22 research outputs found

    Assessment mission report Nigeria

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    Assessment report and training needs for port information technology and oil spill preparedness in Nigeria for the MARENDA project.https://commons.wmu.se/marenda/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Assessment mission report Ghana

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    Assessment report and training needs for port information technology and oil spill preparedness in Ghana for the MARENDA project.https://commons.wmu.se/marenda/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Assessment mission report Cameroon

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    Assessment report and training needs for port information technology and oil spill preparedness in Cameroon for the MARENDA project.https://commons.wmu.se/marenda/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Rapport de la Mission d\u27évaluation Senegal

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    Rapport d\u27évaluation et besoins en formation pour la technologie de l\u27information portuaire et la préparation au déversement d\u27hydrocarbures au Senegal pour le projet MARENDA.https://commons.wmu.se/marenda/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Rapport de la Mission d\u27Evaluation Cameroun

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    Rapport d\u27évaluation et besoins en formation pour la technologie de l\u27information portuaire et la préparation au déversement d\u27hydrocarbures au Cameroun pour le projet MARENDA.https://commons.wmu.se/marenda/1003/thumbnail.jp