135 research outputs found

    Tire/road friction coefficient estimation applied to road safety

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    International audienceRecent statistics show that a large number of traffic accidents occur due to a loss of control on vehicle by the driver. This is mainly due to a loss of friction between tire and road. Many of these accidents could be avoided by introducing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) based on the detection of loss of tire/road friction. Friction (more specifically the maximum coefficient of friction) which is a parameter of tire/road interaction, mainly depends on the state of the road (dry, wet, snow, ice) and is closely related to the efforts at the tire level. In this paper, we propose, a new method for the estimation of the maximum tire/road friction coefficient, to automatically detect possible state of loss of friction which result in an abrupt change on the road state. This method is based on an iterative quadratic minimization of the error between the developed lateral force and the model of tire/road interaction. Results validate the application of the method

    Road profile estimation using an adaptive Youla- KuÄŤera parametric observer: comparison to real profilers

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    International audienceRoad profile acts as a disturbance input to the vehicle dynamics and results in undesirable vibrations affecting the vehicle stability. A precise information of this data is mandatory for a better understanding of the vehicle dynamics behavior and active vehicle control systems design. However, direct measurements of the road profile are not trivial for technical and economical reasons, and thus alternative solutions are needed. This paper develops a novel observer, known as virtual sensor, suitable for real-time estimation of the road profile. The developed approach is carried on a quarter-car model and on measurements of the vehicle body. The road elevation is modeled as a sinusoidal disturbance signal acting on the vehicle system. Since this signal has unknown and time-varying characteristics, the proposed estimation method implements an adaptive control scheme based on the internal model principle and on the use of Youla-KuÄŤera (YK) parametrization technique (also known as Q-parametrization). For performances assessment, estimations are comparatively evaluated with respect to measurements issued from Longitudinal Profile Analyzer (LPA) and Inertial Profiler (IP) instruments during experimental trials. The proposed method is also compared to the approach provided in (Doumiati et al. (2011)), where a stochastic Kalman filter is applied assuming a linear road model. Results show the effectiveness and pertinence of the present observation scheme

    Estimation embarquée des efforts latéraux et de la dérive d'un véhicule : validation expérimentale

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    National audienceLes principales préoccupations de la sécurité de conduite sont la compréhension et la prévention des situations critiques. Un examen attentif du nombre d'accidents révèle que la perte du contrôle du véhicule est l'une des causes principales des accidents routiers. L'amélioration de la stabilisation du véhicule est possible lorsque ses paramètres dynamiques sont connus. Certains paramètres fondamentaux de la dynamique, tels que les efforts de contact pneumatiques/chaussée, l'angle de dérive et l'adhérence, ne sont pas disponibles sur les véhicules de série ; par conséquence, ces variables doivent être estimées. L'observateur proposé dans cette étude est de type filtre de Kalman, il est basé sur la réponse dynamique d'un véhicule équipé par des capteurs standards. Cet article décrit le procédé d'estimation et présente des évaluations expérimentales. Les résultats expérimentaux acquis avec le véhicule du laboratoire INRETS-MA prouvent l'exactitude et le potentiel de cette approche

    Road Friction Virtual Sensing:A Review of Estimation Techniques with Emphasis on Low Excitation Approaches

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    In this paper, a review on road friction virtual sensing approaches is provided. In particular, this work attempts to address whether the road grip potential can be estimated accurately under regular driving conditions in which the vehicle responses remain within low longitudinal and lateral excitation levels. This review covers in detail the most relevant effect-based estimation methods; these are methods in which the road friction characteristics are inferred from the tyre responses: tyre slip, tyre vibration, and tyre noise. Slip-based approaches (longitudinal dynamics, lateral dynamics, and tyre self-alignment moment) are covered in the first part of the review, while low frequency and high frequency vibration-based works are presented in the following sections. Finally, a brief summary containing the main advantages and drawbacks derived from each estimation method and the future envisaged research lines are presented in the last sections of the paper

    Upravljanje vjetroagregatom otporno na oštećenja kaveza asinkronog generatora

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    Wind turbines are usually installed on remote locations and in order to increase their economic competence malfunctions should be reduced and prevented. Faults of wind turbine generator electromechanical parts are common and very expensive. This paper proposes a fault-tolerant control strategy for variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines in case of identified and characterised squirrel-cage generator rotor bar defect. An upgrade of the torque control loop with flux-angle-based torque modulation is proposed. In order to avoid or to postpone generator cage defects, usage of pitch controller in the low wind speed region is introduced. Presented fault-tolerant control strategy is developed taking into account its modular implementation and installation in available control systems of existing wind turbines to extend their life cycle and energy production. Practical implementation aspects such as estimation of variables used in control and estimate errors are considered and respected in operation, as well as fault-induced asymmetries. Simulation results for the case of a megawatt class wind turbine and the identified rotor bar fault are presented.Vjetroagregati se obično postavljaju na udaljene, nepristupačne lokacije te je potrebno spriječiti nastanak kvarova da bi se povećala njihova ekonomska konkurentnost. Kvarovi elektromehaničkih dijelova generatora vjetroagregata česti su i vrlo skupi. U ovom radu predstavljen je koncept upravljanja vjetroagregatima s promjenjivom brzinom vrtnje i zakretom lopatica za slučaj identificiranog i okarakteriziranog oštećenja kaveza asinkronog generatora. Predložena je nadogradnja na postojeći algoritam upravljanja momentom zasnovana na njegovoj modulaciji s obzirom na položaj magnetskog toka generatora. Da bi se izbjeglo ili usporilo širenje napuknuća kaveza generatora, predložena je primjena regulacijskog kruga za zakret lopatica i u režimu rada vjetroagregata ispod nazivne brzine vrtnje. Predstavljena strategija upravljanja razvijena je uvažavajući mogućnost modularnog nadovezivanja na postojeće metode upravljanja već postavljenih vjetroagregata s ciljem produženja njihova životnog vijeka i povećanja proizvodnje energije. Razmatrani su i uvaženi aspekti vezani uz praktičnu izvedbu, kao što je estimacija varijabli korištenih u upravljačkom algoritmu i pripadajuće pogreške estimata, kao i nesimetrije uzrokovane nastankom kvara. U radu su dani simulacijski rezultati za slučaj vjetroagregata iz megavatne klase s dijagnosticiranim napuknućem kaveza rotora

