5 research outputs found

    Theotonio dos Santos (1936-2018), the revolutionary intellectual who pioneered dependency theory

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    This article analyzes the origins and development of the dependency theory through the life and work of Theotonio Dos Santos. His formative years at the academy and his early political activism in Brazil are examined, particularly, his time at the University of Brasilia with Vania Bambirra, Ruy Mauro Marini and André Gunder Frank ("the quartet"). This is followed by a discussion about their years of exile in Chile where the quartet regrouped at the Center for Socio-Economic Studies (ceso) of the University of Chile, and where they wrote their founding texts on dependency theory. Chile provided fertile ground for the development of this theory due to its intellectual climate, institutionality, and the country's political transformations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The military overthrow of the Allende government on that fateful September 11th, 1973 forced the quartet once again into exile. The article continues with an analysis of Dos Santos' writings during his exile in Mexico and then back in Brazil. During this period he became involved with world system theory which culminated in the publication of his extensive trilogy on the contemporary crisis of capitalism and social theory

    Interdepartmental coordination and northern development

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    Abstract. This paper examines the relationship of past and current federal structures for northern policy development to existing federal northern policy requirements. Current policy‐making machinery, arguably appropriate to an earlier era of northern development, now serves neither the interests of any constituency ‐ native or non‐native northerners or the northern resource development industry ‐ nor the national interest. On the basis of a critical analysis of present arrangements, available institutional options for reform are identified and assessed. Far‐reaching structural reforms are recommended including the abolition of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). Sommaire. Les auteurs de cet exposé examinent le rapport entre les structures fédérales, anciennes et présentes, et les exigences actuelles de la politique fédérale dans le Nord. Le mécanisme actuel de la détermination des politiques, qu'on pouvait justifier à une époque plus ancienne du développement du Nord, nesert plus maintenant ni les intérêrs de groupes particuliers ‐ habitants du Nord, autochtones ou non, industries développant ses ressources ‐ ni l'intérêt national. A partir d'une analyse critique des dispositions actuelles, les auteurs identifient et évaluent les options institutionnelles existantes. Ils recommandent des réformesde grande envergure, dont l'abolition du ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord. Copyrigh