64 research outputs found

    A Model for Autonomous Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance at High Speeds

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    The systems that are currently installed in autonomous vehicles are not designed to avoid obstacles on the road by manoeuvring at the limits of the vehicle and the road surface – the goal of the research presented was to develop such system. For these purposes, a universal test track based on ISO 3888-1 and ISO 3888-2 standards was adopted, which can be used to represent any situation in which there is an obstacle on the road in front of the vehicle that needs to be avoided. An analysis of the curves for generating the paths through the test track was carried out, on the basis of which the Bézier curves were chosen. In addition to them, the results of simulations in Adams Car software were used to generate the paths, which can be considered equivalent to real-world trials with a professional driver behind the wheel. A control model was developed for longitudinal and transverse control of the vehicle based on PID controllers, with the selection of optimal parameters – the ones that define PID controllers, and the others that define other characteristics of the model. The model proved to be successful in guiding the vehicle through the test track at all speeds at which manoeuvres are possible. Bézier curves are shown to be a better choice at lower speeds, while paths based on Adams Car simulations are a better choice at higher speeds

    Changes in the history politics and the memory culture in Europe - the Serbian case: 1980-1990

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    У раду се истражује промена у култури сећања и политици историје у Европи од 1980. до 1990. на примеру Србије. У току ове деценије дошло је до тектонских промена у начину како су грађани Србије (и Југославије) памтили сопствену прошлост. Ове промене узроковане су деловањем националистичке идеологије, тј. њој одговарајуће политике историје кроз метод историјског ревизионизма. Основни циљ рада је да испита разлоге промена у култури сећања, начин на који су извођене, кључне актере који су у томе учествовали и коначно, резултате промена у култури сећања. Методологија рада се састоји од комбинације класичног историографског метода, затим компаративног метода и методологије мултидисциплинарних научних области какве су студије национализма и студије сећања. У раду се доказује да је култура сећања у Србији мењана кроз коришћење методе циљаног ревизионизма од стране заступника националистичке идеологије и њихових савезника у ауторитарној власти у Србији након 1987. године. Ово савезништво, како показујемо у раду, било је кључно за победу идеологије национализма. Рад истражује измене културе сећања кроз измене односа према кључним елементима дотадашњег колективног памћења – држави, оснивачком миту (Народноослободилачкој борби) и нацији, укључујући и промене начина како су људи памтили далеку прошлост, Први и Други светски рат, период Титове власти, као и односе са другим нацијама у Југославији. Промене у култури сећања нису биле ни лаке нити су прошле без отпора, пошто је претходно колективно памћење било веома живо и дубоко укорењено међу људима. Један од резултата промена у култури сећања било је и пристајање грађана на рат за територије 1990-их у који су их повели ауторитарна власта и националистичка идеологија.The paper examines the change in the memory culture and the history politics in Europe from 1980 to 1990 using the case of Serbia. During this decade, there were tectonic changes in the way the citizens of Serbia (and Yugoslavia) remembered their past. These changes were caused by the action of the nationalist ideology and its history politics through the method of historical revisionism. The main goal of the paper is to examine the reasons for the changes in the memory culture, the way they were carried out, the key actors who participated in it, and finally, the results of these changes. The methodology of the work consists of a combination of the classic historiographical method, then the comparative method and the methodology of multidisciplinary scientific fields such as studies of nationalism and memory studies. The paper proves that the memory culture in Serbia was changed through the use of the method of targeted revisionism by representatives of the nationalist ideology and their allies in the authoritarian government in Serbia after 1987. This alliance, as we show in the paper, was crucial for the victory of the ideology of nationalism. The paper explores the changes in the memory culture through the changes in the relationship towards the key elements of the previous collective memory - the state, the founding myth (National Liberation Struggle) and the nation, including changes in the way people remembered the distant past, the First and Second World Wars, the period of Tito's rule, as well as relationships with other nations in Yugoslavia. Changes in the memory culture were neither easy nor did they pass without resistance, since the previous collective memory was very alive and deeply rooted among people. One of the results of the changes in the memory culture was the consent of the citizens to the war for the territories in the 1990s, into which they were led by the authoritarian government and nationalist ideolog

