139 research outputs found

    Effect of insulin on ultrastructure and glycogenesis in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes

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    Insulin in the presence of high concentrations of glucose has a beneficial trophic effect on the development of primary cultures of hepatocytes. Compared to the situation observed in hormone-free control cultures, the flattening of the reaggregated hepatocytes is enhanced, and the reconstituted cell trabeculae are enlarged and tend to form a confluent monolayer after 3 days; the survival time is prolonged from 3 to 5 or 6 days. Ultrastructural modifications are also initiated by insulin; numerous glycogen particles appear after 24 h, in between the cisternae of the proliferated smooth endoplasmic reticulum. After 48 h, large amounts of glycogen are stored, and numerous polysomes are present. A small number of cells showed an increased synthesis of lipid droplets in the lumen of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and form liposomes at the same time. After 72 h, cytolysomes filled with glycogen develop, simulating glycogenosis type II. Simultaneously, microtubules and microfilaments, closely related to numerous polysomes, appear in cytoplasmic extensions constituting undulating membranes. The biochemical data demonstrate that, in the absence of insulin, a high concentration of glucose stimulates glycogenesis and hinders glycogenolysis. This effect of glucose on polysaccharide synthesis is progressively lost. The addition of insulin to the culture induces after 48 and 72 h, a three- to fivefold increase of the glucose incorporation into glycogen, as compared to the controls. The presence of insulin is required to maintain the hepatocyte's capacity to store glycogen. Glycogen synthetase is converted into its active form under the influence of glucose. Insulin increases the rate of activation

    Isolation and subfractionation on ficoll gradients of adult rat hepatocytes. Size, morphology, and biochemical characteristics of cell fractions.

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    The recirculating perfusion of adult rat liver with a Ca++ free Hanks' solution produces a release of the adhesiveness of cells and a cleaving of the desmosomes. The addition of collagenase and hyaluronidase to the perfusion medium leads to complete dissociation of the liver tissue into a mixture of isolated cells and cell cords in which the hepatocytes remain connected with specific junctional differentiations, namely the gap and tight junctions. Individual cells are released by submitting the suspension of cell trabeculae to a gentle rolling. The gap junctions are ruptured at least in 1 of the 2 adjacent cells and remain generally attached to the other cell taking with them a small portion of cytoplasm. This technique of isolation of hepatocytes yields about 60 to 65% of the parenchymal cells contained in a liver; endothelial cells and other cells of the connective tissue are recovered. The ultrastructural preservation of the isolated hepatocytes is excellent and the glucose 6 phosphatase activity, confined to the endoplasmic reticulum, appears unaltered in most cells. Protein, DNA and RNA recovery in the preparations of isolated hepatocytes is satisfactory, amounting to 70% of that found in liver homogenate; glycogen, the most labile component examined, is partly lost or degraded during the manipulations. Cell diameters measured by different methods confirm the preservation of the original volume of the in situ hepatocytes and the presence of more than 1 type of parenchymal cell. By submitting this heterogenous cell population to an isopycnic density gradient centrifugation, 2 types of hepatocyes can be distinguished: the light hepatocytes, with a mean diameter of 20.5 μm and a mean density of 1.10, are characterized by an extended smooth walled endoplasmic reticulum entrapping dispersed α glycogen particles; the heavy hepatocytes, with a mean diameter of 19.0 μm and a mean density of 1.14, present a relatively reduced compartment of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, but large accumulations of glycogen. It is suggested that the cell fraction of low density is enriched in centrolobular cells and the high density fraction in perilobular hepatocytes.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Adult rat hepatocytes in primary monolayer culture. Ultrastructural characteristics of intercellular contacts and cell membrane differentiations.

