2,298 research outputs found

    Globalization, Economic Freedom and Human Rights

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    Using the KOF Index of Globalization and two indices of economic freedom, we empirically analyze whether globalization and economic liberalization affect governments’ respect for human rights using a panel of 106 countries over the 1981-2004 period. According to our results, physical integrity rights significantly and robustly increase with globalization and economic freedom, while empowerment rights are not robustly affected. Due to the lack of consensus about the appropriate level of empowerment rights as compared to the outright rejection of any violation of physical integrity rights, the global community is presumably less effective in promoting empowerment rights.human rights, globalization, economic freedom, liberalization

    The worth of anonymous feedback

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    Prima facie it is accepted that anonymity is an important feature of eLearning systems. It is easy to implement. But this simplicity belies its more serious implications, especially regarding the worth which can be attached to results derived from the interpretation and analysis of anonymously collected data. A sample of eLearning implementation cases is reviewed from the point of view of anonymously collected data for evaluation of educational quality. A reiteration of an earlier analysis of levels of anonymity leads to the introduction of the Anonymity-Purpose-Worth matrix. It is contended that if the matrix is used to characterise the data collection and analysis in eLearning evaluation settings, the worth of feedback can be better appraised and acted upon. Practitioners, researchers, and students in the eLearning field will benefit as the anonymity conditions will be clearly documented in a standardised and comparable manner

    Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs

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    NGO aid is still widely believed to be superior to official aid (ODA). However, the incentives of NGOs to excel and target aid to the poor and deserving are increasingly disputed. We contribute to the emerging literature on the allocation of NGO aid by performing panel Tobit estimations for Swiss NGOs. The analysis offers new insights in two major regards: First, we cover the allocation of both self-financed and officially co-financed aid for a large panel of NGOs and recipient countries. Second, by classifying each NGO according to its financing structure, we address the unresolved question of whether financial dependence on the government impairs the targeting of NGO aid. It turns out that NGOs mimic the state as well as NGO peers. Officially refinanced NGOs are more inclined to imitate the allocation of ODA. However, the degree of financial dependence does not affect the poverty orientation of NGO aid and the incentives of NGOs to engage in easier environments. The allocation of self-financed aid differs in several respects from the allocation of officially co-financed aid, including the role of financial dependence for imitating the state and herding among NGOs

    Game-based e-learning applications of e-tester

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    Adaptive E-Learning systems may be a supportive solution for a wide range of learning applications. In order to complement common learning paradigms in computer-based education the digital game-based learning paradigm is an interesting alternative, through which we can increase motivation, intrigue learners for a new or a previously boring subject, and provide another, more relaxing environment for self-assessment and testing. Despite of these advantages, one main shortcoming is that the creation of game stories and curriculum-relevant game content is an enormous workload for teachers and learning content providers. In order to reduce the learning game creation effort, we propose an enhanced digital game-based learning approach by applying a flexible game shell in combination with auto-generated questions based on the course content and automatic assessment of natural language answers. On the basis of requirements within the AdeLE research project and application scenarios, our development approach as well as the first prototype implementation are highlighted. First experiences and tests based on the prototype implementation are promising

    Liberdade e vontade: Schelling, leitor de Lutero

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    After a general introduction to the subject, a fundamental problem is identified for any comparative study of Schelling and Luther, namely the issue of necessity and freedom in the understandings of both human being and God. In this connection, a discussion ensues concerning, first, he concept of human beings as free and grounded their own will. This step brings to light the anthropological and ethical core into which positive theology and speculative philosophy may prima facie converge. Varying specificities and assumptions are also detected insofar as they both bring near, and keep apart, Luther’s and Schelling’s perspectives as they arise from their different contexts and interests. Among those assumptions is the struggle for the specific contours and place of the concept of God as it moves, noticeably so in the case of Schelling, between theism and a pantheism of freedom and the will. Eventually the conclusion is drawn that Schelling’s stance, though close enough to Luther’s, reflects a rather indirect reading which, concerning the essentials, goes well beyond the latter’s starting point and goal.A presente contribuição reproduz, sem grandes mudanças de conteĂșdo e estilo, a conferĂȘncia de abertura da 45ÂȘ Semana de Filosofia da UnB. ApĂłs uma aproximação geral ao tema, delineia-se um problema fundamental para o estudo comparativo de Schelling e Lutero: aquele da necessidade e liberdade na compreensĂŁo do  ser humano e de Deus. Quanto a isso, aborda-se primeiro o conceito do humano como ser de liberdade e fundado na prĂłpria vontade. Este traz à luz o cerne antropolĂłgico e Ă©tico em que teologia positiva e filosofia especulativa à primeira vista podem convergir. Por outro lado, mostram-se especificidades e pressupostos de fundo que tanto aproximam quanto distanciam as perspectivas de Lutero e de Schelling, a partir de seus respectivos contextos e interesses. Entre estes pressupostos, estĂĄ a luta pela especificidade e lugar do conceito de Deus à medida que, ao menos no caso de Schelling, move-se entre teĂ­smo e panteĂ­smo da liberdade e da vontade. Conclui-se que a posição de Schelling, embora prĂłxima daquela de Lutero, reflete  uma leitura antes indireta, e no essencial sobrepujante, que em muito excede o ponto de  partida e chegada de Lutero

    A teologia como um certo habitar das projeçÔes

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    Um exercĂ­cio concreto de teologia hoje na AmĂ©rica Latina, fazendo uso de categorias das modernas teorias do discurso, temos no artigo de LuĂ­s Henrique Dreher, professor na Universidade de Juiz de Fora (MG). Seu tema Ă© "A Teologia como um Certo Habitar das ProjeçÔes”. Dreher analisa a teologia a partir das possibilidades e dos enclausuramentos do seu discurso, interagindo tambĂ©m com a prĂĄtica da teologia na AmĂ©rica Latina nas Ășltimos dĂ©cadas
