8 research outputs found
Mean-field glass transition in a model liquid
We investigate the liquid-glass phase transition in a system of point-like
particles interacting via a finite-range attractive potential in D-dimensional
space. The phase transition is driven by an `entropy crisis' where the
available phase space volume collapses dramatically at the transition. We
describe the general strategy underlying the first-principles replica
calculation for this type of transition; its application to our model system
then allows for an analytic description of the liquid-glass phase transition
within a mean-field approximation, provided the parameters are chosen suitably.
We find a transition exhibiting all the features associated with an `entropy
crisis', including the characteristic finite jump of the order parameter at the
transition while the free energy and its first derivative remain continuous.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
Absence of a structural glass phase in a monoatomic model liquid predicted to undergo an ideal glass transition
We study numerically a monodisperse model of interacting classical particles
predicted to exhibit a static liquid-glass transition. Using a dynamical Monte
Carlo method we show that the model does not freeze into a glassy phase at low
temperatures. Instead, depending on the choice of the hard-core radius for the
particles the system either collapses trivially or a polycrystalline hexagonal
structure emerges.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor changes in introduction and conclusions,
additional reference
Free-energy distribution functions for the randomly forced directed polymer
We study the -dimensional random directed polymer problem, i.e., an
elastic string subject to a Gaussian random potential and
confined within a plane. We mainly concentrate on the short-scale and
finite-temperature behavior of this problem described by a short- but
finite-ranged disorder correlator and introduce two types of
approximations amenable to exact solutions. Expanding the disorder potential
at short distances, we study the
random force (or Larkin) problem with as well as the shifted
random force problem including the random offset ; as such, these
models remain well defined at all scales. Alternatively, we analyze the
harmonic approximation to the correlator in a consistent manner.
Using direct averaging as well as the replica technique, we derive the
distribution functions and of free energies
of a polymer of length for both fixed () and free boundary
conditions on the displacement field and determine the mean
displacement correlators on the distance . The inconsistencies encountered
in the analysis of the harmonic approximation to the correlator are traced back
to its non-spectral correlator; we discuss how to implement this approximation
in a proper way and present a general criterion for physically admissible
disorder correlators .Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
Energy distribution of maxima and minima in a one-dimensional random system
We study the energy distribution of maxima and minima of a simple
one-dimensional disordered Hamiltonian. We find that in systems with short
range correlated disorder there is energy separation between maxima and minima,
such that at fixed energy only one kind of stationary points is dominant in
number over the other. On the other hand, in the case of systems with long
range correlated disorder maxima and minima are completely mixed.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 1 eps figure. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Large times off-equilibrium dynamics of a particle in a random potential
We study the off-equilibrium dynamics of a particle in a general
-dimensional random potential when . We demonstrate the
existence of two asymptotic time regimes: {\it i.} stationary dynamics, {\it
ii.} slow aging dynamics with violation of equilibrium theorems. We derive the
equations obeyed by the slowly varying part of the two-times correlation and
response functions and obtain an analytical solution of these equations. For
short-range correlated potentials we find that: {\it i.} the scaling function
is non analytic at similar times and this behaviour crosses over to
ultrametricity when the correlations become long range, {\it ii.} aging
dynamics persists in the limit of zero confining mass with universal features
for widely separated times. We compare with the numerical solution to the
dynamical equations and generalize the dynamical equations to finite by
extending the variational method to the dynamics.Comment: 70 pages, 7 figures included, uuencoded Z-compressed .tar fil