    A Tethered Bilayer Assembled on Top of Immobilized Calmodulin to Mimic Cellular Compartmentalization

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Biomimetic membrane models tethered on solid supports are important tools for membrane protein biochemistry and biotechnology. The supported membrane systems described up to now are composed of a lipid bilayer tethered or not to a surface separating two compartments: a "trans" side, one to a few nanometer thick, located between the supporting surface and the membrane; and a "cis" side, above the synthetic membrane, exposed to the bulk medium. We describe here a novel biomimetic design composed of a tethered bilayer membrane that is assembled over a surface derivatized with a specific intracellular protein marker. This multilayered biomimetic assembly exhibits the fundamental characteristics of an authentic biological membrane in creating a continuous yet fluid phospholipidic barrier between two distinct compartments: a "cis" side corresponding to the extracellular milieu and a "trans" side marked by a key cytosolic signaling protein, calmodulin. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We established and validated the experimental conditions to construct a multilayered structure consisting in a planar tethered bilayer assembled over a surface derivatized with calmodulin. We demonstrated the following: (i) the grafted calmodulin molecules (in trans side) were fully functional in binding and activating a calmodulin-dependent enzyme, the adenylate cyclase from Bordetella pertussis; and (ii) the assembled bilayer formed a continuous, protein-impermeable boundary that fully separated the underlying calmodulin (trans side) from the above medium (cis side). CONCLUSIONS: The simplicity and robustness of the tethered bilayer structure described here should facilitate the elaboration of biomimetic membrane models incorporating membrane embedded proteins and key cytoplasmic constituents. Such biomimetic structures will also be an attractive tool to study translocation across biological membranes of proteins or other macromolecules

    Upravljanje vjetroagregatom otporno na me.uzavojske kvarove statorskog namota generatora

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    Faults of wind turbine generator electromechanical parts are common and very expensive. This paper introduces a generator fault-tolerant control scheme for variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines that can be applied regardless to the AC generator used. The focus is on generator stator isolation inter-turn fault that can be diagnosed and characterised before triggering the safety device. An extension of the conventional wind turbine control structure is proposed that prevents the fault propagation while power delivery under fault is deteriorated as less as possible compared to healthy machine conditions. Fault-induced and inherent asymmetries of the generator are estimated and respected by the field-oriented control of the generator to eliminate torque oscillations. An approach for asymmetry detection based on an unscented Kalman filter is proposed. Presented fault-tolerant control strategy is developed taking into account its modular implementation and installation in available control systems of existing wind turbines to extend their exploitable life span and increase energy production. Simulation results for the case of a megawatt class wind turbine are presented.Kvarovi elektromehaničkih dijelova generatora vjetroagregata česti su i izrazito skupi. U ovom radu predstavljen je koncept na kvarove otpornog upravljanja generatorom vjetroagregata s promjenjivom brzinom vrtnje i zakretom lopatica primjenjiv bez obzira na tip korištenog izmjeničnog generatora. Naglasak je stavljen na oštećenje izolacije unutar namota jedne faze statora generatora koje se može dijagnosticirati i okarakterizirati prije aktiviranja sustava zaštite. Predložena je nadogradnja postojećeg sustava upravljanja vjetroagregatom koja sprječava širenje kvara i pritom postiže čim manje smanjenje proizvodnje električne energije u odnosu na normalan režim rada. Tako.er je prikazano vektorsko upravljanje generatorom koje uzima u obzir nesimetrije generatora, kako one nastale uslijed djelovanja kvara, tako i one inherentne. U radu je prikazan pristup za otkrivanje nesimetrija generatora zasnovan na nederivacijskom Kalmanovu filtru. Predstavljena strategija upravljanja razvijena je uvažavajući mogućnost modularnog nadovezivanja na postojeće algoritme upravljanja već postavljenih vjetroagregata s ciljem produženja njihova životnog vijeka i povećanja proizvodnje energije. Dani su simulacijski rezultati za slučaj vjetroagregata iz megavatne klase

    Model Predictive Control Allocation in Electric Vehicle Drive Trains

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