20 research outputs found

    A Model of Security Management System for Transportation Systems

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    The Transportation Systems Sector, a sector that comprises all modes of transportation (aviation, maritime, mass transit, highway, freight rail, and pipeline), is a vast, open, interdependent networked system that moves millions of passengers and millions of tons of goods. The transportation network is critical to both our way of life and economic vitality. Ensuring its security is a mission charged to all sector partners, including governments (national, regional, local) and private industry stake-holders. Transportation systems represent an important part of critical infrastructure. The security and safety of transportation influence all other social and industrial pro-cesses. Disruption of this system causes disruptions in all other segments of social life. Specific characteristics of this system which influence its security are: easy accessibility, interconnection and vastness. Hence, the tolerance of this system to malfunctions and security and safety risks is very low. In order to achieve security and safety, along with reliability, efficiency and punctuality of these systems we need to consider applying an 40integrated approach to security and safety management systems. Like many other criti-cal infrastructure sectors, the Transportation Systems Sector faces a dynamic landscape of potential natural disasters, accidents, and terrorist attacks. The terrorist threat poses special challenges. Taken together, the risk from terrorism and other hazards demands a coordinated approach involving all sector stakeholders. Stakeholders throughout the sector have been and continue to be actively developing methods to improve their oper-ational security and overall resilience. However, since the Transportation Systems Sec-tor is segmented by individual modes, an increased emphasis is needed on a risk-based approach across the entire transportation spectrum. Security management systems, by integrating security awareness throughout the organization and verifying compliance through quality assurance, can be a significant force in achieving the highest possible level of regulatory compliance. Specific security practices, training and audit functions within a security management system should all be built so as to ensure compliance with applicable national transportation security programs. As an attempt to deal with these problems, this paper presents an integrated approach to safety and security and a model of safety and security management system for transportation organizations

    Nacionalna bezbednost - alternative i perspektive

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    In this work author analyzed a modern concept of national security and alternatives to the concept that have appeared so far in contemporary theory and practice. The concept of human security that had emerged in the middle of nineties in last century has been estimated by many theoreticians as 'a finally found' alternative to a state-centered concept of national security that excluded a person- individual as a referential object of security defense. However, the states which have been among the first ones to have embraced this concept of human security and implemented it into their own security strategies and politics have not abandoned from their systems of national security at the same time. On the contrary, majority of these states have additionally strengthened their own armed forces, therefore in practice having established some sort of a middle form of these two concepts, that is being regarded as a basis for a new conceptualization of security.U radu se analizira savremeni koncept nacionalne bezbednosti i alternative koje se tom konceptu pojavljuju u savremenoj teoriji i praksi. Koncept ljudske bezbednosti koji se pojavio sredinom devedesetih godina proÅ”loga veka, mnogi teoretičari su dočekali kao 'napokon pronađenu ' alternativu državocentričnom konceptu nacionalne bezbednosti, koji je čoveka- pojedinca isključivao kao referentni objekat bezbednosne zaÅ”tite. Međutim, države koje su prve prihvatile koncept ljudske bezbednosti i uključile ga u svoje bezbednosne strategije i politike, nisu odustale od sistema nacionalne bezbednosti, naprotiv, većina tih država je dodatno ojačala svoje oružane snage, čime je u praksi uspostavljen, srednji put između ova dva koncepta, za koji smatramo da će biti osnova za novu konceptualizaciju bezbednosti

