492 research outputs found

    Heavy Z': resonant versus non-resonant searches

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    Collider searches for new vector-like particles such as Z' have mostly been pursued by looking for a peak in the invariant mass spectrum of the decay products. However off-shell Z' exchange may leave an imprint on other kinematic distributions, leading thus to non-resonant searches. The aim of this paper is to assess, in the context of the LHC, the interplay between resonant (s-channel) and non-resonant (t-channel) searches for a generic leptophobic Z' model. We show in particular that while non-resonant searches are less sensitive to small couplings, they tend to be more adapted at high masses and large couplings. We discuss our findings both at the level of the current limits and the expectations at higher luminosities

    BMSSM Higgses at 125 GeV

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    The BMSSM framework is an effective theory approach that encapsulates a variety of extensions beyond the MSSM with which it shares the same field content. The lightest Higgs mass can be much heavier than in the MSSM without creating a tension with naturalness or requiring superheavy stops. The phenomenology of the Higgs sector is at the same time much richer. We critically review the properties of a Higgs with mass around 125GeV in this model. In particular, we investigate how the rates in the important inclusive 2 photons channel, the 2 photons + 2 jets and the ZZ to 4 leptons (and/or WW) can be enhanced or reduced compared to the standard model and what kind of correlations between these rates are possible. We consider both a vanilla model where stops have moderate masses and do not mix and a model with large mixing and a light stop. We show that in both cases there are scenarios that lead to enhancements in these rates at a mass of 125GeV corresponding either to the lightest Higgs or the heaviest CP-even Higgs of the model. In all of these scenarios we study the prospects of finding other signatures either of the 125GeV Higgs or those of the heavier Higgses. In most cases the \oo{\tau}\tau channels are the most promising. Exclusion limits from the recent LHC Higgs searches are folded in our analyses while the tantalising hints for a Higgs signal at 125GeV are used as an example of how to constrain the BMSSM and/or direct future searches.Comment: 21 p v1 Tevatron result added in addendum, typo

    Relic density calculations beyond tree-level, exact calculations versus effective couplings: the ZZ final state

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    The inferred value of the relic density from cosmological observations has reached a precision that is akin to that of the LEP precision measurements. This level of precision calls for the evaluation of the annihilation cross sections of dark matter that goes beyond tree-level calculations as currently implemented in all codes for the computation of the relic density. In supersymmetry radiative corrections are known to be large and thus must be implemented. Full one-loop radiative corrections for many annihilation processes have been performed. It is important to investigate whether the bulk of these corrections can be parameterised through an improved Born approximation that can be implemented as a selection of form factors to a tree-level code. This paper is a second in a series that addresses this issue. After having provided these form factors for the annihilation of the neutralinos into fermions, which cover the case of a bino-like LSP (Lightest Supersymmetric Particle), we turn our attention here to a higgsino-like dark matter candidate through its annihilation into ZZZZ. We also investigate the cases of a mixed LSP. In all cases we compare the performance of the form factor approach with the result of a full one-loop correction. We also study the issue of the renormalisation scheme dependence. An illustration of the phenomenon of non decoupling of the heavy sfermions that takes place for the annihilation of the lightest neutralino into ZZZZ is also presented.Comment: 20

    Higgs couplings beyond the Standard Model

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    We consider the Higgs boson decay processes and its production, and provide a parameterisation tailored for testing models of new physics beyond the Standard Model. We also compare our formalism to other existing parameterisations based on scaling factors in front of the couplings and to effective Lagrangian approaches. Different formalisms allow to best address different aspects of the Higgs boson physics. The choice of a particular parameterisation depends on a non-obvious balance of quantity and quality of the available experimental data, envisaged purpose for the parameterisation and degree of model independence, importance of the radiative corrections, scale at which new particles appear explicitly in the physical spectrum. At present only simple parameterisations with a limited number of fit parameters can be performed, but this situation will improve with the forthcoming experimental LHC data. Detailed fits can only be performed by the experimental collaborations at present, as the full information on the different decay modes is not completely available in the public domain. It is therefore important that different approaches are considered and that the most detailed information is made available to allow testing the different aspects of the Higgs boson physics and the possible hints beyond the Standard Model.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. This version is an update including the most recent Higgs data and new fits to two extra model

    Higgs couplings: disentangling New Physics with off-shell measurements

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    After the discovery of a scalar resonance, resembling the Higgs boson, its couplings have been extensively studied via the measurement of various production and decay channels on the invariant mass peak. Recently, it has been suggested the possibility to use off-shell measurements: in particular, CMS has published results based on the high- invariant mass cross section of the process gg→ZZgg \to ZZ, which contains the contribution of the Higgs. While this measurement has been interpreted as a constraint on the Higgs width after very specific assumptions are taken on the Higgs couplings, in this letter we show that a much more model-independent interpretation is possible.Comment: 6pp, 1 figur

    One-loop corrections, uncertainties and approximations in neutralino annihilations: Examples

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    The extracted value of the relic density has reached the few per-cent level precision. One can therefore no longer content oneself with calculations of this observable where the annihilation processes are computed at tree-level, especially in supersymmetry where radiative corrections are usually large. Implementing full one-loop corrections to all annihilation processes that would be needed in a scan over parameters is a daunting task. On the other hand one may ask whether the bulk of the corrections are taken into account through effective couplings of the neutralino that improve the tree-level calculation and would be easy to implement. We address this issue by concentrating in this first study on the neutralino coupling to i) fermions and sfermions and ii) Z. After constructing the effective couplings we compare their efficiency compared to the full one-loop calculation and comment on the failures and success of the approach. As a bonus we point out that large non decoupling effects of heavy sfermions could in principle be measured in the annihilation process, a point of interest in view of the latest limit on the squark masses from the LHC. We also comment on the scheme dependencies of the one-loop corrected results

    Barentin – Rue des Catillons

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    L’opération de fouille archéologique a été effectuée en amont à la réalisation d’un lotissement par la société Les Terrains Normands, sur les parcelles 25 et 26. Le site est localisé au nord-est de la commune de Barentin, ville du Pays de Caux, sur le rebord du plateau dominant la vallée de l’Austreberthe, petit affluent de la Seine.La superficie ouverte est de 5 462 m2 répartis en 4 zones. Au total, ce sont 115 structures excavées (dont sept annulées) qui ont été mises au jour. La fouille a..

    Higgs couplings as a probe of New Physics

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    We consider the Higgs boson decay processes and its production and provide a parameterisation tailored for testing models of new physics. The choice of a particular parameterisation depends on a non-obvious balance of quantity and quality of the available experimental data, envisaged purpose for the parameterisation and degree of model independence. At present only simple parameterisations with a limited number of fit parameters can be performed, but this situation will improve with the forthcoming experimental LHC data. It is therefore important that different approaches are considered and that the most detailed information is made available to allow testing the different aspects of the Higgs boson physics and the possible hints beyond the Standard Model.Comment: 4p, Proceeding for HPNP 2013, Toyama, Feb. 2013; based on arXiv:1210.812
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