120 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal distribution of natural disasters

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    Digital elevation model and satellite images an assessment of soil erosion potential in the Pcinja catchment

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    Pcinja is large left tributary of Vardar River (135 km long, 2877,3 km2 catchmentā€™s area), which drainages surface waters from northeastern Macedonia, and small part of southeastern Serbia. Because of suitable physical-geographic factors (geology, terrain morphology, climate, hydrology, vegetation coverage, soil composition, and high human impact), some parts of the catchmentā€™s suffer significant erosion process. For this reason, it is necessary to research properly spatial distribution of erosion, then influence of physical and anthropogenic factors for the intensity of soil erosion, related erosion landforms (with morphology, genesis, evolution, soil erosion protection etc.). Earlier researches in the area have been performed generally with combination of cartographic and classic field analysis. But in last decades, there are new possibilities available like satellite images and digital elevation models. In this work has been presented the methodology of utilization of satellite images and DEM for erosion research, with analysis and comparisons of outcome data

    Faktori nastanka poplava na teritoriji opŔtine Obrenovac

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    Frequent floods in the area of the municipality of Obrenovac have initiated the establishing, classification and analysis of the starting factors of their genesis in this area. After the dam had been constructed on the right bank of the Sava River (in the 80ā€™s of the 20th century) along the northern border of the municipality of Obrenovac, there were no more floods in this part of the area caused by its overflows. Recent floods have still been caused by a very frequent flooding of the River Kolubara near Poljana, even several times during the year. For that reason the factors of flooding the Kolubara River from its riverbed have been analyzed in this paper. Except the pluviometric and hydrological regime analysis as direct factors of flooding the indirect causes have also been analyzed in details, the most important of which are: the morphological characteristics of terrain, balance of deposits and anthropogenic impacts. Perceiving the causes of flooding, the conditions for analysis of undertaken measures and giving the possible solutions for their prevention have also been realized. The results of this research can be used in making the strategy for solving the existing waterpower problems of this area.Česta pojava poplava na prostoru opÅ”tine Obrenovac inicirala je utvrđivanje klasifikaciju i analizu odrediÅ”nih faktora njihove geneze na ovom prostoru. Nakon izgradnje nasipa na desnoj obali Save (80-tih godina 20. veka) duž severne granice opÅ”tine Obrenovac, nisu se viÅ”e deÅ”avala plavljenja ovog prostora njenim izlivanjima. Recentna plavljenja su i dalje uslovljena veoma čestim izlivanjima reke Kolubare kod Poljana, čak i viÅ”e puta u toku godine. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu su analizirani faktori izlivanja Kolubare iz korita. Osim analize pluviometrijskog i hidroloÅ”kog režima, kao direktnih faktora nastanka poplava, detaljno su analizirani i indirektni uzroci, od kojih su najvažniji morfoloÅ”ke odlike terena, bilans nanosa i antropogeni uticaji. Sagledavanjem uzroka nastanka poplava ostvareni su i uslovi za analizu preduzetih mera i iznoÅ”enje mogućih reÅ”enja za njihovo sprečavanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se iskoristiti pri izradi strategije reÅ”avanja postojećih vodoprivrednih problema ovog prostora

    Statistical and expert-based landslide susceptibility modeling on a national scale applied to North Macedonia

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    This article presents a Geographic Information System (GIS) assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) in North Macedonia. Because of the weak landslide inventory, statistical method (frequency ratio) is combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). In this study, lithology, slope, plan curvature, precipitations, land cover, distance from streams, and distance from roads were selected as precondition factors for landslide occurrence. There are two advantages of the approach used. The first is the possibility of comparing of the results and cros svalidation between the statistical and expert based methods with an indication of the advantages and drawbacks of each of them. The second is the possibility of better weighting of precondition factors for landslide occurrence, which can be useful in cases of weak landslide inventory. The final result shows that in the case of weak landslide inventory, LSZ map created with the combination of both models provide better overall results than each model separately

    Digitalni model terena i satelitski snimci pri proučavanju potencijalne erozije zemljiŔta u slivu Pčinje

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    Pcinja is large left tributary of Vardar River (135 km long, 2877,3 km2 catchmentā€™s area), which drainages surface waters from northeastern Macedonia, and small part of southeastern Serbia. Because of suitable physical-geographic factors (geology, terrain morphology, climate, hydrology, vegetation coverage, soil composition, and high human impact), some parts of the catchmentā€™s suffer significant erosion process. For this reason, it is necessary to research properly spatial distribution of erosion, then influence of physical and anthropogenic factors for the intensity of soil erosion, related erosion landforms (with morphology, genesis, evolution, soil erosion protection etc.). Earlier researches in the area have been performed generally with combination of cartographic and classic field analysis. But in last decades, there are new possibilities available like satellite images and digital elevation models. In this work has been presented the methodology of utilization of satellite images and DEM for erosion research, with analysis and comparisons of outcome data.Pčinja je velika leva pritoka Vardara (135 km dužine i 2877,3 km2 povrÅ”ine sliva) i drenira povrÅ”inske vode severoistočnog dela Makedonije i malog dela jugoistočne Srbije. Zbog raznovrsnih fizičko-geografskih faktora (geologije, morfologije terena, klime, hidrografije, vegetacionog pokrivača, sastava zemljiÅ”ta i izraženih antropogenih uticaja) pojedini delovi sliva su ugroženi značajnim erozivnim procesima. Iz tog razloga, neophodno je istražiti prostorni raspored erozije zemljiÅ”ta, uticaj prirodnih i antropogenih faktora na njen intenzitet, pripadajuće erozivne oblike (sa morfologijom, genezom, evolucijom, protiverozivnim merama, itd). Prethodna istraživanja na ovom prostoru predstavljala su kombinaciju kartografskih i klasičnih terenskih istraživanja. U poslednjoj dekadi, ostvarene su nove mogućnosti upotrebe satelitskih snimaka i DEM-a. U ovom radu, prikazana je metodologija koriŔćenja satelitskih snimaka i DEM-a u istraživanjima erozije, sa analizom i komparacijom dobijenih rezultata

