1,360 research outputs found

    Viewing the Future? Virtual Reality In Journalism

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    Journalism underwent a flurry of virtual reality content creation, production and distribution starting in the final months of 2015. The New York Times distributed more than 1 million cardboard virtual reality viewers and released an app showing a spherical video short about displaced refugees. The Los Angeles Times landed people next to a crater on Mars. USA TODAY took visitors on a ride-along in the "Back to the Future" car on the Universal Studios lot and on a spin through Old Havana in a bright pink '57 Ford. ABC News went to North Korea for a spherical view of a military parade and to Syria to see artifacts threatened by war. The Emblematic Group, a company that creates virtual reality content, followed a woman navigating a gauntlet of anti- abortion demonstrators at a family planning clinic and allowed people to witness a murder-suicide stemming from domestic violence.In short, the period from October 2015 through February 2016 was one of significant experimentation with virtual reality (VR) storytelling. These efforts are part of an initial foray into determining whether VR is a feasible way to present news. The year 2016 is shaping up as a period of further testing and careful monitoring of potential growth in the use of virtual reality among consumers

    Did political constraints bind during transition? Evidence from Czech elections 1990 - 2002

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    Many theoretical models of transition are driven by the assumption that economic decision making is subject to political constraints. In this paper we empirically test whether the winners and losers of economic reform determined voting behaviour in the first five national elections in the Czech Republic. We propose that voters, taking stock of endowments from the planning era, could predict whether they would become “winners” or “losers” of transition. Using survey data we measure the percentage of individuals by region who were “afraid” and “not afraid” of economic reform in 1990. We define the former as potential “winners” who should vote for pro-reform parties, while latter are potential “losers” who should support left-wing parties. Using national election results and regional economic indicators, we demonstrate that there is persistence in support for pro-reform and communist parties driven by prospective voting based on initial conditions in 1990. As a result, we show that regional unemployment rates in 2002 are good predictors of regional voting patterns in 1990.

    “…Take up thy Bed, and Vote” Measuring the Relationship between Voting Behaviour and Indicators of Health

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    Individuals experiencing poor health are less likely to vote at election time, despite being the ones most affected by health policies implemented by the successful party. This paper investigates the relationship between health and voter turnout and political party choice in the 1979, 1987 and 1997 British general elections using the National Child Development Study (NCDS). It finds that poor health is associated with lower turnout, as the perceived costs of voting, such as the physical and mental effort involved, are greater than the perceived benefits, which are derived from the policy implications of the election outcome. In addition, the subset of unhealthy individuals who do vote at election time generally support Labour, as such voters are more likely to utilise the NHS and hence support parties that advocate public provision of health services. Given the low participation rates of the unhealthy, a political party which formulates an attractive policy package aimed at such potential voters could therefore mobilise a previously untapped source of the electorate.Health Status, Voter Turnout, Political Party Choice

    Political Interest, Cognitive Ability and Personality - Determinants of Voter Turnout in Britain

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    This paper uses longitudinal data from the National Cohort Development Study (NCDS) to investigate the determinants of voter turnout in the 1997 British General Election. It introduces measures of cognitive ability and personality into models of electoral participation and finds that firstly, their inclusion reduces the impact of education and secondly, that standard turnout models may be biased by the inclusion of the much used “interest in politics” measure. A bivariate probit model of turnout and interest then shows that individuals with high ability, an aggressive personality and a sense of civic duty are more likely to both turn out to vote and to have an interest in politics.Turnout, Education, Ability, Personality

    Did Political Constraints Bind during Transition? Evidence from Czech Elections 1990-2002

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    Many theoretical models of transition are driven by the assumption that economic decision making is subject to political constraints. In this paper we empirically test whether the winners and losers of economic reform determined voting behaviour in the first five national elections in the Czech Republic. We propose that voters, taking stock of endowments from the planning era, could predict whether they would become “winners” or “losers” of transition. Using survey data we measure the percentage of individuals by region who were “not afraid” and “afraid” of economic reform in 1990. We define the former as potential “winners” who should vote for pro-reform parties, while latter are potential “losers” who should support left-wing parties. Using national election results and regional economic indicators, we demonstrate that there is persistence in support for pro-reform and communist parties driven by prospective voting based on initial conditions in 1990. As a result, we show that regional unemployment rates in 2002 are good predictors of regional voting patterns in 1990.Political Constraints, Prospective Economic Voting, Initial Conditions.

