3,170 research outputs found

    A note on a core catcher of a cooperative game

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    In Driessen (1986) it is shown that for games satisfying a certain condition the core of the game is included in the convex hull of the set of certain marginal worth vectors of the game, while it is conjectured that the inclusion holds without any condition on the game. In this note it is proved that the inclusion holds for all games

    Associated consistency and values for TU games

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    In the framework of the solution theory for cooperative transferable utility games, Hamiache axiomatized the well-known Shapley value as the unique one-point solution verifying the inessential game property, continuity, and associated consistency. The purpose of this paper is to extend Hamiache's axiomatization to the class of efficient, symmetric, and linear values, of which the Shapley value is the most important representative. For this enlarged class of values, explicit relationships to the Shapley value are exploited in order to axiomatize such values with reference to a slightly adapted inessential game property, continuity, and a similar associated consistency. The latter axiom requires that the solutions of the initial game and its associated game (with the same player set, but a different characteristic function) coincide

    A multiplicative potential approach to solutions for cooperative TU-games

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    Concerning the solution theory for cooperative games with transferable utility, it is well-known that the Shapley value is the most appealing representative of the family of (not necessarily efficient) game-theoretic solutions with an additive potential representation. This paper introduces a new solution concept, called Multiplicativily Proportional (MPMP) value, that can be regarded as the counterpart of the Shapley value if the additive potential approach to the solution theory is replaced by a multiplicative potential approach in that the difference of two potential evaluations is replaced by its quotient. One out of two main equivalence theorems states that every solution with a multiplicative potential representation is equivalent to this specifically chosen efficient value in that the solution of the initial game coincides with the MPMP value of an auxiliary game. The associated potential function turns out to be of a multiplicative form (instead of an additive form) with reference to the worth of all the coalitions. The second equivalence theorem presents four additional characterizations of solutions that admit a multiplicative potential representation, e.g., preservation of discrete ratios or path independence

    A potential approach to solutions for set games

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    Concerning the solution theory for set games, the paper introduces a new solution by allocating, to any player, the items (taken from an universe) that are attainable for the player, but can not be blocked (by any coalition not containing the player). The resulting value turns out to be an utmost important concept for set games to characterize the family of set game solutions that possess a so-called potential representation (similar to the potential approaches applied in both physics and cooperative game theory). An axiomatization of the new value, called Driessen--Sun value, is given by three properties, namely one type of an efficiency property, the substitution property and one type of a monotonocity property

    A uniform approach to semi-marginalistic values for set games

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    Concerning the solution theory for set games, the paper focuses on a family of solutions, each of which allocates to any player some type of marginalistic contribution with respect to any coalition containing the player. Here the marginalistic contribution may be interpreted as an individual one, or a coalitionally one. For any value of the relevant family, an axiomatization is given by three properties, namely one type of an efficiency property, the substitution property and one type of a monotonocity property. We present two proof techniques, each of which is based on the decomposition of any arbitrary set game into a union of either simple set games or elementary set games, the solutions of which are much easier to determine. A simple respectively elementary set game is associated with an arbitrary, but fixed item of the universe respectively coalition

    Matrix approach to the Shapley value and dual similar associated consistency

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    Replacing associated consistency in Hamiache's axiom system by dual similar associated consistency, we axiomatize the Shapley value as the unique value verifying the inessential game property, continuity and dual similar associated consistency. Continuing the matrix analysis for Hamiache's axiomatization of the Shapley value, we construct the dual similar associated game and introduce the dual similar associated transformation matrix MλDShM_\lambda^{DSh} as well. In the game theoretic framework we show that the dual game of the dual similar associated game is Hamiache's associated game of the dual game. For the purpose of matrix analysis, we derive the similarity relationship MλDSh=QMλQ1M_\lambda^{DSh}=QM_\lambda Q^{-1} between the dual similar associated transformation matrix MλDShM_\lambda^{DSh} and associated transformation matrix MλM_\lambda for Hamiache's associated game, where the transformation matrix QQ represents the duality operator on games. This similarity of matrices transfers associated consistency into dual similar associated consistency, and also implies the inessential property for the limit game of the convergent sequence of repeated dual similar associated games. We conclude this paper with three tables summarizing all matrix results

    Low-cost multimode waveguide couplers for multimode fiber-based local area networks

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    Novel, ultra-compact multimode fiber-matched integrated optical 1×2, 1×3 and 2×2 couplers with low excess losses and large tolerances have been designed and simulated using a fully three-dimensional beam propagation metho

    Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides for Application in the Local Area Network and Optical Interconnects.

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    We report the fabrication of multimode polymeric waveguides using spin coating, photolithography, and reactive ion etching. Different layer structures have been used, e.g., a UV curable resin is used as a core layer and PMMA as a lower and upper cladding. The layer systems can be spun with good uniformity with thicknesses matching multimode fiber dimensions, and smooth waveguide side-walls have been obtained after etching. The measured performance of these waveguides demonstrates that low-loss waveguides can be fabricated cheaply. The waveguides are used in the realization of novel compact multimode power splitters and star couplers

    Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides and Devices in SU-8 Photoresist Using Selective Polymerization.

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    Large cross section multimode waveguides have been realized in SU-8 using selective polymerization. SU-8 is a negative photoresist, which has shown good optical properties and it is mechanically and chemically stable. The fabricated waveguides have very smooth sidewalls and exhibit low optical losses. The fabrication method is simple and potentially very cost effective. N x N and 1 x N multimode power splitters have been realized using this fabrication technology