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    Primary monolayer cultures were obtained in 60 mm petri dishes by incubating 3 x 106 isolated hepatocytes at 37°C in Dulbecco's medium supplemented with 17% fetal calf serum. The ultrastructure of monolayer cells was examined after various incubation periods. Within 4 h of plating, the isolated spherical cells adhere to the plastic surface, establish their first contacts by numerous intertwined microvilli, and form a new hemidesmosomes. After 12 h of culture, wide branched trabeculae of flattened polyhedral cells extend in all directions. Finally, after 24 h of culture, bile canaliculi are reconstituted, and a biliary polarity is recovered: the Golgi elements, which are scattered throughout the cytoplasm in the isolated cells, are reassembled in front of the newly formed bile canaliculi, symmetrically in the adjacent cells; lysosomes are concentrated in that region, and microtubules reappear. Concomitantly, plasma membrane differentiations, namely desmosomes and tight junctions, develop. Tight junctions sealing the bile ducts constitute a barrier to the passage of ruthenium red and horseradish peroxidase. De novo formation of these junctions was studied by the freeze etching technique: 10 nm particles compose a network of anastomosed linear arrays in the vicinity of the bile canalculi; in the next step of differentiation, the particles fuse, form short ridge segments and finally continuous branched smooth strands, characteristic of the mature tight junction.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Structure and biochemical composition of desmosomes and tonofilaments isolated from calf muzzle epidermis.

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    Complexes of plasma membrane segments with desmosomes and attached tonofilaments were separated from the stratum spinosum cells of calf muzzle by means of moderately alkaline buffers of low ionic strength and mechanical homogenization. These structures were further fractionated by the use of various treatments including sonication, sucrose gradient centrifugaton, and extraction with buffers containing high concentrations of salt, urea, citric acid, or detergents. Subfractions enriched in desmosome-tonofilament-complexes and tonofilament fragments were studied in detail. The desmosome structures such as the midline, the trilaminar membrane profile, and the desmosomal plaque appeared well preserved and were notably resistant to the various treatments employed. Fractions containing desmosome-tonofilament complexes were invariably dominated by the nonmembranous proteins of the tonofilaments which appeared as five major polypeptide bands (apparent molecular weights: 48,000; 51,000; 58,000; 60,000; 68,000) present in molar ratios of approx. 2:1:1:2:2. Four of these polypeptide bands showed electrophoretic mobilities similar to those of prekeratin polypeptides from bovine hoof. However, the largest polypeptide (68,000 mol wt) migrated significantly less in polyacrylamide gels than the largest component of the hoof prekeratin (~ 63,000 mol wt). In addition, a series of minor bands, including carbohydrate-containing proteins, were identified and concluded to represent constituents of the desmosomal membrane. The analysis of protein-bound carbohydrates (total 270 μg/mg phospholipid in desmosomeenriched desmosome-enriched showed the presence of relatively high amounts of glucosamine, mannose, galactose, and sialic acids. These data as well as the lipid composition (e.g. high ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids, relatively high contents of sphingomyelin and gangliosides, and fatty acid pattern) indicate that the desmosomal membrane is complex in protein and lipid composition and has a typical plasma membrane character. The similarity of the desmosome-associated tonofilaments to prekeratin filaments and other forms of intermediate-sized filaments is discussed.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Transmembrane protein PERP is a component of tessellate junctions and of other junctional and non-junctional plasma membrane regions in diverse epithelial and epithelium-derived cells

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    Protein PERP (p53 apoptosis effector related to PMP-22) is a small (21.4 kDa) transmembrane polypeptide with an amino acid sequence indicative of a tetraspanin character. It is enriched in the plasma membrane and apparently contributes to cell-cell contacts. Hitherto, it has been reported to be exclusively a component of desmosomes of some stratified epithelia. However, by using a series of newly generated mono- and polyclonal antibodies, we show that protein PERP is not only present in all kinds of stratified epithelia but also occurs in simple, columnar, complex and transitional epithelia, in various types of squamous metaplasia and epithelium-derived tumors, in diverse epithelium-derived cell cultures and in myocardial tissue. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy allow us to localize PERP predominantly in small intradesmosomal locations and in variously sized, junction-like peri- and interdesmosomal regions (“tessellate junctions”), mostly in mosaic or amalgamated combinations with other molecules believed, to date, to be exclusive components of tight and adherens junctions. In the heart, PERP is a major component of the composite junctions of the intercalated disks connecting cardiomyocytes. Finally, protein PERP is a cobblestone-like general component of special plasma membrane regions such as the bile canaliculi of liver and subapical-to-lateral zones of diverse columnar epithelia and upper urothelial cell layers. We discuss possible organizational and architectonic functions of protein PERP and its potential value as an immunohistochemical diagnostic marker