    Returns to basic skills in Central and Eastern Europe - a semi-parametric approach

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    This paper uses semi-parametric econometric techniques to investigate the relationship between basic skills and earning in three post-communist countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia using the IALS dataset. While the large increases in the returns to education in the new market economies has been well documented in the literature, no study to date has examined the impact of basic skills and schooling on income. Estimating a Mincer human capital model we find that including a measure of basic skills reduces the returns to education. In addition, using a partial linear model in which log earnings is linear in schooling, but is an arbitrary function of basic skills, we find that this relationship is not well described by the common assumption of linearity at the tails of the distribution.Earnings, Education, Basic skills, Transition

    Revisiting the anomalous bending elasticity of sharply bent DNA

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    Several recent experiments suggest that sharply bent DNA has a surprisingly high bending flexibility, but the cause of this flexibility is poorly understood. Although excitation of flexible defects can explain these results, whether such excitation can occur with the level of DNA bending in these experiments remains unclear. Intriguingly, the DNA contained preexisting nicks in most of these experiments but whether nicks might play a role in flexibility has never been considered in the interpretation of experimental results. Here, using full-atom molecular dynamics simulations, we show that nicks promote DNA basepair disruption at the nicked sites, which drastically reduces DNA bending energy. In addition, lower temperatures suppress the nick-dependent basepair disruption. In the absence of nicks, basepair disruption can also occur but requires a higher level of DNA bending. Therefore, basepair disruption inside B-form DNA can be suppressed if the DNA contains preexisting nicks. Overall, our results suggest that the reported mechanical anomaly of sharply bent DNA is likely dependent on preexisting nicks, therefore the intrinsic mechanisms of sharply bent nick-free DNA remain an open question.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures, 1 supporting materia

    Watershed Management Tools: Hazardous Site Case History, Reference Stream Analysis, and GIS Analysis of Fire Risk

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    My portfolio explores some tools that are used to protect or assess watershed health and the experiences and lessons I learned during my time in the Environmental Studies program. The first piece in my portfolio is a case study that looks at the history of pollution ad cleanup of the kraft pulp mill along the Clark Fork River. In my study, I look closely at the EPA’s investigation of the site and the community’s reaction to the findings. In my second piece, I describe my field and lab experience working for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. During this time, I was part of a team that characterized Montana’s least impacted streams, giving me insight into a process that helps inform water quality standards. For my last piece I analyzed the ignition and spread risks of fire around Lolo Peak using geographic data analyzed in ArcGIS. I also used this data to assess possible watershed impacts from the 2017 Lolo Peak Fire.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grad_portfolios/1004/thumbnail.jp

    The Extraction of a Road Centre Line from Airborne Laser Scanning Data

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    Due to its speed and accuracy the Global Positioning System (GPS) is widely used as a data collection tool. Problems however can occur when this GPS data is used in conjunction with existing National Mapping Agencies (NMA) vector databases that are not of comparable accuracy. Shifts and misalignments of the datasets can occur. In talks with the Irish mapping agency, Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi), prior to this project, it viewed with interest the possibility of using Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data as a general quality indicator of existing vector databases. The aim of this research was to extract the centre line of a small segment of straight road from triangulated ALS ground points. ALS data with a point density of 2 points per square metre was processed using TerraScan to yield a set of ground points. The extraction process was based on the creation and analysis of cross-sections taken at regular intervals from the triangulated ALS data. The cross-section widths and intervals were based on a search template developed from the start and end coordinates of an assumed centre line taken from an existing vector database. The cross-sections developed were based on individual triangles of the triangulation, groups of triangles and on interpolated data. Parameters of gradient, intensity and interpolated height are investigated. Algorithms were developed in MatLab to create and semi-automatically analyse the cross-sections. Cross-sections were generated for two different road sections and a ground truth survey was conducted for one of the roads. The most useful cross-sections were those based on Interpolated Heights from the triangulated ALS data using the road width as an additional parameter. Results demonstrated that it was possible to define the true road extent from the ALS data with accuracy equal to its point density of 2m by using a linear Least Squares best-fit algorithm. The Intensity of the return pulse was not used in the extraction process and formed a separate piece of research. The findings were that the most useful cross-section were those based on the Intensity Standard Deviations of the vertices of individual triangles in the triangulated ALS data and on Interpolated Intensity. Results show that it is possible to detect road markings from this information
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