    Correlation between the Quality of Attention and Cognitive Competence with Motor Action in Stroke Patients

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    It is considered that cognitive function and attention could affect walking, motion control, and proper conduct during the walk. To determine whether there is a difference in the quality of attention and cognitive ability in stroke patients and patients without neurological damage of similar age and education and to determine whether the connection of attention and cognition affects motor skills, the sample consisted of 50 stroke patients tested with hemiparesis, involved in the process of rehabilitation, and 50 persons, randomly chosen, without neurological damage. The survey used the following tests: Trail Making (TMT A B) test for assessing the flexibility of attention; Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for cognitive status; Functional Ambulation Category (FAC) test to assess the functional status and parameters of walk: speed, frequency, and length of stride; STEP test for assessing the precision of movement and balance. With stroke patients, relationship between age and performance on the MMSE test was marginally significant. The ratio of performance to TMT A B test and years does not indicate statistical significance, while statistical significance between the MMSE test performance and education exists. In stroke patients, performance on MMSE test is correlated with the frequency and length of stride walk. The quality of cognitive function and attention is associated with motor skills but differs in stroke patients and people without neurological damage of similar age. The significance of this correlation can supplement research in neurorehabilitation, improve the quality of medical rehabilitation, and contribute to efficient recovery of these patients

    An Insight Into Selected Properties of Merlot Wines Obtained from Three New Clone Candidates

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    Covering the period 2009-2012, the quality of Merlot wines obtained from three new clone candidates (namely Nos. 022, 025 and 029, respectively; fourth phase of clonal selection) developed in the Republic of Serbia was examined. The following parameters were determined: Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) index, pH value, total acidity, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, relative density and ash. In comparison with the standard Merlot wine (originating from mother vine), FC index (from 35.73 to 37.15) and tasting score (from 17.89 to 17.95) were higher for the wines of all three clone candidates tested. These findings are in good agreement with the observed trend for the viticultural parameters indicating better properties of the new Merlot clone candidates versus mother

    An Insight Into Selected Properties of Merlot Wines Obtained from Three New Clone Candidates

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    Covering the period 2009-2012, the quality of Merlot wines obtained from three new clone candidates (namely Nos. 022, 025 and 029, respectively; fourth phase of clonal selection) developed in the Republic of Serbia was examined. The following parameters were determined: Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) index, pH value, total acidity, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, relative density and ash. In comparison with the standard Merlot wine (originating from mother vine), FC index (from 35.73 to 37.15) and tasting score (from 17.89 to 17.95) were higher for the wines of all three clone candidates tested. These findings are in good agreement with the observed trend for the viticultural parameters indicating better properties of the new Merlot clone candidates versus mother

    Influence of different sources of fat on lipid index of muscle and fat tissue of pigs

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    Of the total meat production in Serbia, pork makes up more than one half. This meat is often associated with cardiovascular diseases due to its high contents of fat and saturated fatty acids. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various sources of fat in pig feeds on lipid indices of fat and muscle tissue of pigs from the point of view of consumer health needs. A total of 30 Yorkshire x Landrace crossbred pigs were divided into three experimental groups of 10 individuals and fed a complete finisher mixture for fattening pigs, with standard raw materials and chemical composition but with differing sources of fat. The results obtained show fat sources in pig feed significantly influenced the lipid indices, and the differences were more pronounced in fat than in muscle tissue of pigs

    Hydrodynamics of a self-agitated draft tube airlift reactor

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    The main hydrodynamic characteristics of a novel-constructed, self-agitated draft tube airlift reactor (DT-ALR) were investigated. Ten impellers, driven only by the means of gas throughput and induced liquid circulation, were inserted in the draft tube. The insertion of impellers caused bubble breakup and reduction of both mean bubble size and coalescence, even under the conditions of high gas throughputs. Although the impellers induced energy losses, the resistance to the flow was relatively lower due to their rotation, unlike the internals used in other research reported in the literature. In comparison to the conventional configuration of a DT-ALR, it was found that the presence of impellers led to significant changes in hydrodynamics: riser gas holdup and mixing time increased, while overall gas holdup and liquid velocity in the downcomer decreased. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172025

