician of the Tungus basin, Siberian platform

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    © 2014, Estonian Academy Publishers. All rights reserved. Distinctive late Ordovician acritarch assemblages have been discovered for the first time from about a 100 m sedimentary succession exposed along the Bol′shaya Nirunda River in Siberia. The studied stratigraphic interval includes the uppermost Baksian, Dolborian, Nirundian and Burian regional stages, which correspond to the Katian-?lowermost Hirnantian global stages. Acritarch assemblages from the Dolbor Regional Stage are exceptionally diverse and include aside from the longranging taxa several unique (endemic) morphotypes and a number of distinctive stratigraphically valuable species, well known outside Siberia. The occurrence of the acritarchs widespread outside Siberia is potentially important for interregional biostratigraphic correlations and might also play a significant role in biogeographic reconstructions. Having in mind that the Siberian palaeocontinent was located in a low-latitude tropical area during the entire Ordovician, the presence of taxa typical of cold-water settings along the Peri-Gondwana margin can be regarded as an additional evidence for penetration of cool-water currents into the epicontinental Tungus basin in the Upper Ordovician

    Paleomagnetic data for Siberia and Baltica in the context of testing some geodynamic models of the formation of the Central Asian Mobile Belt

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The synthesis of the paleomagnetic data for the Siberian (Siberia) and East European (Baltica) platforms shows that since the Early Paleozoic they could have experienced coherent movements as a part of consolidated continental agglomeration (a composite continent), which also includes the Arctida continent. Based on the paleomagnetic data, the relative positions of the Siberia and Baltica during the Ordovician is reconstructed, and a series of paleogeographical reconstructions describing the drift of the composite continent is suggested. The results of the lithologic–facial analysis of the sedimentation settings within the Ordovician basins of the Siberian and East European platforms and paleoclimatic markers are consistent with the suggested configuration and paleogeographical position of the composite continent. The suggested reconstructions and the ages of detrital zircons from the Early Paleozoic complexes of the platform margins and some objects of the Central Asian Mobile Belt (CAMB) reasonably well agree with the hypothesis (Sengör et al., 1993) which interprets the formation of the structure of CAMB Paleozoides as a result of the evolution of the island arc stretching along the margins of Siberia and Baltica

    Отражение колебаний уровня моря в триасовых разрезах Юго-Восточного Памира

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    Considered the structure of carbonate-silica of Triassic transition sections and intermediate zones of the South-Eastern Pamirs and had been proposed their sequence-stratigraphic interpretation. Revealed levels of eustatic fall of sea level during the Triassic period.Рассмотрено строение карбонатно-кремнистых триасовых разрезов переходной и промежуточной зон Юго-Восточного Памира и предложена их секвенс-стратиграфическая интерпретация. Выявлены уровни эвстатических падений уровня мирового океана в триасовом периоде

    Basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map

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    Fractal basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map is examined in detail. Numerically obtained basin appears to be riddling in the parameter region where two periodic orbits co-exist near a boundary crisis, but it is shown to consist of layers of thin bands.Comment: published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 72, 1943-1947 (2003

    Middle Ordovician carbonate facies development, conodont biostratigraphy and faunal diversity patterns at the Lynna River, northwestern Russia

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    The Ordovician Period has emerged as a highly dynamic time in Earth history. Comprehensive work on chrono, chemo-and biostratigraphy has resulted in an overall wellconstrained systemic framework, but several local successions around the globe still await detailed analysis in many respects. Herein we perform a highresolution analysis of abiotic and biotic signals in the Lynna River section, a key locality in northwestern Russia. As this section has been pivotal in documenting the temporal evolution of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event on Baltica, the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the local succession reveal important paleoenvironmental information that ties into the global development during the Middle Ordovician. The results add particularly to the understanding of the characteristics and largescale sedimentary ‘behavior’ of the Baltoscandian paleobasin. Microfacies vary consistently with the macroscopic appearance of the rocks, with intervals characterized by competent limestone being associated with coarser carbonate textures and intervals dominated by marly beds associated with finer textures. Along with carbonate textures, fossil grain assemblages vary in a rhythmic (~cyclic) manner. The local rocks are commonly partly dolomitized, with the proportion of dolomitization increasing upsection. Regional comparisons suggest that the changes in overall macro and microfacies were strongly related to variations in sea level. New highresolution conodont biostratigraphic data largely confirm previous regional correlations based on lithostratigraphy and trilobite faunas, and enable more robust correlations worldwide

    The Mutual Effect of Reciprocally Moving Geokhod and Geological Environment Studied by the Discrete Element Method in Software PFC3D 5.00

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    A numerical experiment procedure of geokhod traverse in the geological environment, based on software PFC3D 5.00 is presented in the paper; the interpretation of numerical experiment results is provided