1,358 research outputs found

    A Note on the Set-Theoretic Representation of Arbitrary Lattices

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    Every lattice is isomorphic to a lattice whose elements are sets of sets, and whose operations are intersection and an operation extending the union of two sets of sets A and B by the set of all sets in which the intersection of an element of A and of an element of B is included. This representation spells out precisely Birkhoff's and Frinks's representation of arbitrary lattices, which is related to Stone's set-theoretic representation of distributive lattices.Comment: 3 pages (published in A. Krapez ed., A Tribute to S.B. Presic, Mathematical Institute, Belgrade, 2001, pp. 99-101

    Identity of Proofs Based on Normalization and Generality

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    In general proof theory there are two approaches to the question of identity criteria for proofs. The first approach, which stems from Prawitz, Kreisel and Lambek, and is based on normalization of proofs, gives good results in intuitionistic, but not in classical logic. The second approach, which stems from Lambek, Mac Lane and Kelly, and is inspired by the generality of proofs, seems to be more promissing in classical logic.Comment: 29 pages, corrected remark about difunctionality, updated reference

    Abstraction and Application in Adjunction

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    The postulates of comprehension and extensionality in set theory are based on an inversion principle connecting set-theoretic abstraction and the property of having a member. An exactly analogous inversion principle connects functional abstraction and application to an argument in the postulates of the lambda calculus. Such an inversion principle arises also in two adjoint situations involving a cartesian closed category and its polynomial extension. Composing these two adjunctions, which stem from the deduction theorem of logic, produces the adjunction connecting product and exponentiation, i.e. conjunction and implication.Comment: 15 page

    On Sets of Premises

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    Conceiving of premises as collected into sets or multisets, instead of sequences, may lead to triviality for classical and intuitionistic logic in general proof theory, where we investigate identity of deductions. Any two deductions with the same premises and the same conclusions become equal. In terms of categorial proof theory, this is a consequence of a simple fact concerning adjunction with a full and faithful functor applied to the adjunction between the diagonal functor and the product biendofunctor, which corresponds to the conjunction connective.Comment: 13 page

    Simplicial Endomorphisms

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    The monoids of simplicial endomorphisms, i.e. the monoids of endomorphisms in the simplicial category, are submonoids of monoids one finds in Temperley-Lieb algebras, and as the monoids of Temperley-Lieb algebras are linked to situations where an endofunctor is adjoint to itself, so the monoids of simplicial endomorphisms are linked to arbitrary adjoint situations. This link is established through diagrams of the kind found in Temperley-Lieb algebras. Results about these matters, which were previously prefigured up to a point, are here surveyed and reworked. A presentation of monoids of simplicial endomorphisms by generators and relations has been given a long time ago. Here a closely related presentation is given, with completeness proved in a new and self-contained manner.Comment: 33 pages, new version, updated reference

    Medial Commutativity

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    It is shown that all the assumptions for symmetric monoidal categories flow out of a unifying principle involving natural isomorphisms of the type (AβŠ—B)βŠ—(CβŠ—D)β†’(AβŠ—C)βŠ—(BβŠ—D){(A\otimes B)\otimes(C\otimes D)\to(A\otimes C)\otimes(B\otimes D)}, called medial commutativity. Medial commutativity in the presence of the unit object enables us to define associativity and commutativity natural isomorphisms. In particular, Mac Lane's pentagonal and hexagonal coherence conditions for associativity and commutativity are derived from the preservation up to a natural isomorphism of medial commutativity by the biendofunctor βŠ—\otimes. This preservation boils down to an isomorphic representation of the Yang-Baxter equation of symmetric and braid groups. The assumptions of monoidal categories, and in particular Mac Lane's pentagonal coherence condition, are explained in the absence of commutativity, and also of the unit object, by a similar preservation of associativity by the biendofunctor βŠ—\otimes. In the final section one finds coherence conditions for medial commutativity in the absence of the unit object. These conditions are obtained by taking the direct product of the symmetric groups S(ni)S_{n \choose i} for 0≀i≀n0\leq i\leq n.Comment: 27 pages, minor addition

    Representing Conjunctive Deductions by Disjunctive Deductions

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    A skeleton of the category with finite coproducts D freely generated by a single object has a subcategory isomorphic to a skeleton of the category with finite products C freely generated by a countable set of objects. As a consequence, we obtain that D has a subcategory equivalent with C. From a proof-theoretical point of view, this means that up to some identifications of formulae the deductions of pure conjunctive logic with a countable set of propositional letters can be represented by deductions in pure disjunctive logic with just one propositional letter. By taking opposite categories, one can replace coproduct by product, i.e. disjunction by conjunction, and the other way round, to obtain the dual results.Comment: 15 page

    G\"odel on Deduction

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    This is an examination, a commentary, of links between some philosophical views ascribed to G\"odel and general proof theory. In these views deduction is of central concern not only in predicate logic, but in set theory too, understood from an infinitistic ideal perspective. It is inquired whether this centrality of deduction could also be kept in the intensional logic of concepts whose building G\"odel seems to have taken as the main task of logic for the future.Comment: 25 page

    Ordinals in Frobenius Monads

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    This paper provides geometrical descriptions of the Frobenius monad freely generated by a single object. These descriptions are related to results connecting Frobenius algebras and topological quantum field theories. In these descriptions, which are based on coherence results for self-adjunctions (adjunctions where an endofunctor is adjoint to itself), ordinals in epsilon zero play a prominent role. The paper ends by considering how the notion of Frobenius algebra induces the collapse of the hierarchy of ordinals in epsilon zero, and by raising the question of the exact categorial abstraction of the notion of Frobenius algebra.Comment: 27 page

    Bicartesian Coherence

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    Coherence is demonstrated for categories with binary products and sums, but without the terminal and the initial object, and without distribution. This coherence amounts to the existence of a faithful functor from a free category with binary products and sums to the category of relations on finite ordinals. This result is obtained with the help of proof-theoretic normalizing techniques. When the terminal object is present, coherence may still be proved if of binary sums we keep just their bifunctorial properties. It is found that with the simplest understanding of coherence this is the best one can hope for in bicartesian categories. The coherence for categories with binary products and sums provides an easy decision procedure for equality of arrows. It is also used to demonstrate that the categories in question are maximal, in the sense that in any such category that is not a preorder all the equations between arrows involving only binary products and sums are the same. This shows that the usual notion of equivalence of proofs in nondistributive conjunctive-disjunctive logic is optimally defined: further assumptions would make this notion collapse into triviality. (A proof of coherence for categories with binary products and sums simpler than that presented in this paper may be found in Section 9.4 of {\it Proof-Theoretical Coherence}, revised version of September 2007, http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/~kosta/coh.pdf.)Comment: 22 pages, corrected proof of maximalit
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