2 research outputs found

    Identifying Factors Playing Important Role in the Increasing Employees’ Turnover Rate: A Case of Telecom Industry in Pakistan Patterns in Neighboring Areas

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    The objective of this study is to know about the practices of Telecom industry, regarding their employees and to know how they keep up with the intense competition in the industry. The study focuses on factors effecting employees’ turnover and those that factors play an important role in retaining the employees of Telecom industry. The universe of this study was all the employees of Telecom industry in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore. For this purpose survey method was used by using questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The results have shown that Salary, Working environment and Benefits are three significant factors effecting employees’ turnover and correlated with each other. The study was faced by certain limitations, which include time constraints and resources constraints, which limit this research to only Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore offices of the organizations in telecom industry of Pakistan. The present study found support for an independent variable with Employees turnover. Significant negative correlations have been found for the Salary, Work environment and Benefits. Therefore, organizations need to focus on how to develop better Salary plan and reduce strain in the workplace. If staff voluntarily leaves, it is a great loss to the telecom industry. It is expensive to hire, train, and “bring up to speed” new replacements. It is, therefore, important to understand the antecedents of turnover intent of employees before they decide to quit.Employee’s Turnover, Telecom Industry; Pakistan; Factors.

    Family Types, Authority Structure and Women Workers in Sindh Labor Force: Problems and Prospects

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    The development of a society is virtually dependent upon the quality of human resources both male and female, the changing pattern of economic and social development of world societies irrespective of their level of development, necessitates and equal advancement of both the social segments. The numerical reality that women constitute about nearly half of the total population of Sindh ideally assigns to them equal participating role in the economic life of the province. However, like other developing countries, women’s role in Sindh as an active worker-producer of goods and services has not been duly recognized by this male dominated society. With the objective of ensuring increased participation of women, clear-cut guidelines about integrating women in the development process and defining their roles are still lacking in Sindh. The present study is a step in the direction of bridging the gap of information about female labor force participation of Sindh in different, activity rates, industry group, occupation group and employment status in 1981 and 1998 population census. The most important conclusion that emerges from this study is that though percentage of women labor force in different, activities, industry group, occupation group and employment status has mostly increased in 1998 asFamily, Authority, Problems, Female, Labor Force, Sindh