1 research outputs found

    Making Disability a Part of Diversity

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    As part of Theme I of VCU’s Quest for Distinction, our project will help improve access to the services provided by Disability Student Services (DSS) office to students with disability. Recruitment and retention of qualified disabled students will increase. These students will achieve with higher graduation rates and contribute to a productive and skilled workforce. Improving the services provided to disabled students and better retention of these students at VCU will attract faculty members with expertise or a special interest in serving the disabled. Our project will also serve Theme I of Quest by continuing to make VCU a leader among national research universities in providing all students with quality learning/living experiences focused on inquiry, discovery and innovation in a global environment. VCU will be the central partner of a vibrant and enriched urban community. The improvement of DSS at VCU will demonstrate to the surrounding community that VCU is committed to make disability a part of diversity - (Quest, Theme IV). The development of new outreach programs and the expansion of existing programs involving the community will be critical. This partnership will develop a “bridge of excellence” between the community and the university and enrich the surrounding community and the commonwealth of Virginia