    GIS and RS-based modelling of potential natural hazard areas in Pehchevo municipality, Republic of Macedonia

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    In this paper, one approach of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) assessment of potential natural hazard areas (excess erosion, landslides, flash floods and fires) is presented. For that purpose Pehchevo Municipality in the easternmost part of the Republic of Macedonia is selected as a case study area because of high local impact of natural hazards on the environment, social-demographic situation and local economy. First of all, most relevant static factors for each type of natural hazard are selected (topography, land cover, anthropogenic objects and infrastructure). With GIS and satellite imagery, multi-layer calculation is performed based on available traditional equations, clustering or discreditation procedures. In such way suitable relatively 'static' natural hazard maps (models) are produced. Then, dynamic (mostly climate related) factors are included in previous models resulting in appropriate scenarios correlated with different amounts of precipitation, temperature, wind direction etc. Finally, GIS based scenarios are evaluated and tested with field check or very fine resolution Google Earth imagery showing good accuracy. Further development of such GIS models in connection with automatic remote meteorological stations and dynamic satellite imagery (like MODIS) will provide on-time warning for coming natural hazard avoiding potential damages or even causalities

    Faktori nastanka poplava na teritoriji opŔtine Obrenovac

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    Frequent floods in the area of the municipality of Obrenovac have initiated the establishing, classification and analysis of the starting factors of their genesis in this area. After the dam had been constructed on the right bank of the Sava River (in the 80ā€™s of the 20th century) along the northern border of the municipality of Obrenovac, there were no more floods in this part of the area caused by its overflows. Recent floods have still been caused by a very frequent flooding of the River Kolubara near Poljana, even several times during the year. For that reason the factors of flooding the Kolubara River from its riverbed have been analyzed in this paper. Except the pluviometric and hydrological regime analysis as direct factors of flooding the indirect causes have also been analyzed in details, the most important of which are: the morphological characteristics of terrain, balance of deposits and anthropogenic impacts. Perceiving the causes of flooding, the conditions for analysis of undertaken measures and giving the possible solutions for their prevention have also been realized. The results of this research can be used in making the strategy for solving the existing waterpower problems of this area.Česta pojava poplava na prostoru opÅ”tine Obrenovac inicirala je utvrđivanje klasifikaciju i analizu odrediÅ”nih faktora njihove geneze na ovom prostoru. Nakon izgradnje nasipa na desnoj obali Save (80-tih godina 20. veka) duž severne granice opÅ”tine Obrenovac, nisu se viÅ”e deÅ”avala plavljenja ovog prostora njenim izlivanjima. Recentna plavljenja su i dalje uslovljena veoma čestim izlivanjima reke Kolubare kod Poljana, čak i viÅ”e puta u toku godine. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu su analizirani faktori izlivanja Kolubare iz korita. Osim analize pluviometrijskog i hidroloÅ”kog režima, kao direktnih faktora nastanka poplava, detaljno su analizirani i indirektni uzroci, od kojih su najvažniji morfoloÅ”ke odlike terena, bilans nanosa i antropogeni uticaji. Sagledavanjem uzroka nastanka poplava ostvareni su i uslovi za analizu preduzetih mera i iznoÅ”enje mogućih reÅ”enja za njihovo sprečavanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se iskoristiti pri izradi strategije reÅ”avanja postojećih vodoprivrednih problema ovog prostora

    Promene intenziteta erozije u slivu Ljiga - uticaj antropogenog faktora

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    According to new field investigations as well as mapping of erosion in Ljig river basin we have found out that its intensity has changed in regard to period of 40 years ago. The most expressive changes were noticed in Ljig river basin. As we have not noticed changes in physical-geographical factors the cause of the intensity decrease might be only influenced by indirect anthropogenic factor. Processes of growing old and decrease of rural population, migration village-town, marginalization of agriculture and decrease of cattle reserves caused the changes of land utilization. Agriculture areas were becoming overgrown with growing wild vegetation which restrained gradually considerable expressed processes of erosion in the past.Novim terenskim istraživanjima i kartiranjem erozije u slivu Kolubare konstatovano je da se njen intenzitet promenio u odnosu na period od pre 40 godina. Najizrazitije promene uočene su u slivu Ljiga. Kako nisu zapažene promene uticaja fizičko-geografskih činilaca, uzrok smanjenja intenziteta erozije mogao je biti samo posrednog antropogenog karaktera. Procesi starenja i depopulacije seoskih na-selja, migracija selo-grad marginalizacije poljoprivrede i smanjenja stočnog fonda prouzrokovali su promene u načinu iskoriŔćavanja zemljiÅ”ta. Poljoprivredne povrÅ”ine su sve viÅ”e zarastale u samoniklu vegetaciju, koja je postepeno obuzdavala ranije znatno izraženije erozivne procese

