135 research outputs found

    Long Fading Mid-Infrared Emission in Transient Coronal Line Emitters: Dust Echo of Tidal Disruption Flare

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    The sporadic accretion following the tidal disruption of a star by a super-massive black hole (TDE) leads to a bright UV and soft X-ray flare in the galactic nucleus. The gas and dust surrounding the black hole responses to such a flare with an echo in emission lines and infrared emission. In this paper, we report the detection of long fading mid-IR emission lasting up to 14 years after the flare in four TDE candidates with transient coronal lines using the WISE public data release. We estimate that the reprocessed mid-IR luminosities are in the range between 4×10424\times 10^{42} and 2×10432\times 10^{43} erg~s−1^{-1} and dust temperature in the range of 570-800K when WISE first detected these sources three to five years after the flare. Both luminosity and dust temperature decreases with time. We interpret the mid-IR emission as the infrared echo of the tidal disruption flare. We estimate the UV luminosity at the peak flare to be 1 to 30 times 104410^{44} erg s−1^{-1} and for warm dust masses to be in the range of 0.05-1.3 Msun within a few parsecs. Our results suggest that the mid-infrared echo is a general signature of TDE in the gas-rich environment

    Mid-infrared variability of changing-look AGN

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    It is known that some active galactic nuclei (AGNs) transited from type 1 to type 2 or vice versa. There are two explanations for the so-called changing look AGNs: one is the dramatic change of the obscuration along the line-of-sight, the other is the variation of accretion rate. In this paper, we report the detection of large amplitude variations in the mid-infrared luminosity during the transitions in 10 changing look AGNs using WISE and newly released NEOWISE-R data. The mid-infrared light curves of 10 objects echoes the variability in the optical band with a time lag expected for dust reprocessing. The large variability amplitude is inconsistent with the scenario of varying obscuration, rather supports the scheme of dramatic change in the accretion rate.Comment: Published by ApjL, 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Discovery of a Mid-infrared Echo from the TDE candidate in the nucleus of ULIRG F01004-2237

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    We present the mid-infrared (MIR) light curves (LCs) of a tidal disruption event (TDE) candidate in the center of a nearby ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) F01004-2237 using archival {\it WISE} and {\it NEOWISE} data from 2010 to 2016. At the peak of the optical flare, F01004-2237 was IR quiescent. About three years later, its MIR fluxes have shown a steady increase, rising by 1.34 and 1.04 mag in 3.43.4 and 4.6μ4.6\mum up to the end of 2016. The host-subtracted MIR peak luminosity is 2−3×10442-3\times10^{44}\,erg\,s−1^{-1}. We interpret the MIR LCs as an infrared echo, i.e. dust reprocessed emission of the optical flare. Fitting the MIR LCs using our dust model, we infer a dust torus of the size of a few parsecs at some inclined angle. The derived dust temperatures range from 590−850590-850\,K, and the warm dust mass is ∼7 M⊙\sim7\,M_{\odot}. Such a large mass implies that the dust cannot be newly formed. We also derive the UV luminosity of 4−11×10444-11\times10^{44}\,erg\,s−1^{-1}. The inferred total IR energy is 1−2×10521-2\times10^{52}\,erg, suggesting a large dust covering factor. Finally, our dust model suggests that the long tail of the optical flare could be due to dust scattering

    Mid-infrared flare of TDE candidate PS16dtm: dust echo and implications for the spectral evolution

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    PS16dtm was classified as a candidate tidal disruption event (TDE) in a dwarf Seyfert 1 galaxy with low-mass black hole (∼106M⊙\sim10^6M\odot) and has presented various intriguing photometric and spectra characteristics. Using the archival WISE and the newly released NEOWISE data, we found PS16dtm is experiencing a mid-infrared (MIR) flare which started ∼11\sim11 days before the first optical detection. Interpreting the MIR flare as a dust echo requires close pre-existing dust with a high covering factor, and suggests the optical flare may have brightened slowly for some time before it became bright detectable from the ground. More evidence is given at the later epochs. At the peak of the optical light curve, the new inner radius of the dust torus has grown to much larger size, a factor of 7 of the initial radius due to strong radiation field. At ∼150\sim150 days after the first optical detection, the dust temperature has dropped well below the sublimation temperature. Other peculiar spectral features shown by PS16dtm are the transient, prominent FeII emission lines and outflows indicated by broad absorption lines detected during the optical flare. Our model explains the enhanced FeII emission from iron newly released from the evaporated dust. The observed broad absorption line outflow could be explained by accelerated gas in the dust torus due to the radiation pressure.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 5 figure

    Discovery of An Active Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Candidate in the Barred Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 3319

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    We report the discovery of an active intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) candidate in the center of nearby barred bulgeless galaxy NGC 3319\rm NGC~3319. The point X-ray source revealed by archival Chandra and XMM-Newton observations is spatially coincident with the optical and UV galactic nuclei from Hubble Space Telescope observations. The spectral energy distribution derived from the unresolved X-ray and UV-optical flux is comparable with active galactic nuclei (AGNs) rather than ultra-luminous X-ray sources, although its bolometric luminosity is only 3.6×1040 erg s−13.6\times10^{40}~\rm erg~s^{-1}. Assuming an Eddington ratio range between 0.001 and 1, the black hole mass (M_\rm{BH}) will be located at 3×102−3×105 M⊙3\times10^2-3\times10^5~M_{\odot}, placing it in the so-called IMBH regime and could be the one of the lowest reported so far. Estimates from other approaches (e.g., fundamental plane, X-ray variability) also suggest M_\rm{BH}\lesssim10^5~M_{\odot}.Similar to other BHs in bulgeless galaxies, the discovered IMBH resides in a nuclear star cluster with mass of ∼6×106 M⊙\sim6\times10^6~M_{\odot}. The detection of such a low-mass BH offers us an ideal chance to study the formation and early growth of SMBH seeds, which may result from the bar-driven inflow in late-type galaxies with a prominent bar such as NGC 3319\rm NGC~3319.Comment: ApJ accepted, 2 tables, 6 figure
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