24 research outputs found

    Improving the Imbalanced Global Supply Chain of Phosphorus Fertilizers

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    The unbalanced use of phosphorus fertilizers at the global scale has resulted in phosphorus fertilizer scarcity in less developed areas as well as eutrophication problems in developed and large emerging countries. Historically, the uneven distribution of phosphate rock has been regarded as the major reason for this unbalanced use. However, the international trade of commodities may also play an important role in the unbalanced use of phosphorus fertilizers. By tracing the trade flows of commodities, we found that nearly 5.2 Tg of phosphorus fertilizer was embodied in traded commodities, which were mainly exported from large emerging countries (with low phosphorus use efficiencies) to developed countries (e.g., the US, Western Europe and Japan, commonly with high phosphorus use efficiencies). Furthermore, among the 5.2 Tg of phosphorus fertilizer embodied in traded commodities, 2.5 Tg was embodied in the trade of commodities from industry, construction, and services. Our results indicate that this trade pattern could create substantial mutual benefits if improvements are made to the phosphorus supply chain. With technology transfer and financial support from developed countries, large emerging countries could use phosphorus fertilizers more efficiently, thereby reducing the risk of eutrophication and lowering the cost of agricultural production. The phosphorus fertilizers saved by large emerging countries could be partially used to enhance food production in Sub‐Saharan African countries. This optimized supply chain could reduce eutrophication, conserve phosphate rock resources, and enhance global agricultural production

    Preferred future phosphorus scenarios: a framework for meeting long-term phosphorus needs for global food demand

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    This paper puts phosphorus recovery in a global sustainability context, with particular reference to future phosphate rock scarcity and global food security. While phosphorus fertilizers are essential for sustaining high crop yields, all modern agricultural systems currently rely on constant input of mined phosphate rock. However, phosphate rock, like oil, is a finite resource, and global production of high quality phosphate rock is estimated to peak by 2033, after which demand for phosphorus fertilizers will increasingly exceed supply. Phosphorus cannot be manufactured; though fortunately there are a number of technologies and practices that together could potentially meet long-term future phosphate fertilizer needs for global food demand. This paper develops probable, possible and preferred long-term scenarios for supply and demand-side measures. The preferred scenarios together demonstrate how substantial reduction in demand for phosphorus can be achieved, and how the remaining demand can be met through high recovery and reuse of organic sources like human and animal excreta (e.g. direct reuse, struvite crystals), crop residues, food waste and new sources like seaweed, ash, bonemeal and some phosphate rock

    Zrównoważone rolnictwo: badanie percepcji i praktyk rolników w zakresie zarządzania składnikami pokarmowymi i zmniejszania ucieczki nutrientów

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    The paper presents the results of a scientific project focused on limiting nutrient losses from farms by introducing measures to apply fertilizers in a more sustainable way. It is a case study of selected aspects of farm management, focussing on the issue of sustainable agriculture and their tools. The main aim of the study was to analyse and evaluate farmers’ knowledge of the fertilizing process and its aspects, as well as applying sustainable agricultural activities on farms. The study emphasised the importance of nutrient management, as very important for sustainable farming. Also, the links between farmers’ opinions and their activities were analysed. The important issue concerned measures for sustainable farm management introduced on the farms, as well as measures to limit nutrient leaching into groundwater. Twenty-eight farmers from two regions in Poland were interviewed about their perceptions for the case study. In general, the farmers considered their farm activities to be more sustainable than in the past. They demonstrated an understanding of the general idea of sustainable agriculture. However, many farmers still demonstrated a poor grasp of nutrient flows and nutrient balances on farms. Their knowledge and perception was based on general, rather than specific knowledge gleaned from an academic/ vocational course. The farmers demonstrated a realization that there were some new, or low-cost measures that could be introduced to make management more sustainable and pro-environmental, but there was still a need for wider adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.W pracy przedstawiono wybrane wyniki polsko-szwedzkiego projektu badawczego, realizowanego w latach 2013–2016, dotyczącego upowszechniania metod zmniejszania strat składników odżywczych w gospodarstwach rolnych oraz narzędzi służących zarządzaniu składnikami nawozowymi w sposób bardziej racjonalny i zrównoważony. W badaniu wzięło udział 28 rolników z dwóch województw Polski. Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu była analiza i ocena sposobów zarządzania gospodarstwem rolnym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów rolnictwa zrównoważonego. Nacisk został położony przede wszystkim na zarządzanie składnikami pokarmowymi, jako jeden z najważniejszych czynników rolnictwa zrównoważonego. Analizie poddano opinie rolników na temat zależności między procesami nawożenia a zanieczyszczeniem wody, a następnie także zweryfikowano ich działania prowadzone w gospodarstwach rolnych. Istotną część analizy stanowiły wybrane narzędzia zrównoważonego zarządzania gospodarstwem rolnym, wdrożone w badanych gospodarstwach, jak również wybrane metody zmniejszania ucieczki składników pokarmowych do wód powierzchniowych. Przeprowadzone badania dają podstawy do stwierdzenia, że – mimo wzrostu świadomości rolników – nadal wielu z nich nie dysponuje specjalistyczną wiedzą w zakresie obiegu składników pokarmowych oraz bilansów składników w swoich gospodarstwach. Wiedza rolników i ich percepcja w dużej mierze bazuje na wiedzy ogólnej lub wynika z własnego doświadczenia. Dzięki wdrożonemu projektowi rolnicy uświadomili sobie istnienie nowych, bezkosztowych sposobów gospodarowania, które można wdrożyć w celu prowadzenia bardziej zrównoważonej produkcji rolnej. Nadal jednak istnieje duża potrzeba upowszechniania zrównoważonych praktyk w rolnictwie, w tym również przez agencje rolnicze i okołorolnicze, jak i instytucje doradcze, które powinny szczególnie podkreślać wagę tego zagadnienia we wszystkich swoich działaniach

    Wastewater Composition and Generation

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