    Repeatability Cycles of River Discharges: Can We Identify Discharge Patterns? a Case Study of the South Morava River (Serbia)

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    Water scarcity, unequal access to water resources, and the impact of climate change on water availability are among the major global environmental concerns. As dynamic and vulnerable water subjects, rivers are constantly exposed to the pressure of natural conditions variability (primarily climatic) and direct anthropogenic influences. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate river regime dynamics over longer periods to adapt the water management sector, and human demands to any observed variations in river discharge. Observing the periodicity or cyclicity of the occurrence of certain discharge values is an important topic of modern physical geography and hydrology research. Statistics and hydrologic modelling provide great opportunities for observing cyclicality and forecasting future trends. The aim of this paper is to indicate the importance of specific statistical methods of autocorrelation and spectral analysis to study the repeatability of mean annual and maximum discharges. The South Morava River in Serbia (HS: Mojsinje, Korvingrad, Grdelica) has been selected as a case study. The obtained results (period: 1924-2021) indicated the significant cyclicity of mean annual discharges, especially pronounced at the upstream hydrological station Grdelica (3.5-year cycle) and downstream hydrological station Mojsinje (19.5-year cycle). These cyclicities are mostly influenced by variations in the amount of precipitation received from the upper part of the river basin (R > 0.6). In contrast, no regular cycles of maximum annual discharge values were determined in the studied period. The obtained results can be important for future detailed geographic and hydrologic studies as well as for the development of strategies and plans in the field of water management, environmental protection, spatial planning, prevention of floods and droughts, etc

    Inoviranje metodologije za određivanje koeficijenta erozije(Z)

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    The research and mapping the intensity of mechanical water erosion that have begun with the empirical methodology of S. Gavrilović during the mid-twentieth century last, by various intensity, until the present time. A many decades work on the research of these issues pointed to some shortcomings of the existing methodology, and thus the need for its innovation. In this sense, R. Lazarević made certain adjustments of the empirical methodology of S. Gavrilović by changing the tables for determination of the coefficients Ī¦, X and Y, that is, the tables for determining the mean erosion coefficient (Z). The main objective of this paper is to update the existing methodology for determining the erosion coefficient (Z) with the empirical methodology of S. Gavrilović and amendments made by R. Lazarević (1985), but also with better adjustments to the information technologies and the needs of modern society. The proposed procedure, that is, the model to determine the erosion coefficient (Z) in this paper is the result of ten years of scientific research and project work in mapping the intensity of mechanical water erosion and its modeling using various models of erosion in the Republic of Srpska and Serbia. By analyzing the correlation of results obtained by regression models and results obtained during the mapping of erosion on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, a high degree of correlation (RĀ² = 0.9963) was established, which is essentially a good assessment of the proposed models.Istraživanja i kartiranja intenziteta mehaničke vodne erozije započeta empirijskom metodologijom S. Gavrilovića sredinom proÅ”log vijeka, traju različitim inetenzitetom sve do danaÅ”njeg vremena. Decenijski rad na istraživanju ove problematike ukazao je na neke nedostatke postojeće metodologije, a samim tim i na potrebu za njenom inovacijom. U tom smislu, R. Lazarević je izvrÅ”io određene korekcije empirijske metodologije S. Gavrilovića kroz izmjenu tabela za određivanje koeficijenata Ī¦, X, i Y, odnosno tabele za određivanje srednje vrijednosti koeficijenta erozije (Z). Osnovni cilj ovog rada je inoviranje postojeće metodologije određivanja koeficijenta erozije (Z) empirijskom metodologijom S. Gavrilovića i izmjenama i dopunama koje je dao R. Lazarević (1985), ali sa boljom prilagođenoŔću informacionim tehnologijama i potrebama savremenog druÅ”tva. Predloženi postupak, tj. model određivanja koeficijenta erozije (Z) u ovom radu, nastao je kao rezultat desetogodiÅ”njeg naučno-istraživačkog i projektnog rada u oblasti kartiranja intenziteta mehaničke vodne erozije i njenog modelovanja primjenom različitih erozionih modela na teritoriji Republike Srpske i Srbije. Analizirajući korelativnost rezultata dobijenih regresionim modelima i rezultata koji su dobijeni u toku kartiranja erozije na teritoriji Republike Srpske, utvrđen je visok stepen povezanosti (RĀ² = 0,9963), Å”to u suÅ”tini predstavlja dobru ocjenu dobijenih modela
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