    Bezbednost i vrednosti

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    In this work there is analyzed an axiological dimension of security, or the role that the values have had in defining the notion of security and establishment of different security concepts. The values represent also the main criteria as the basis for constitution of national, social and human individual security, not only as different levels of security, but, also the concepts of security that have been based in different value systems. Author of the text underlined the problems of securitization and de-securitization of the values as a process putting certain social values into the focus of the security studies, and accordingly putting them into the focus of security strategy, or, on the other side, such process might exclude the values from the focus and thas, as a consequence, has significant implications on the whole system of security. National security emphasizes the state sovereignty and territorial integrity as its priority, as the main values that need to be the object of safety security. The state sovereignty and territorial integrity are the security notions of main significance, therefore here it is not the word about their securitization, but instead of it, these same notion, taking into consideration a concept of human individual security comprehended in a banal way, could be comprehended as de-secularized ones or, in other words, their significance as a security phenomenon could be lessened to some extent. Social security underlines the values of social groups that are not (do not represent) the state. Theoreticians supporting the concept of social security securitize the identity as the value that is supposed to represent the notion of safety security. Human individual security implies the security of the values of a human individual, as the values representing the notion of safety security. However, within the field of the security studies, there have been different understandings of the values relating to individual, that need to be secularized. The standpoints on the values in need of securitization within the field of human individual security range from the human rights to the crime and corruption, all the way to the global economy and the problems related to globalization.U radu se analizira aksioloÅ”ka dimenzija bezbednosti, odnosno uloga koju vrednosti imaju u definisanju pojma bezbednosti i izgradnji različitih bezbednosnih koncepata. Vrednosti predstavljaju i glavni kriterijum na osnovu koga se konstituiÅ”u nacionalna, socijetalna i ljudska bezbednost, ne samo kao različiti nivoi bezbednosti, već i kao koncepti bezbednosti koji se baziraju na različitim sistemima vrednosti. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se problemu sekuritizacije i desekuritizacije vrednosti, kao procesu koji određene druÅ”tvene vrednosti stavlja u fokus studija bezbednosti, a sledstveno tome i u bezbednosne strategije, ili ih iz tog fokusa isključuje, Å”to ima značajne implikacije na sveukupno stanje bezbednosti. Nacionalna bezbednost ističe državni suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet u prvi plan, kao glavne vrednosti koje treba da budu predmet bezbednosne zaÅ”tite. Državni suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet su bezbednosni pojmovi prvog reda, tako da ne može biti govora o njihovoj sekuritizaciji, već bi u vulgarno shvaćenom konceptu ljudske bezbednosti ti pojmovi mogli biti desekuritizovani, a u boljem slučaju, mogao bi se umanjiti njihov značaj kao bezbednosnih pojava. Socijetalna bezbednost u prvi plan stavlja vrednosti druÅ”tvenih grupa koje nisu država. Teoretičari koji zastupaju koncept socijetalne bezbednosti sekuritizuju identitet kao vrednost koja treba da predstavlja predmet bezbednosne zaÅ”tite. Ljudska bezbednost sekuritizuje vrednosti čoveka - pojedinca, kao vrednosti koje predstavljaju predmet bezbednosne zaÅ”tite. Međutim, u okviru studija bezbednosti postoje različita razumevanja koje su to vrednosti vezane uz pojedinca koje treba sekuritizovati. Stavovi o vrednostima koje treba sekuritizovati u okviru ljudske bezbednosti kreću se od ljudskih prava, preko kriminala i korupcije, pa sve do globalne ekonomije i problema vezanih uz globalizam

    Sistem nacionalne bezbednosti - pokuŔaj definisanja pojma

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    Contemporary security challenges, emerging in the areas of politics, economy finance, energy, ecology, religion, culture, informatics, and other areas of social life, impose a need for involving a greater number of state and social organizations in the activities that help foster the national security. In addition to increasing the number of the organizations addressing the national security issues, there is a need to respond to the security risks challenges and threats in a united and coordinated manner, which makes the notions of 'national security' and 'national security system' more complex. The paper basically presents an attempt to define the term 'national security System' and determine its scope, based on an analysis of its structure.Savremeni bezbednosni izazovi, koji se javljaju u oblastima politike ekonomije, finansija, energetike, ekologije, religije, kulture, informatike i drugih oblasti druÅ”tvenog života, nameću potrebu uključivanja većeg broja državnih i druÅ”tvenih organizacija u poslove kojima se osigurava nacionalna bezbednost. Pored povećavanja broja organizacija, koje se bave pitanjima nacionalne bezbednosti, postoji potreba da se na bezbednosne rizike izazove i pretnje odgovori na jedinstven i usklađen način Å”to dovodi do usložnjavanja pojmova 'nacionalna bezbednost' i 'sistem nacionalne bezbednosti'. Osnovni predmet rada jeste pokuÅ”aj da se definiÅ”e pojam 'sistem nacionalne bezbednosti' i da se odredi njegov sadržaj na osnovu analize njegove strukture

