65 research outputs found

    Learning and policy search in stochastic dynamical systems with Bayesian neural networks

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    We present an algorithm for policy search in stochastic dynamical systems using model-based reinforcement learning. The system dynamics are described with Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) that include stochastic input variables. These input variables allow us to capture complex statistical patterns in the transition dynamics (e.g. multi-modality and heteroskedasticity), which are usually missed by alternative modeling approaches. After learning the dynamics, our BNNs are then fed into an algorithm that performs random roll-outs and uses stochastic optimization for policy learning. We train our BNNs by minimizing a-divergences with a = 0.5, which usually produces better results than other techniques such as variational Bayes. We illustrate the performance of our method by solving a challenging problem where model-based approaches usually fail and by obtaining promising results in real-world scenarios including the control of a gas turbine and an industrial benchmark

    Accelerated sampling for the Indian Buffet Process.

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    Predicting intervention onset in the ICU with switching state space models.

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    The impact of many intensive care unit interventions has not been fully quantified, especially in heterogeneous patient populations. We train unsupervised switching state autoregressive models on vital signs from the public MIMIC-III database to capture patient movement between physiological states. We compare our learned states to static demographics and raw vital signs in the prediction of five ICU treatments: ventilation, vasopressor administra tion, and three transfusions. We show that our learned states, when combined with demographics and raw vital signs, improve prediction for most interventions even 4 or 8 hours ahead of onset. Our results are competitive with existing work while using a substantially larger and more diverse cohort of 36,050 patients. While custom classifiers can only target a specific clinical event, our model learns physiological states which can help with many interventions. Our robust patient state representations provide a path towards evidence-driven administration of clinical interventions.National Library of Medicine Biomedical Informatics Research Training (Grant NIH/NLM 2T15 LM007092-22