1 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of A Video Capture Board For Networked Workstations

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    This thesis examines the architectural issues in the design of a video capture board intended for use in multimedia videoconferencing. The major issues examined are: ffl Control of reception and transmission of multimedia video streams ffl Quality of service and service provision ffl Compression requirements and solutions ffl Data buffering and card connection strategies ffl Handling multiple video streams Results of measurements for prototype boards designed and constructed at Penn are also given. ii Acknowledgements I would like thank Jonathan Smith for his support and guidance throughout the project. And Brendan Traw, Alex Doyle and Al Broscius for their invaluable assistance in the design and debugging of the video boards. Thanks also to Supun Samarasekara and Gordon Mcclennen for their help in writing part of the X code. AURORA is a joint research effort undertaken by Bell Atlantic, Bellcore, IBM Research, MIT, MCI, NYNEX, and Penn. AURORA is sponsored as part of the NSF/DARPA ..