30 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the influence of systematic distortions on the uncertainty parameters using approximation by the least squared method

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    W artykule zwr贸cono uwag臋, 偶e podczas aproksymacji metod膮 najmniejszych kwadrat贸w opr贸cz oddzia艂ywa艅 losowych na wyniki pomiar贸w nale偶y tak偶e uwzgl臋dnia膰 oddzia艂ywania systematyczne. Zosta艂y przeanalizowane zale偶no艣ci warto艣ci parametr贸w niepewno艣ci wsp贸艂czynnik贸w oraz samej funkcji aproksymacyjnej od parametr贸w oddzia艂ywa艅 systematycznych podczas aproksymacji metod膮 najmniejszych kwadrat贸w. Przedstawiono metodyk臋 obliczenia parametr贸w niepewno艣ci spowodowanych oddzia艂ywaniami systematycznymi addytywnymi oraz multiplikatywnymi. Zastosowanie metodyki zosta艂o pokazane na przyk艂adzie liczbowym.In the article is indicated, that during the approximation by the least squared method besides random effects should be also considered the systematic influences. The procedure of the evaluation of systematic influences on the uncertainty parameters of the coefficients and quite approximating function using the least squared method approximation is given. The expressions for evaluating the parameters of uncertainty for the additive and multiplicative influences are obtained. Procedure is illustrated by the numerical example

    The influence correction method of observation autocorrelation to standard uncertainty of mean value

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    W pracy zaproponowano przybli偶on膮 metod臋 statystyk pozycyjnych wykorzystan膮 do opracowania losowych obserwacji o nieznanym a priori rozk艂adzie g臋sto艣ci prawdopodobie艅stwa. Wyja艣niono problemy zastosowania metody dok艂adnej zwi膮zane ze z艂o偶onymi obliczeniami ca艂ek podw贸jnych przy wyznaczaniu macierzy kowariancji. Metoda przybli偶ona bazuje na prostych asymptotycznych zale偶no艣ciach wariancji i wsp贸艂czynnika korelacji statystyk pozycyjnych od ich liczby i numer贸w oraz rozk艂adu g臋sto艣ci prawdopodobie艅stwa. Z tego powodu macierz kowariancji jest wyznaczana przy u偶yciu prostych operacji arytmetycznych. Przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 metody przybli偶onej i wykazano jej skuteczno艣膰 na podstawie ich por贸wnania z wynikami otrzymywa-nymi dla metody dok艂adnej.In the present paper the approximate method of order statistics used to processing of the random observations of unknown a priori probability density distribution is proposed. The problems of precise method of determination of the covariance matrix of order statistics based on complex calculations of double integrals of two-dimensional density distribution of order statistics (4) are discussed. The approximate method is based on asymptotical dependencies of variance (11) and correlation coefficient (12) of order statistics from their number and density distribution function. The proposed method does not require the calculation of complex integrals because the covariance matrix is determined by performing ordinary arithmetic operations (13). In addition, the proposed method provides an increase of the accuracy of the calculations if the size of the matrix increases, i.e. if the number of observations increases (Fig. 3). The results of Monte Carlo simulations of the approximate method are presented. On the basis of a comparison of the characteristics of errors and standard uncertainties (16), (17), (18) and (19) of the exact and approximate methods effectiveness of the proposed method has been analyzed (Tab. 1)

    Research of the gain error of amplifiers with resistor dynamic-feedback

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    The analysis results of the amplification factor relative error of three kinds of amplifiers (non-inverting (Fig. 1,b), inverting (Fig. 2,a) and differential (Fig. 2,b)) based on resistors dynamic-feedback are presented in the paper. Such amplifiers are used for signal amplification in a wide dynamic range when, practically, the same value of the relative error of different amplification factors is required. It is shown that values of the mean and standard deviation of the mean amplification factor relative errors are proportional to the square of the resistance relative standard deviation: formulas (7), (8), (10). Moreover, it is shown that the mean error value do not practically depended on the number of used resistors. The error standard deviation decreases proportionally to the root square of the number of resistors. The characteristics of the amplification factor relative errors calculated by analytical formulas and by the Monte Carlo method for different number of feed-back resistors (from 2 to 100) are shown in Fig. 3. Based on the analysis of the influence of switch variation resistance on the amplification factor error, the condition (13) for correct choice of switches is obtained. It is shown that using resistors with the relative standard deviation of 0,1% and switches whose resistance deviation corresponds to the condition (13), it is possible to obtain the amplification factor accuracy of a few ppm

