720 research outputs found

    Theory and Practice in Quantitative Genetics

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    With the rapid advances in molecular biology, the near completion of the human genome, the development of appropriate statistical genetic methods and the availability of the necessary computing power, the identification of quantitative trait loci has now become a realistic prospect for quantitative geneticists. We briefly describe the theoretical biometrical foundations underlying quantitative genetics. These theoretical underpinnings are translated into mathematical equations that allow the assessment of the contribution of observed (using DNA samples) and unobserved (using known genetic relationships) genetic variation to population variance in quantitative traits. Several statistical models for quantitative genetic analyses are described, such as models for the classical twin design, multivariate and longitudinal genetic analyses, extended twin analyses, and linkage and association analyses. For each, we show how the theoretical biometrical model can be translated into algebraic equations that may be used to generate scripts for statistical genetic software packages, such as Mx, Lisrel, SOLAR, or MERLIN. For using the former program a web-library (available from http://www.psy.vu.nl/mxbib) has been developed of freely available scripts that can be used to conduct all genetic analyses described in this paper

    Estimation of individual genetic and environmental profiles in longitudinal designs

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    Parameter estimates obtained in the genetic analysis of longitudinal data can be used to construct individual genetic and environmental profiles across time. Such individual profiles enable the attribution of individual phenotypic change to changes in the underlying genetic or environmental processes and may lead to practical applications in genetic counseling and epidemiology. Simulations show that individual estimates of factor scores can be reliably obtained. Decomposition of univariate, and to a lesser extent of bivariate, phenotypic time series may yield estimates of independent individual G(t) and E(t), however, that are intercorrelated. The magnitude of these correlations depends somewhat on the autocorrelation structure of the underlying series, but to obtain completely independent estimates of genetic and environmental individual profiles, at least three measured indicators are needed at each point in time. KEY WORDS: longitudinal genetic analysis; environmental profiles; genetic profiles; factor scores; Kalman filter

    Influences on achieving motor milestones: A twin-singleton study

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    In order to determine if twinning impacted achievement of motor milestones the attainment of early motor milestones in twins was examined and compared to published data from singletons of the same age from the same culture and birth years. We examined the influence of twinning, sex, zygosity and birth cohort (1987-2001) on the motor development of twins aged 0 to 24 months. Data on the attainment of motor milestones (turn, sit, crawl, stand and walk) of twins were collected from maternal reports. All data were corrected for gestational age. Data from the twin sample were compared to normative data from singletons, which were available from Child Health Clinics (CHC). Analyses across twin data and the CHC singleton data revealed no differences between twins and singletons in achievement of motor milestones. Girls were able to sit without support slightly earlier than boys, otherwise there were no other sex differences. Birth-order analyses revealed minimal but significant differences in turning over from back to belly and for sitting without support between the first- and second-born. Dizygotic (DZ) twins were faster than monozygotic (MZ) twins in achieving the moment of sit, crawl, stand and walk. Twins born in earlier cohorts were faster in reaching the moment of crawl, sit and walk. It is concluded that there are no differences in time of reaching motor milestones between twins and singletons within the normal range. Sex has minimal to no effect on motor development in early childhood. DZ twins achieve motor milestones sooner than MZ twins. Attainment of gross motor milestones (crawl, stand and walk) is delayed in later birth cohorts

    The Familial Clustering of Age at Menarche in Extended Twin Families

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    The timing of puberty is complex, possibly involving many genetic factors that may interact with environmental influences. Familial resemblance for age at menarche was studied in a sample of 4,995 female twins, 1,296 sisters, 2,946 mothers and 635 female spouses of male twins. They had indicated their age at menarche as part of a larger longitudinal survey. We assessed assortative mating for age at menarche, gene–environment interaction effects and estimated the heritability of individual differences in pubertal timing. There was significant evidence of gene–environment interaction, accounting for 1.5% of the variance. There was no indication of consistent mate assortment on age at menarche. Individual differences in age at menarche are highly heritable, with additive genetic factors explaining at least 70% of the true variation. An additional 1.5% of the variation can be explained by a genotype–environment interaction effect where environmental factors are more important in individuals genetically predisposed for late menarche

    Genetic contribution to the P3 in young and middle-aged adults.

