18 research outputs found

    Umbrella branding in tourism ā€“ model regions of Istria and Dalmatia

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    The purpose ā€“ The purpose of this paper is to support the thesis that a region represents a key functional and geographical entity which requires branding and development of marketing activities. Its geographical components are tourism clusters that should develop their own identity in cooperation with other clusters, within the region as their umbrella brand. Design ā€“ The special focus is given to reviewing the issue of defining boundaries of regions as tourism brands, i.e. discussing what exactly makes the essence, or the essential framework, of a region as a market brand in tourism. The paper also presents the model of geographical and marketing clusterisation of Istria and Dalmatia ā€“ the Croatia\u27s regions that are essential for the development of tourism in this country. Methodology ā€“ The methodology of the research includes the examples of good practice, analysis of the existing strategic documents of the region Istria and Dalmatia, workshop ā€“ creating an original model of region clusterisation in the case of Dalmatia by graduate students of management in the Department of Economics at the University of Zadar and authorā€™s management experience in public management in tourism. Approach ā€“ There are particular interests within fragmented basic units of local government ā€“ towns and municipalities ā€“ aiming to "preserve" the identity of each separate geographical unit, even the smallest one, whereas the marketing trends in the dynamic international tourism market require exactly the opposite. Regions must be the unique spatial and socio-cultural entities featuring an adequate tourism identity which is built as an independent and inherent market brand. That fact is perceived in the light of the forthcoming accession of Croatia into the European Union (1st July 2013) and the exceptionally important process of redefining Croatia\u27s regional administrative-political boundaries, where an appropriate regionalisation is considered as one of the prerequisites for the "correct" and optimal social and economic development in the future. Findings ā€“ The problem of defining regional boundaries must be seen as one of the essential issues in defining the region\u27s geographical area as the basis for the development of economy. An appropriate definition of the tourism region as an umbrella brand and its sub-brands ā€“ tourism "products", i.e. clusters ā€“ presents the starting point for further definition of all management and marketing activities, both at the level of clusters, through individual activities, and at the level of the umbrella brand, through joint, i.e. networked management activities. The originality of this research ā€“ The originality of the model consists on the fact that it refers to a relatively wide region (within European context) featuring a rich of natural attractiveness and cultural-historical heritage, whose borders were often altered in the past, and which was, and still is, intersected with a number of administrative-political boundaries

    Model for marketing management at cultural institutions in the city of Zadar

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    The purpose ā€“ the purpose of this paper is to research the role of marketing concept in the cultural institutions in the city of Zadar. Design ā€“ The special focus is given to analysis the importance and advantage of networking of all cultural institutions in Zadar, to create unique product and more creative supply. Methodology ā€“ a number of methods has been used in the research, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, compilation and detailed interview. The detailed interview has been carried out by means of a questionnaire comprising ten questions, while the sample has encompassed relevant cultural institutions in the City of Zadar. Approach ā€“ Implementation of Zadar Cultural strategy is important of cooperation and coordination on among of all cultural institutions in Zadar. Findings ā€“ Key findings indicate that marketing today, is indispensable for functioning of all business subjects and nonprofit institutions, whose primary goal is socially responsible behavior. Marketing strategies of cultural institutions are starting point for quality implementation of marketing in cultural institutions. The authors of this paper propose mutual interweaving of cultural institutions and cultural tourism, and suggest models for networking Zadar cultural institutions. The originality of this research ā€“ The originality comes from the modelā€™s for networking Zadar cultural institutions, which provides the guidance and ideas for further research and improvements

    Thermohaline Characteristics of the Sea Water in the Bay of Pag and Velebitski kanal Channel

