4 research outputs found

    Discovery of an enzyme and substrate selective inhibitor of ADAM10 using an exosite-binding glycosylated substrate

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    ADAM10 and ADAM17 have been shown to contribute to the acquired drug resistance of HER2-positive breast cancer in response to trastuzumab. The majority of ADAM10 and ADAM17 inhibitor development has been focused on the discovery of compounds that bind the active site zinc, however, in recent years, there has been a shift from active site to secondary substrate binding site (exosite) inhibitor discovery in order to identify non-zinc-binding molecules. In the present work a glycosylated, exosite-binding substrate of ADAM10 and ADAM17 was utilized to screen 370,276 compounds from the MLPCN collection. As a result of this uHTS effort, a selective, time-dependent, non-zinc-binding inhibitor of ADAM10 with Ki = 883 nM was discovered. This compound exhibited low cell toxicity and was able to selectively inhibit shedding of known ADAM10 substrates in several cell-based models. We hypothesize that differential glycosylation of these cognate substrates is the source of selectivity of our novel inhibitor. The data indicate that this novel inhibitor can be used as an in vitro and, potentially, in vivo, probe of ADAM10 activity. Additionally, results of the present and prior studies strongly suggest that glycosylated substrate are applicable as screening agents for discovery of selective ADAM probes and therapeutics

    Synchrotron-microtomographic studies of normal and pathological cranial sutures - a further insight

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    ADAM17 is implicated in several debilitating diseases. However, drug discovery efforts targeting ADAM17 have failed due to the utilization of zinc-binding inhibitors. We previously reported discovery of highly selective nonzinc-binding exosite-targeting inhibitors of ADAM17 that exhibited not only enzyme isoform selectivity but synthetic substrate selectivity as well ( J. Biol. Chem. 2013, 288, 22871). As a result of SAR studies presented herein, we obtained several highly selective ADAM17 inhibitors, six of which were further characterized in biochemical and cell-based assays. Lead compounds exhibited low cellular toxicity and high potency and selectivity for ADAM17. In addition, several of the leads inhibited ADAM17 in a substrate-selective manner, which has not been previously documented for inhibitors of the ADAM family. These findings suggest that targeting exosites of ADAM17 can be used to obtain highly desirable substrate-selective inhibitors. Additionally, current inhibitors can be used as probes of biological activity of ADAM17 in various in vitro and, potentially, in vivo systems