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    Previous studies in young and adolescent twins suggested substantial genetic contributions to the amplitude and latency of the P3 evoked by targets in an oddball paradigm. Here we examined whether these findings can be generalized to adult samples. A total of 651 twins and siblings from 292 families participated in a visual oddball task. In half of the subjects the age centered around 26 (young adult cohort), in the other half the age centered around 49 (middle-aged adult cohort). P3 peak amplitude and latency were scored for 3 midline leads Pz, Cz, and Fz. No cohort differences in heritability were found. P3 amplitude (∼50%) and latency (∼45%) were moderately heritable for the 3 leads. A single genetic factor influenced latency at all electrodes, suggesting a single P3 timing mechanism. Specific genetic factors influenced amplitude at each lead, suggesting local modulation of the P3 once triggered. Genetic analysis of the full event-related potential waveform showed that P3 heritability barely changes from about 100 ms before to 100 ms after the peak. Age differences are restricted to differences in means and variances, but the proportion of genetic variance as part of the total variance of midline P3 amplitude and latency does not change from young to middle-aged adulthood

    Genome-wide linkage scan for athlete status in 700 British female DZ twin pairs

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    Association studies, comparing elite athletes with sedentary controls, have reported a number of genes that may be related to athlete status. The present study reports the first genome wide linkage scan for athlete status. Subjects were 4488 adult female twins from the TwinsUK Adult Twin Registry (793 monozygotic [MZ] and 1000 dizygotic [DZ] complete twin pairs, and single twins). Athlete status was measured by asking the twins whether they had ever competed in sports and what was the highest level obtained. Twins who had competed at the county or national level were considered elite athletes. Using structural equation modeling in Mx, the heritability of athlete status was estimated at 66%. Seven hundred DZ twin pairs that were successfully genotyped for 1946 markers (736 microsatellites and 1210 SNPs) were included in the linkage analysis. Identical-by-descent probabilities were estimated in Merlin for a 1 cM grid, taking into account the linkage disequilibrium of correlated SNPs. The linkage scan was carried out in Mx using the π-approach. Suggestive linkages were found on chromosomes 3q22-q24 and 4q31-q34. Both areas converge with findings from previous studies using exercise phenotypes. The peak on 3q22-q24 was found at the SLC9A9 gene. The region 4q31-q34 overlaps with the region for which suggestive linkages were found in two previous linkage studies for physical fitness (FABP2 gene; Bouchard et al., 2000) and physical activity (UCP1 gene; Simonen et al., 2003). Future association studies should further clarify the possible role of these genes in athlete status

    Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women from Opposite-Sex Twin Pairs

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    Introduction: Intrauterine androgens of a male fetus may influence the female fetus in opposite-sex twin pairs. Because female intrauterine overexposure to androgens could lead to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the prevalence of PCOS should be higher in women from opposite-sex twin pairs. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the prevalence of PCOS in women from opposite-sex twin pairs compared to women from same-sex twin pairs, sisters, and female spouses of twins. Subjects and Methods: Data from 1325 monozygotic twins, 1191 dizygotic twins (711 women from same-sex twin pairs and 480 women from opposite-sex twin pairs), 745 sisters of twins, and 218 spouses of male twins were evaluated. PCOS was defined as less than nine natural menstrual cycles a year combined with either hirsutism or acne. The prevalence of PCOS was compared using a ±2 test. Binary logistic regression analyses were conducted to test for confounding effects of smoking, age, and body mass index. Results: No significant differences in PCOS prevalence were found between women from same-sex twin pairs (either monozygotic or dizygotic), opposite-sex twin pairs, sisters, and spouses. Conclusion: The prevalence of PCOS is not different in women from opposite-sex and same-sex twin pairs, singleton sisters, or spouses. This indicates that possible androgen exposure of the female fetus, caused by a shared intrauterine environment with a male fetus, does not result in PCOS-like traits. Copyright © 2009 by The Endocrine Society