    Suverenitet i humanitarna intervencija

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    In this article author analyzed the notion of humanitarian intervention and its relation to the notion of the state sovereignty. Intervention into domestic affairs of one state for humanitarian purposes represents one of the most complex legal and political issues in modern international relations. There is no doubt that a drastic breach of human rights, the genocide and racial, national and religious discrimination of large proportions make for a necessary intervention of international community, that implies the violation of sovereignty of the state where the drastic crimes in question have occurred. However, the hitherto practice has shown that very often the humanitarian purposes have been used as a pretext for the intervention of completely different objectives often directly contrasted to the humanitarian causes itself, therefore putting the whole concept of humanitarian intervention under suspicion. In the article there are also presented several characteristic examples by which the author tried to clarify the notion of humanitarian intervention.U ovom radu razmatran je pojam humanitarna intervencija i njegov odnos prema pojmu državnog suvereniteta. Intervencija u unutraÅ”nje stvari jedne zemlje iz humanitarnih razloga predstavlja jedno od najsloženijih pravnih i političkih pitanja savremenih odnosa u međunarodnoj zajednici. Nema sumnje da teÅ”ko krÅ”enje ljudskih prava, genocid, rasna, nacionalna i verska diskriminacija većih razmera, čine neophodnom intervenciju međunarodne zajednice, koje podrazumeva naruÅ”avanje suvereniteta države u kojoj dolazi do tako teÅ”kih zloupotreba. Međutim, dosadaÅ”nja praksa pokazuje da su humanitarni razlozi često koriŔćeni kao izgovor za intervenciju koja je imala potpuno drugačije ciljeve, često direktno suprotstavljanje razlozima humanosti, Å”to ceo koncept humanitarnih intervencija stavlja pod ozbiljnu sumnju. U radu je navedeno i nekoliko karakterističnih primera kroz koje se pokuÅ”ava osvetliti pojam humanitarne intervencije

    Uloga ekonomske diplomatije u suočavanju Srbije sa izazovima ekonomske bezbednosti

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    Očuvanje globalne bezbednosti zahteva preventivno otklanjanje svih rizika koji mogu dovesti do kriza i ratova u svetu, a posebno onih ekonomske prirode. Na ekonomskom, kao i na političkom i strategijskom planu u svetskim razmerama, danas su u igri veliki ulozi i interesi zemalja. Stoga je uloga ekonomske diplomatije i ekonomskih predstavnika sve viÅ”e usmerena na promociju i zaÅ”titu nacionalnih interesa, odnosno na dostavljanje informacija i pomoć nacionalnoj ekonomiji u osvajanju svetskog tržiÅ”ta ili odnoÅ”enju pobede u sučeljavanju sa konkurencijom. Kompleksnost istorijskog trenutka i veoma nepovoljna ekonomska situacija u kojoj se nalazi naÅ”a zemlja nameće potrebu za razvijanjem profesionalne i kvalitetne ekonomske diplomatije, kako bi se u uslovima pojačane međuzavisnosti sa visoko razvijenim zemljama ostvarilo snažnije ubrzanje razvoja, i to pre svega u ekonomskoj sferi

    Protivteroristička bezbednosna procena

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    Contemporary terrorism is a multifaceted and controversial concept, loaded with political instrumentalization, because of which it is very difficult to find scientifically based framework for its analysis. Finding a scientifically based framework for analyzing and assessing the terrorist threats would be of help for better understanding the terrorism, and for establishing an accord among the actors of the anti-terrorist struggle on the basic dimensions of this phenomenon, whereby the fight against terrorism would be made much more effective at all levels. This paper analyzes terrorism as a social and historical phenomenon, as a strategy of violent political struggle, and as a specific act of violence.Savremeni terorizam predstavlja viÅ”eznačan i kontroverzan pojam, opterećen političkom instrumentalizacijom, zbog čega je veoma teÅ”ko pronaći naučno utemeljen okvir za njegovu analizu. Pronalaženje naučno utemeljenog okvira za analizu i procenu terorističke pretnje pomoglo bi da se terorizam bolje razume, da se među akterima u protivterorističkoj borbi uspostavi saglasnost oko osnovnih dimenzija ove pojave, čime bi se borba protiv terorizma na svim nivoima učinila znatno delotvornijom. U ovom radu terorizam se analizira kao druÅ”tvena i istorijska pojava, kao strategija nasilne političke borbe i kao konkretan akt nasilja