    Impact of Clonal Variability on Phenolics and Radical Scavenging Activity of Grapes and Wines: A Study on the Recently Developed Merlot and Cabernet Franc Clones (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    In this study, grapes and corresponding wines of Merlot /No 022, 025 and 029/ and Cabernet Franc /No 02, 010 and 012/ clones (recently developed) were evaluated regarding the total phenolic content, total anthocyanin content, and radical scavenging activity, aiming to better understand their quality and market potential. The nineteen individual polyphenols were quantified in studied grape samples using UHPLC coupled to a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer. The mother grapes and wines were used as the relevant standards. In the grape, studied characteristics were monitored at three stages of berry development: green berry, veraison and mature berry. The mature grape of clones presented high values of total phenolics (3.81-10.89 g gallic acid equivalent kg(-1) frozen weight), anthocyanin content (359.00-1668.18 mg malvidin-3-O-glucoside kg(-1) frozen weight) and the radical scavenging activity (41.37-80.48 mmol trolox equivalent kg(-1) frozen weight) depending on the clone. Grapes and wines of Merlot No 025 and Cabernet Franc No 010 stood out with the highest values of all three parameters. Generally, the high correlation was observed between TPC and RSA values for green berries and mature grapes, as well as for wine samples. The most abundant phenolics in both Merlot and Cabernet Franc grapes were gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, ferulic acid, catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin gallate, catechin gallate, and rutin. Catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, and catechin gallate, typical for the ripe grape of Merlot and Cabernet Franc clones, showed significant correlation with RSA values. Concentrations of individual polyphenols varied depending on the sample being studied and berry development stages. Merlot No 025 and Cabernet Franc No 010 grapes showed particularly interesting attributes for the production of high quality wines.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3535

    Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of promising plum (Prunus domestica L.) genotypes bred at fruit research institute, Čačak

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    Five plum hybrids (38/62/70, IV/63/81, 32/21/87, 34/41/87 and 22/17/87) and newly released cultivar ‘Nada’, obtained by planned hybridisation and singled out within breeding programme at Fruit Research Institute, Čačak, were assessed for the main physical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage), chemical (soluble solids content, total and inverted sugars content, sucrose content, total acids content, pH value of fruit juice, ratio of soluble solids and total acids content and ratio of total sugars and total acids content) and sensorial (attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency) traits compared with the standard cultivar ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ. Results showed that the studied plum genotypes differed significantly in all of the assessed traits. Regarding the physical features, the best results were shown by hybrid 38/62/70, which had the highest fruit weight (56.92 g) and flesh percentage (96.91%), as well as by the new cultivar ‘Nada’, for which a larger fruit was observed in comparison to the standard (45.54 g and 42.24 g, respectively). Also, ‘Nada’ had better sensorial properties such as attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency in relation to the other promising hybrids and the standard cultivar. From the aspect of all the studied sensorial characteristics, in addition to ‘Nada’, only hybrid 38/62/70 was aligned with the standard cultivar. Out of the studied genotypes, late ripening hybrid 22/17/87 had the best values of parameters of fruit chemical composition such as the soluble solids content (17.01%), total and inverted sugars contents (12.31% and 8.96%, respectively). The highest sucrose content (3.39%), pH value of fruit juice (3.51), as well as the highest ratio between soluble solids and total acids content (43.72) and ratio between total sugars and total acids content (32.58) were found in cultivar ‘Nada’. The highest total acids content (1.42%) was recorded in hybrid 32/21/87. Compared to ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ, the same or better results in terms of the fruit chemical composition were determined in cultivar ‘Nada’ and hybrids 34/41/87 and 22/17/87. The study revealed existence of significant correlations between individual studied parameters of the fruit physical, chemical and sensorial properties