15 research outputs found

    Modeling the Heat Gain of a Window With an Interior Shade, How Much Energy Really Gets In?

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    ABSTRACT Not long ago the ASHRAE Technical Committee on Load Calculation, TC 4.1, had a "bake off' of sorts between different peak air-conditioning load calculation schemes and programs. One of the outcomes of this exercise was the realization that practitioners and software developers make largely different assumptions about how solar energy absorbed by window glass and by window shades contributes to the room solar heat gain. For unshaded glass windows there is general agreement [ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 2005]. For a shade however, there were two extremes in the models-one assumes that the shade rejects most of the solar energy that it does not transmit, logical if the shade is highly reflective and the glass highly transmissive, the other assumes that all radiation absorbed by the shade is immediately convected into the room. Suffice it to say that we are not the first to derive and present the fundamental equations of this heat transfer problem. What we have done is to avoid any simplifying assumptions in formulating the problem while allowing that some physical constants, convection coefficients in particular, are not well known and need to be parameterized. We whet the readers' appetite by revealing that for a glass/shade system where the glass was 22% transmissive and the shade 52% transmissive, the total heat gain to the room from this window assembly was nearly half of the incident radiation. Of course "It all depends!&quot

    Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks and PI Control Applied to a Heating Coil

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    An accurate simulation of a heating coil is used to compare the performance of a PI controller, a neural network trained to predict the steady-state output of the PI controller, a neural network trained to minimize the n-step ahead error between the coil output and the set point, and a reinforcement learning agent trained to minimize the sum of the squared error over time. Although the PI controller works very well for this task, the neural networks do result in improved performance. 1 Introduction Typical methods for designing fixed feedback controllers results in sub-optimal control performance. In many situations, the degree of uncertainty in the model of the system being controlled limits the utility of optimal control design. Building energy systems are particularly troublesome since the process gain is highly variable, depending on the load on components such as heating and cooling coils and on inlet conditions such as air temperature and air volume flow rate. Some of the..

    Synthesis of Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks, and PI Control Applied to a Simulated Heating Coil

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    An accurate simulation of a heating coil is used to compare the performance of a proportional plus integral (PI) controller, a neural network trained to predict the steady-state output of the PI controller, a neural network trained to minimize the n-step ahead error between the coil output and the set point, and a reinforcement learning agent trained to minimize the sum of the squared error over time. Although the PI controller works very well for this task, the neural networks produce improved performance. The reinforcement learning agent, when combined with a PI controller, learned to augment the PI control output for a small number of states for which control can be improved. Keywords: neural networks, reinforcement learning, PI control, HVAC 1 Introduction Typical methods for designing fixed feedback controllers results in sub-optimal control performance. In many situations, the degree of uncertainty in the model of the system being controlled limits the utility of optimal contro..

    Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks and PI Control Applied to a Heating Coil

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    An accurate simulation of a heating coil is used to compare the performance of a PI controller, a neural network trained to predict the steady-state output of the PI controller, a neural network trained to minimize the n-step ahead error between the coil output and the set point, and a reinforcement learning agent trained to minimize the sum of the squared error over time. Although the PI controller works very well for this task, the neural networks do result in improved performance. 1 Introduction Typical methods for designing fixed feedback controllers results in sub-optimal control performance. In many situations, the degree of uncertainty in the model of the system being controlled limits the utility of optimal control design. Building energy systems are particularly troublesome since the process gain is highly variable, depending on the load on components such as heating and cooling coils and on inlet conditions such as air temperature and air volume flow rate. Some of these issu..