    Ljudska prava i ljudska bezbednost

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    Human security has become a part of national security strategies despite its lack of unique definitions and approaches. There is no question about the connection between human security and human rights because both concepts put human beings into focus. This paper attempts to analyze the relationship between human security and human rights by answering whether security itself can be considered a human right. Human rights can be seen as a conceptual framework or normative basis of human rights, which delineate and concretize human security. On the other hand, as a part of national security strategies, human security can create a stronger obligation for national security systems regarding human rights. Human rights are a key reference object for human security, but also the analytic frame for the assessment of risks, threats, and other security challenges. Human security based on human rights has a stronger chance to be adopted and disseminated, and human rights, as a part of human security, are more likely to be observed and respected.Ljudska bezbednost uÅ”la je u bezbednosne strategije mnogih država i pored svoje nedovoljne teorijske određenosti i nedoumica oko njenog značenja, dometa i praktične upotrebljivosti. Povezanost ljudske bezbednosti i ljudskih prava je neupitna, jer oba koncepta u svoje srediÅ”te postavljaju ljudsko biće. U ovom radu analizira se odnos ljudske bezbednosti i ljudskih prava kroz pokuÅ”aj da se da odgovor na pitanje da li se i sama bezbednost može smatrati ljudskim pravom. Ljudska prava se mogu posmatrati kao pojmovni okvir i normativna osnova ljudskih prava, čime se polje ljudske bezbednosti omeđuje i konkretizuje. Sa druge strane, ljudska bezbednost, kao deo bezbednosnih strategija država, može stvoriti jaču obavezu sistemima nacionalne bezbednosti u zaÅ”titi ljudskih prava. Ljudska prava za ljudsku bezbednost predstavljaju ključni referentni objekt, ali i analitički okvir u proceni bezbednosnih izazova, rizika i pretnji. Pristup ljudskoj bezbednosti koji je zasnovan na ljudskim pravima ima mnogo viÅ”e Å”anse da bude Å”iroko prihvaćen i delotvoran, a ljudska prava kao deo ljudske bezbednosti imaju veću Å”ansu da budu primenjena i poÅ”tovana

    Bezbednosna provera - kontroverze u radu organa bezbednosti (komparativni pravni i bezbednosni pristup)

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    Autori su u radu sproveli komparativno istraživanje o procesu personalne bezbednosne provere nad građaninom koji se prijavio na konkurs za rad u državnim organima u svetu i Srbiji. Istraživanje je usmereno na definisanje bezbednosne provere i utvrđivanje bezbednosne smetnje u pravnoj i bezbednosnoj teoriji u svetu i u Srbiji - po prvi put. Kroz studije slučaja u pravnoj i bezbednosnoj literaturi u svetu, komparativnom, analizom postojeće literature, pravnom, istorijskom i metodom ankete, istraženo je nekoliko primera kojima se ukazuje na odnose demokratskog i nedemoktaskog druÅ”tva i država prema primeni prava u bezbednosnoj proveri. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju da bi u Srbiji trebalo da dođe do promena u pravnim aktima i bezbednosnoj metodici procesa vrÅ”enja bezbednosne provere, kao i odnosa bezbednosnih organa prema pravima građana koji apliciraju na konkurse gde je bezbednosna provera sastavni deo procesa. Iz navedenog verujemo da rad može da nas uvede u ovaj teorijski izuzetno interesantan i istovremeno za praksu veoma značajan problem

    Necessity of introducing the unique protocols for telephone assisted cardiopulmonary reanimation from the dispatch center

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    INTRODUCTION: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is defined as a cessation of normal circulation of blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively during the systole. Timely treatment of SCA improves chances for survival up to three times, until the discharge from a hospital. OBJECTIVE: Prove that there is a need to introduce a unified protocol for telephone-assisted cardiopulmonary reanimation (CPR) in dispatching centers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, observational research was conducted at the in the Institute for Emergency Medical Service Novi Sad (IEMSNS) in the period from 01 January 2008 to 31 December 2012. Data were collected from application forms indicators of quality of work of emergency medical services (EMS). All the data were calculated by using a statistic package Statistica 7th. RESULTS: During the five-year period, ambulance squads of IEMS Novi Sad had 183.882 patients on the field. CPR was initiated in 198 patients. Prehospital in 213 (25.33%) patients had established spontaneous circulation after CPR applied measures. In the last three years in 68.19% of cases of sudden cardiac arrest was an eyewitness to a layman, and survival in this group of patients was 19.30%. In the group of patients where the eyewitness was the team EMS survival was 36.78%. Activation time and reaction time were increasing trend from 2009 to 2011 that 2012 amounted to 1.32 minutes and 7.67 minutes. At the same time, the trend of successful prehospital CPR where the eyewitness was a layman he was dropped from 23.13% in 2010 to 18.95% in 2012. Trend of successful CPR where the team EMS witnessed was a significant increase, from 29.41% in 2010 to 40% in 2012. CONCLUSION: The increase in population in Novi Sad increasing calls for the dispatch center IEMSNS which results in an extension of the activation time. Greater traffic congestion led to the extension of reaction time. Better equipment and training team leads to a rise in the number of successful CPR when an eyewitness team EMS. At the same time it reduces the number of successful CPR which witnessed sudden cardiac arrest layman. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a unique dispatching protocol for telephone assisted CPR to as many laymen eyewitnesses began CPR before the arrival of EMS teams