10 research outputs found

    Multilocus phylogeny reveals <i>Gibsmithia hawaiiensis</i> (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta) to be a species complex from the Indo-Pacific, with the proposal of <i>G. eilatensis</i> sp. nov.

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    Gibsmithia hawaiiensis is a peculiar red alga characterized by furry gelatinous lobes arising from a cartilaginous stalk. The species has been recorded from tropical reef systems throughout the Indo-Pacific. A multilocus phylogeny (UPA, rbcL, COI-5P) of 36 specimens collected throughout the species distribution range, showed high genetic diversity at species level. Two major groups were identified, each consisting of multiple lineages. Genetic variability was low in the Hawaiian Islands and the northern Red Sea and high in the Western Indian Ocean and the Coral Triangle, where lineages overlap in distribution. Genetic distances suggest that G. hawaiiensis represents a complex of five cryptic species, with no difference observed in the external morphology corresponding to separate lineages. Anatomical and reproductive differences were observed at the microscopic level for the lineage from the Red Sea, which is here described as G. eilatensis sp. nov. The geographic range of the species complex is here expanded to include Madagascar, the Red Sea and the Indo-Malay region, and the generitype seems endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Algal diversity on coral reef systems is discussed from a conservation perspective using G. hawaiiensis as an example

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    Resolving phenotypic plasticity and species designation in the morphologically challenging Caulerpa racemosa-peltatacomplex (Chlorophyta, Caulerpaceae)

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    Although recent molecular studies have indicated the presence of a number of distinct species within the Caulerpa racemosa-peltata complex, due to the difficulties presented by high levels of phenotypic plasticity and the large number of synonyms, infra-specific taxa, and names of uncertain affinity, taxonomic proposals are yet to be made. In this study, we aimed to resolve the taxonomy of the complex and provide an example of how historical nomenclature can best be integrated into molecular based taxonomies. We accomplished this by first determining the number of genetic species within our globally sampled data set through a combination of phylogenetic and species-delimitation approaches of partial elongation factor TU and RUBISCO large subunit gene sequences. Guided by these results, comparative morphological examinations were then undertaken to gauge the extent of phenotypic plasticity within each species, as well as any morphological overlap between them. Our results revealed the presence of 11 distinct species within the complex, five of which showed high levels of phenotypic plasticity and partial overlap with other species. On the basis of observations of a large number of specimens, including type specimens/descriptions, and geographic inferences, we were able to confidently designate names for the lineages. Caulerpa peltata, C. imbricata and C. racemosa vars. laetevirens, occidentalis and turbinata were found to represent environmentally induced forms of a single species, for which the earlier-described C. chemnitzia, previously regarded as a synonym of C. racemosa var. turbinata, is reinstated. C. cylindracea, C. lamourouxii, C. macrodisca, C. nummularia and C. oligophylla are also reinstated and two new species, C. macra stat. nov. and C. megadisca sp. nov., are proposed

    Molecular diversity of the Caulerpa racemosa-Caulerpa peltata complex (Caulerpaceae, Bryopsidales) in New Caledonia, with new Australasian records for C. racemosa var. cylindracea

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    Molecular characterization (plastid-encoded tufA gene) of New Caledonian members of the Caulerpa racemosa-Caulerpa peltata complex identified five lineages, each possibly harboring multiple species-level entities. On a global scale, the complex encompassed six lineages, two of which were pantropical and the remainder seemingly were restricted to the Judo-Pacific basin. Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, a fast-spreading introduced taxon in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands, was previously thought to be restricted to southwestern Australia; it was newly reported here for New Caledonia and several northern Australian locations, including the Great Barrier Reef