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    Problem rijetkih oceanografskih mjerenja u zemljopisno vrlo zanimljivom akvatoriju PaŔkog zaljeva i Velebitskog kanala, uvjetovao je izradbu ovog rada. Namjera je predstaviti termohalinske značajke područja, jer to može biti temelj za potpunija istraživanja u području fizičke, a osobito bioloŔke oceanologije, hidrologije i dr. Autori su na temelju klimatoloŔkih podataka (od 1911. do 1989.) napravili djelomičnu analizu vrijednosti termohalinskih parametara, njihovih godiŔnjih hodova i vertikalnih rasporeda u vodenom stupcu te analizu sinoptičkih podataka iz dva oceanografska mjerenja obavljenih u lipnju 1989. Rezultati pokazuju postojanje uobičajenih i netipičnih stanja u termohalinskoj strukturi vodenog stupca, te se pokuŔavaju otkriti i objasniti uzroci njihovog nastankaOn the basis of climatological data (from 1911 to 1989) the authors have made the analysis of thermohaline values, their annual and vertical distribution in the Pag Bay and Velebitski channel, and also the analysis of synoptic data obtained from two oceanographic measurements in June 1989. The results show usual and nontypical conditions in the thermohaline structure in the water column. Explanation of phenomena are presented

    Srednjojadranski prag ā€“ važnija istraživanja i metodologija obrade podataka

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    A methodological approach in the analyses of the seawater oceanographic states is determined by the purpose of the paper and general purpose of the research. In the recent decades the scientific work in this area has advanced thanks to computer data processing, particularly owing to modern technical and technological achievements that allow us to obtain important results, which significantly augment application of scientific results. This paper is a review of the research on the Central Adriatic shelf. Until now, papers dealing with geographical and oceanographic features regularly used the terms Palagruža Shelf and Jabuka concavity in the meaning of independent entities in the Adriatic basin which partly define physicogeographic features of water masses. However, such perception should be corrected. The Central Adriatic shelf is situated between the north Adriatic and the south Adriatic basin. Its length is greater than the width. Therefore, it deserves more attention and more cautious scientific approach. In this paper there are also evaluations of some methodologies used in the research and in the measuring of oceanographic parameter values, and also new technical solutions are proposed. The purpose of this paper is to analyse some methods of approach in the presentation of oceanographic states of seawater in the area of the Central Adriatic shelf. The purpose is also to introduce a succession of articles in which this maritime zone should be given its deserving significance from the geographic and oceanological aspects.MetodoloÅ”ki pristup analizama oceanografskih stanja morske vode određuje namjena rada i opća svrha istraživanja. U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, znanstveni je rad u ovom području napredovao, zahvaljujući računalnoj obradi podataka, čemu osobito pogoduju suvremena tehnička i tehnoloÅ”ka dostignuća. Temeljem vrsnih podataka dolazi se do dobrih rezultata, a time se značajno povećava aplikativnost znanstvenih zaključaka. Ovaj je rad osvrt na istraživanja srednjojadranskog praga, koja su izostala u dugogodiÅ”njoj znanstveno-istraživačkoj tradiciji o Jadranskom moru. Do sada se u radovima s geografsko-oceanografskim naznakama redovito spominjalo PalagruÅ”ki prag kao temeljnu stubu u jadranskom bazenu, koja određuje sve dinamične uvjetovanosti vodenih masa. Međutim, takvo shvaćanje valja ispraviti. Prag između sjevernog Jadrana i južnojadranske kotline nije stuba, već podmorski plato, dulji nego Å”iri, pa mu sa znanstvenog stajaliÅ”ta valja prići s puno viÅ”e opreza, te mu posvetiti znatno viÅ”e pozornosti. Rad se joÅ” ocjenjivački odnosi na neke metodoloÅ”ke pristupe u istraživanjima i mjerenjima vrijednosti oceanografskih parametara, te se predlažu nova tehnička rjeÅ”enja. Sama svrha rada analiza je nekih metodoloÅ”kih pristupa u prezentaciji oceanografskih stanja morske vode u području srednjojadranskog praga i uvod u niz članaka koji ovom akvatoriju moraju opravdati puno značenje s geografskog i oceanoloÅ”kog stajaliÅ”ta


