5 research outputs found

    Differential chromatin structure within a tandem array 100 kb upstream of the maize b1 locus is associated with paramutation.

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    Recombination mapping defined a 6-kb region, 100 kb upstream of the transcription start site, that is required for B-I enhancer activity and paramutation—a stable, heritable change in transcription caused by allele interactions in maize (Zea mays). In this region, B-I and B‘ (the only b1 alleles that participate in paramutation) have seven tandem repeats of an 853-bp sequence otherwise unique in the genome; other alleles have one. Examination of recombinant alleles with different numbers of tandem repeats indicates that the repeats are required for both paramutation and enhancer function. The 6-kb region is identical in B-I and B‘, showing that epigenetic mechanisms mediate the stable silencing associated with paramutation. This is the first endogenous gene for which sequences required for paramutation have been defined and examined for methylation and chromatin structure. The tandem repeat sequences are more methylated in B-I (high expressing) relative to B‘ (low expressing), opposite of the typical correlation. Furthermore, the change in repeat methylation follows establishment of the B‘ epigenetic state. B-I has a more open chromatin structure in the repeats relative to B‘. The nuclease hypersensitivity differences developmentally precede transcription, suggesting that the repeat chromatin structure could be the heritable imprint distinguishing the two transcription states

    Mutator and MULE transposons

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    The Functions of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases in Arabidopsis

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    One recently identified mechanism that regulates mRNA abundance is RNA silencing, and pioneering work in Arabidopsis thaliana and other genetic model organisms helped define this process. RNA silencing pathways are triggered by either self-complementary fold-back structures or the production of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) that gives rise to small RNAs (smRNAs) known as microRNAs (miRNAs) or small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs). These smRNAs direct sequence-specific regulation of various gene transcripts, repetitive sequences, viruses, and mobile elements via RNA cleavage, translational inhibition, or transcriptional silencing through DNA methylation and heterochromatin formation. Early genetic screens in Arabidopsis were instrumental in uncovering numerous proteins required for these important regulatory pathways. Among the factors identified by these studies were RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs), which are proteins that synthesize siRNA-producing dsRNA molecules using a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) molecule as a template. Recently, a growing body of evidence has implicated RDR-dependent RNA silencing in many different aspects of plant biology ranging from reproductive development to pathogen resistance. Here, we focus on the specific functions of the six Arabidopsis RDRs in RNA silencing, their ssRNA substrates and resulting RDR-dependent smRNAs, and the numerous biological functions of these proteins in plant development and stress responses