17 research outputs found

    Dynamical Chaos and Level Splitting under the Channeling of the High Energy Positrons in [100] Direction of the Silicon Crystal

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    The motion of charged particles in a crystal in the axial channeling regime can be both regular and chaotic. The chaos in quantum case manifests itself in the statistical properties of the energy levels set. These properties have been studied previously for the electrons channeling along [110] direction of the silicon crystal, in the case when the classical motion was completely chaotic, as well as for the ones channeling along [100] direction, when the classical motion can be both regular and chaotic for the same energy depending on the initial conditions. Here we study the positrons channeling in [100] direction. This case is of special interest due to the substantial tunneling probability between dynamically isolated regular motion domains in the phase space. The interaction of the energy levels via tunneling distinctly changes the level spacing statistics. All transverse motion energy levels as well as corresponding stationary wave functions are computed numerically for the 30 GeV positrons channeling in [100] direction of the silicon crystal. The values of the matrix elements for the tunnel transitions are extractad from these data. These results confirm the chaos assistance for the tunneling and the level splitting. These values will be used in the further researches of the quantum chaos manifestations in the channeling phenomenon.Comment: Presented on the XIV International Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures", September 18-22, 2023, Tsaghkadzor, Armeni

    Splitting of the transverse-motion energy levels of positrons during channeling in the [100] direction of a silicon crystal

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    The motion of charged particles in the crystal can be both regular and chaotic. Within the quantum approach, chaos manifests itself in the statistical properties of the set of energy levels. The systems in which regions of regular motion are separated by that of chaotic motion in phase space are of special interest. The statistics of levels of these systems is greatly influenced by the possibility of tunneling between phase-space regions dynamically isolated from each othe

    On the effect of quantum tunneling on the energy spectrum of the transverse motion of channeled positrons in a silicon crystal

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    The movement of charged particles in a crystal can be both regular and chaotic. At the quantum level, chaos manifests itself in the statistical properties of the set of energy levels. Systems, in which regions of regular motion are separated in the phase space by a region of dynamic chaos, are of particular interes

    Regular and chaotic motion domains in the channeling electron's phase space and mean level density for its transverse motion energy

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    The motion of charged particles in a crystal in the axial channeling regime can be both regular and chaotic. The chaos in quantum case manifests itself in the statistical properties of the energy levels set. These properties have been studied previously for the electrons channeling along direction of the silicon crystal, in the case when the classical motion was completely chaotic. It is demonstrated that the level spacing distribution for both electrons and positrons can be better described by Berry-Robnik distribution than by both Wigner (completely chaotic case) or Poisson (completely regular case) distribution


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    Ukraine is one of the European and world leaders in soybean cultivation. According to some estimation, 30-90% of the crops area is used currently for cultivation of genetically modified varieties. As modified soybean areas are expanding, the potential nutritional threats related to this product should be thoroughly assessed. The influence of nutrition ration consisting of 20% of the thermo-treated genetically modified soybeans on postnatal development of rats has been investigated over two generations in comparison with nutrition by regular thermo-treated beans. The number of alive and dead newborns, average number of offspring and the survival rate has been calculated as well as general estimation of physical development of the newborn rats was made. The experimental results prove that the reproductive function of rats and the offspring development are not seriously influenced by nutrition with genetically modified soybeans within the first and second generations. No statistically reliable difference was found between the characteristic parameters of the experimental and control groups, which remained within their regular physiological limits. However, some decrease in the suckling age rats’ number was registered in the experimental group

    Status and initial physics performance studies of the MPD experiment at NICA

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    The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), with commissioning of the facility expected in late 2022. The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) has been designed to operate at NICA and its components are currently in production. The detector is expected to be ready for data taking with the first beams from NICA. This document provides an overview of the landscape of the investigation of the QCD phase diagram in the region of maximum baryonic density, where NICA and MPD will be able to provide significant and unique input. It also provides a detailed description of the MPD set-up, including its various subsystems as well as its support and computing infrastructures. Selected performance studies for particular physics measurements at MPD are presented and discussed in the context of existing data and theoretical expectations

    DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles

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    International audienceThe dual-phase liquid argon time projection chamber is presently one of the leading technologies to search for dark matter particles with masses below 10 GeV/c2^2. This was demonstrated by the DarkSide-50 experiment with approximately 50 kg of low-radioactivity liquid argon as target material. The next generation experiment DarkSide-20k, currently under construction, will use 1,000 times more argon and is expected to start operation in 2027. Based on the DarkSide-50 experience, here we assess the DarkSide-20k sensitivity to models predicting light dark matter particles, including Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and sub-GeV/c2^2 particles interacting with electrons in argon atoms. With one year of data, a sensitivity improvement to dark matter interaction cross-sections by at least one order of magnitude with respect to DarkSide-50 is expected for all these models. A sensitivity to WIMP--nucleon interaction cross-sections below 1×10421\times10^{-42} cm2^2 is achievable for WIMP masses above 800 MeV/c2^2. With 10 years exposure, the neutrino fog can be reached for WIMP masses around 5 GeV/c2^2

    Benchmarking the design of the cryogenics system for the underground argon in DarkSide-20k

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    International audienceDarkSide-20k (DS-20k) is a dark matter detection experiment under construction at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. It utilises ~100 t of low radioactivity argon from an underground source (UAr) in its inner detector, with half serving as target in a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC). The UAr cryogenics system must maintain stable thermodynamic conditions throughout the experiment's lifetime of >10 years. Continuous removal of impurities and radon from the UAr is essential for maximising signal yield and mitigating background. We are developing an efficient and powerful cryogenics system with a gas purification loop with a target circulation rate of 1000 slpm. Central to its design is a condenser operated with liquid nitrogen which is paired with a gas heat exchanger cascade, delivering a combined cooling power of >8 kW. Here we present the design choices in view of the DS-20k requirements, in particular the condenser's working principle and the cooling control, and we show test results obtained with a dedicated benchmarking platform at CERN and LNGS. We find that the thermal efficiency of the recirculation loop, defined in terms of nitrogen consumption per argon flow rate, is 95 % and the pressure in the test cryostat can be maintained within ±\pm(0.1-0.2) mbar. We further detail a 5-day cool-down procedure of the test cryostat, maintaining a cooling rate typically within -2 K/h, as required for the DS-20k inner detector. Additionally, we assess the circuit's flow resistance, and the heat transfer capabilities of two heat exchanger geometries for argon phase change, used to provide gas for recirculation. We conclude by discussing how our findings influence the finalisation of the system design, including necessary modifications to meet requirements and ongoing testing activities

    Benchmarking the design of the cryogenics system for the underground argon in DarkSide-20k

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    International audienceDarkSide-20k (DS-20k) is a dark matter detection experiment under construction at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. It utilises ~100 t of low radioactivity argon from an underground source (UAr) in its inner detector, with half serving as target in a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC). The UAr cryogenics system must maintain stable thermodynamic conditions throughout the experiment's lifetime of >10 years. Continuous removal of impurities and radon from the UAr is essential for maximising signal yield and mitigating background. We are developing an efficient and powerful cryogenics system with a gas purification loop with a target circulation rate of 1000 slpm. Central to its design is a condenser operated with liquid nitrogen which is paired with a gas heat exchanger cascade, delivering a combined cooling power of >8 kW. Here we present the design choices in view of the DS-20k requirements, in particular the condenser's working principle and the cooling control, and we show test results obtained with a dedicated benchmarking platform at CERN and LNGS. We find that the thermal efficiency of the recirculation loop, defined in terms of nitrogen consumption per argon flow rate, is 95 % and the pressure in the test cryostat can be maintained within ±\pm(0.1-0.2) mbar. We further detail a 5-day cool-down procedure of the test cryostat, maintaining a cooling rate typically within -2 K/h, as required for the DS-20k inner detector. Additionally, we assess the circuit's flow resistance, and the heat transfer capabilities of two heat exchanger geometries for argon phase change, used to provide gas for recirculation. We conclude by discussing how our findings influence the finalisation of the system design, including necessary modifications to meet requirements and ongoing testing activities