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    This scientific paper provides a systematic analysis of sociological relationships in the area of seafaring as well as management styles in maritime shipping industry, with particular emphasis on the specific features involved in the vocation of a seafarer. The research was carried out on a sample of seafarers attending training courses at Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split. Separation from family, friends and familiar environment represents one of the essential features of the seafarers\u27 life that are discussed in the paper. Another important sociological factor of the seafarers\u27 specific profession is their workplace, i.e. the ship

    Prikaz modela implementacije LMS ā€“ Moodle (Learning Management System) sustava u visokom obrazovanju pomoraca

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    U ovom radu autori obrazlažu i dokazuju učinke sustava upravljanja učenjem LMS - Moodle (Learning Management System) u visokom obrazovanju pomoraca i ekonomista i prikazuju mogući model implementacije ovog sustava u obrazovni proces. Opisani se učinci prikazuju u kontekstu nužnosti za održavanjem kontinuiteta obrazovnog procesa, koje je kod obrazovanja pomoraca specifično zbog pokretljivosti i geografske distance primatelja znanja ā€“ studenta - u odnosu na visoko učiliÅ”te kao ustanovu koja ā€žproizvodiā€œznanje. Stoga autori ocjenjuju da navedeni model u značajnoj mjeri povećava učinkovitost obrazovnog procesa u visokom obrazovanju pomorskog smjera. Generalno, autori zaključuju da razvoj i primjena novih normativnih okvira, odnosno zakonodavnih normi, ali i primjena Bolonjskog procesa u visokom obrazovanju, nije moguća bez promjena u samoj srži obrazovnog procesa, posebice kroz primjenu najnovije informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije kao nužnog preduvjeta (ne samo) za implementaciju LMS modela

    Changes of the air temperature and precipitation on the island of Palagruža (1961 ā€“ 1990)

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    Palagruža je idealna otočna postaja za proučavanje klimatskih obilježja otvorenog dijela Jadranskog mora, jer se nalazi gotovo na njegovoj sredini. U uvodnom dijelu dat je kratak pregled dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja klimatskih obilježja Palagruže. Za prikaz vremenskih promjena temperature zraka i oborine ma otoku Palagruži koriÅ”teni su klimatski podaci s istoimene postaje za standardno klimatsko razdoblje 1961. ā€“ 1990. godina. Analiza u ovom radu primarno je usmjerena na ispitivanje godiÅ”njih anomalija srednjih ekstremnih temperatura zraka, njihovog raspona i količine oborina u odnosu na njihov 30 ā€“ godiÅ”nji srednjak. Izračunati su i grafički prikazani linearni trendovi anomalija srednjih ekstremnih temperatura zraka, njihovog raspona i količine oborina, a za filtriranje kratkoperiodičnih fluktuacija upotrijebljen je 11 ā€“ godiÅ”nji binomni klizni srednjak. Rezultati analize, pored ostalog, pokazuju trend pada godiÅ”njih srednjih ekstremnih temperatura zraka, njihovog raspona i količine oborine. Trend smanjenja godiÅ”nje srednje maksimalne temperature zraka je za 1,23 Ā°C/100 godina, srednje minimalne za 0,14 Ā°C/100 godina, a njihovog raspona za 1,1Ā°C/100 godina. Trend smanjenja godiÅ”nje srednje maksimalne temperature zraka je veći od pada srednje minimalne temperature zraka, pa njihov raspon pada. Linearni trend godiÅ”nje količine oborine pokazuje opadanje za 205, 51mm/100 godina. Spearmanova statistika pokazuje da niti jedan od navedenih trendova nije statistički značajan na nivou 95 % pouzdanosti.Palagruža, the island located in the middle of the Adriatic, is an ideal island weather station for a study of climatic characteristics of the open part of the Adriatic. In the introduction part, the author gives a short review of the past researches of Palagruža climatic characteristics. Climatic data observed at the Palagruža station, for the standard climatic period 1961 ā€“ 1990, were used for the presentations of the time changes of the air temperature and precipitation. In this paper, the analysis is primarly directed to a study of the annualanomalies of the mean daily air temperatures, their range, and precipitation quantity regarding their 30 ā€“ year mean value. Linear trends of the anomalies of the mean daily air temperatures, their range, and precipitation quantity, are figured out and represented graphically. The 11 ā€“ year binomal sliding mean value is used for filtration of the short ā€“ period fluctations. Analysis results show, among other things, a decreasing trend of mean daily air temperatures, their range and annual precipitation quantity. Decreasing trend of the annual mean maximum air tempereature is 1.23 Ā°C/100 year period, of mean minimum ones 0.14 Ā°C/100 - year period and of their range is 1.1 Ā°C/100 - year period. Decreasing trend of the annual mean maximum air temperatures is higher than decreasing trend of the mean minimum air temperatures, causing their range to decrease. Linear trend of the annual precipitation quantity shows a decrease of 205.51 mm/100 - year period. Spearmans statistic`s show that neither of the trends noted above is statistically significant to to the reliability level of 95 %

