25 research outputs found


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    To evaluate a nation’s competitivity, we have to take into consideration a large number of variables. The difficulty does not exist in the number of factors, but in how you treat them, considering that some of them have an effectively qualitative determination (the style and the capacity of the managers, quality of the products, etc). Their quantification is not easy; especially since it cannot be accomplished unless we use some indicators which take into account the prices, costs, wages, productivities, investments and exports.competitivity, Business Competitiveness Index, Growth Competitiveness Index, Global Competitiveness Index


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    In modern and democratic society conditions, which is characterized by a multitude of economic doctrines, as a reflection of the multitude of parties system that exists, economic policies are directed and appreciated in comparison with the main doctrinaire currents in social and economic life. But, solving social and economic problems can not offer the expected results by using only the economic policies generated by the classical and neo-classical theories thus being necessary the emerging and development of some new theories.settling up; commercial transaction; international economical globalization; internalization; GATT/OMC;


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    This article approaches the problem of competitiveness and aims to outline the place of our country from the point of view of competitiveness as opposed to other countries; this analysis is carried out at a global level. One can notice that our country has a pretty low position in the world competitiveness classification, this position being influenced by a series of factors, as for example: underground economy and corruption, taxes, inefficient agriculture and high interests. In spite of these, there are still some factors which can improve this position, for which Romania has registered some significant progresses in the last years.competitiveness, World Competitiveness Yearbook, IMD

    The reconstruction of the institutional system during the process of transition to the market economy

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    In the socio-economic system, the institutions represent a real structural frame on which the entire economic edifice is standing, inclusively the mechanism of functioning of the economy. The economic processes cannot take place in a normal way without an institutional system made up of a complex network of rules and organizations. Because the transition to the market economy also implies the edification of a new institutional system based on new principles and realities, one also imposes a theoretical and practical analysis of the institutions, of their transformation and adaptation to the new circumstances in order to make the normal economic life possible.institutional system, transition, reform, privatization


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    This paper aims to briefly present the effects of the financial and economic crisis in Romania in respect of the monetary developments and their impact on competitiveness, on firms involved in foreign trade on international market. All the analysis is undertaken in the general framework of the monetary integration process envisaging the Euro adoption, and in the context of actions of the Romanian National Bank as part of the foreign exchange and monetary policy strategy. Due to constant preoccupation from the most important monetary institution, the Romanian Leu has performed rather well compared to rest of the macroeconomic picture and seems to drag forward the whole set of other indicators, including economic aspects such as competitiveness. The connection between the foreign exchange rate and competitiveness can be best depicted in the effects on exporting firms.exchange rate, competitiveness, monetary integration

    The Costs of the Sustainable Development at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium

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    Presently the climate changes at a global level show, from the point of view of the effects that they generate a great importance. The real threat for the human survival is not the terrorism, but the climate changes determined by the global warmth. In this article starting from the definition of the concept sustainable development and of the theoretical preoccupations and practices from this field, we would like to approach some aspects related to the costs that the humankind has to bear at the beginning of this millennium in order to fight against the global warming. The different environment projects are very expensive and produce effects in time. Because, these projects were not treated as they should be, the humankind faces now a situation where important financial resources have to be used in order to solve the environment problems. In other words, one has to solve the environment problems from the past in order to produce in a competitive way for the future.sustainable development, Kyoto protocol, carbon credits


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    The increasing productivity of production factors, due to progresses in science and technology is today the engine of economic growth. The economic theory managed to endogenize the technical progress, first as a result of the unintended activities of firms, then as the result of profit driven behaviour of economic agents. In globalization the stock of knowledge becomes available also to developing countries and the production technologies and their employment are more democratic regarding the availability. For the developing countries it still remains the problem of financial resources and availability. Developing new technologies has a prohibitive costs, at least until the moment in which large scale production allows for the reduction of costs. Long term economic growth will depend on the creation of global technology stock, including the leverage effect of sustained R&D. In this paper we will approach the progress of Romania in the area of knowledge base economy, especially regarding the policies in the R&D sector.knowledge economy, economic growth, research&development

    Is China’s economic growth a danger for others economies?

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    Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpasses that of the U.S. in purchasing power terms between 2012 and 2015; by 2025, China is likely to be the world's largest economic power by almost any measure. The extrapolations are supported by two types of considerations. First, China’s growth patterns of the past 25 years since the beginning of economic reforms match well those identified by standard economic development and trade theories (structural change, catching up, and factor price equalization).max. economic growth, growth accounting, growth forecasts, development theories, human capital formation


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    The increasing productivity of production factors, due to progresses in science and technology is today the engine of economic growth. The economic theory managed to endogenize the technical progress, first as a result of the unintended activities of firms, then as the result of profit driven behaviour of economic agents. In globalization the stock of knowledge becomes available also to developing countries and the production technologies and their employment are more democratic regarding the availability. For the developing countries it still remains the problem of financial resources and availability. Developing new technologies has a prohibitive costs, at least until the moment in which large scale production allows for the reduction of costs. Long term economic growth will depend on the creation of global technology stock, including the leverage effect of sustained RxD. In this paper we will approach the progress of Romania in the area of knowledge base economy, especially regarding the policies in the RxD sector


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    Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. is one of the most spectacular glacial relict species and rare species of Asteraceae family and one that suffered a significant decrease in Eurasia in the second half of the past century. L. sibirica dates from the Tardiglacial – early Postglacial period. It is of a great floristic, ecological, and phytogeographical importance (Paun and Popescu, 1971), being included in Annex II and IV of  the  Habitats  Directive and  in the IUCN  Red  List  of  Threatened  Species  as  DD (data deficient) (Bernhardt et al. 2011). According to the European Nature Information System species Natura 2000 data base (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu), Ligularia sibirica is a species of community importance  reported  from  32  Natura  2000  Sites  from  Romania, including our study protected area – ROSCI0323 Ciucului Mountains. In the study area we identified a large number of well-developed populations with large number of individuals but varies depending on the type of habitat and of the variation eco-pedo-climatic conditions. The populations of L. sibirica in this area are stable and well preserved. Following research in this area in the summer of 2019 found that: the soil humidity, nitrogen availability, temperature, and lighting are the ecological factors influencing the morphological features of L. sibirica populations. In the Salonca and Delnita basins this species grows in the following habitats: 3220 - Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks, CLAS. PAL.: 24.221 şi 24.222; 7110*  Active raised bogs, CLAS. PAL.: 51.1; 6430 - Hydrophilous tall-herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels, CLAS. PAL.: 37.7 şi 37.8; 6440 - Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii, CLAS. PAL.: 37.23; 6510 - Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis)] CLAS. PAL.: 38.2; 91E0* - Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae), CLAS. PAL.: 44.3, 44.2 şi 44.13 and 9410 - Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea), CLAS. PAL.: 42.21 up to 42.23, 42.25. (Mountford and Gafta, 2008; Niculescu, M., 2006