    Model for Tourism Clusterisation of Dalmatia as the Umbrella Brand

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    Comprehensive strategic and marketing plan in tourism is necessary to define certain attractive features and products within the tourism umbrella brand and its constituent units - tourism clusters, in order to make them recognisable on the market. Since natural scenic spots are not the only determining factor when choosing a destination anymore, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive branding of other tourist attractions too. This paper presents a model for tourist clusterisation of Dalmatia as the umbrella brand of the region. A portfolio of tourism products and appropriate target markets are defined for each cluster. The paper gives an example of Istria region which defined its tourism clusters by designing the master plan for tourism development for the period 2002-2012. The authors have used the Istria example as the basis for their model for clustering Dalmatia as the regional umbrella brand of tourism. The authors also indicate the characteristics of the model and the opportunities and obstacles to its implementation

    The parallel termohaline situation of the sea water in the micro areas Piran and Rovinj

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    Å ira područja Piran i Rovinj, unatoč maloj fizičkoj razdaljini, najčeŔće djeluju kao dva potpuno odvojena termohalinska sustava. To se želi dokazati usporedbom kretanja termohalinskih vrijednosti u ova dva područja u dužem vremenskom razdoblju. Na termohalinska svojstva morske vode u području Piran prevladavajući utjecaj imaju kontinentskoklimatski i hidroloÅ”ki čimbenici. U području Rovinj primarni su maritimni. Razlikama pridonosi i činjenica da je vodena masa u području Rovinj viÅ”e od dvostruko veća glede područja Piran. Uočen je značajan utjecaj temperature zraka na temperaturu morske vode, slatkovodni dotok i halinski utjecaj iz sjevernog Jadrana, te osobita važnost dinamike morske vode (morske struje) u razmjeÅ”tanju vodenih područja u ekstremnim vrijednostima, njihovim tijekovima, kao i u sezonskom opstojanju samostalnog termohalinskog i dinamičnog sustava u području Piran.Wide areas of Piran and Rovinj in spite of small natural distance, in most cases function as two completely termohaline systems. The aim of this article is to prove the fact of manual fluctation of termohaline values in two similar and nears chore areas during longer time period. On the termohaline characteristics of sea water in Piran area overcome influence have continental/climate and hydrologic factors. In Rovinj area maritime factors are primar. To the differences also contribute fact that the water masse of Rovinj area is twice in comparisons with Piran area. It is observable significant influence of air temperature on the sea water temperature, fresh-water inflow and haling influence from north Adriatic, and extraordinary value of sea water dynamic (currents) ion displacing of different water masses with different termohalin characteristics. There were exist significantly differences between this two areas in extreme values and them course, as in the season existing of independent dynamic system in Piran area