    Investigations of the method for processing the random observations based on their parallel comparison with a set of the reference observations

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    W artykule zbadano metod臋 statystycznego opracowania losowych nieskorelowanych obserwacji o nieznanych a priori rozk艂adach prawdopodobie艅stwa (RP). Metoda polega na r贸wnoleg艂ym por贸wnaniu uporz膮dkowanych obserwacji z zestawem obserwacji referencyjnych, kt贸rymi s膮 warto艣ci przeci臋tne losowych statystyk pozycyjnych odpowiadaj膮cych wybranym RP. Przedstawione s膮 wyniki bada艅 metod膮 Monte-Carlo skuteczno艣ci zaproponowanych algorytm贸w obliczania wyniku pomiaru. Metoda zapewnia mniejsza standardow膮 niepewno艣膰 wyniku pomiaru w por贸wnaniu z niepewno艣ci膮 warto艣ci 艣redniej.In the paper the method for statistical processing of random uncorrelated observations of unknown a priori probability density distribution (PDD) of the population is investigated. The method is based on parallel comparison by the weighted least squares method ((1), Fig. 2) of the sorted input observations with the collection of the so-called reference observations (Fig. 1) which are the expected values of order statistics, that correspond to the specified PDD. The results of comparison are the estimators of the location 啪 (measurement result) and width ? parameters (1) of the input observations. The analysis of the residual sums of squares (RSS) (5, Fig. 3) deviations of the input from the all set reference observations is used for determining the best measurement result. The measurement result according to algorithm A1 is based on determination of the minimum value of all RSS (6, Fig. 3), (7) and according to the algorithm A2 the result is calculated as the weighted mean from all results (8), (9). In this case the weight coefficients are proportional to the inverse values of appropriate RSS. The efficiency of both algorithms is investigated by the Monte-Carlo method. It has been stated that algorithm A1 provides the best (after standard deviation) measurement result if the input observations are obtained from population whose PDD is also used for forming the reference observations (Figs. 4, 5). If the input observations are obtained from population whose PDD is not used for forming the reference observations, then algorithm A2 provides the best results. And both algorithms ensure better measurement results in comparison with the average value (Figs. 4, 5)

    Comparison of measurement result approximation uncertainty by algebraic and orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials

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    W referacie zaprezentowano wyniki por贸wnania niepewno艣ci przewidywanych warto艣ci funkcji znalezionych na podstawie aproksymacji wynik贸w pomiaru zwyk艂ymi algebraicznymi oraz ortogonalnymi wielomianami Czebyszewa. Przedstawione s膮 wzory analityczne do obliczenia niepewno艣ci tych funkcji.In the paper the comparison results of the uncertainty of the forecasted values of function, obtained as a result of the measurement result approximation by both usual algebraic and Chebyshev polynomials are presented. The obtained formulas for calculation uncertainty of these function are presented

    Investigations of correlation between the main location parameter estimators of random uncorrelated observations

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 korelacji pomi臋dzy warto艣ci膮 艣redni膮, median膮 oraz 艣rodkiem rozst臋pu nieskorelowanych wynik贸w obserwacji o wybranych rozk艂adach prawdopodobie艅stwa: Laplace'a, normalnym, tr贸jk膮tnym, trapezowym, jednostajnym oraz arksinusoidalnym. Stwierdzono, 偶e istnieje silna korelacja pomi臋dzy warto艣ci膮 艣redni膮 a median膮, mediana i 艣rodek rozst臋pu s膮 najmniej skorelowane, a korelacja pomi臋dzy 艣redni膮 i 艣rodkiem rozst臋pu przyjmuje warto艣ci po艣rednie. Przy wzro艣cie liczby obserwacji korelacja pomi臋dzy warto艣ci膮 艣redni膮 a median膮 stabilizuje si臋, natomiast korelacja pomi臋dzy 艣rodkiem rozst臋pu i warto艣ci膮 艣redni膮 oraz median膮 monotoniczne zmniejsza si臋.The results of studies of the correlation between the main location parameter estimators (mean, median and midrange) of uncorrelated random observations are presented. Analytical calculations of the correlation coefficients are based on preliminary determination of the location parameter joint distributions. The joint distributions of the median and midrange are described by simplest formula (7), based on the distribution of order statistics (6). But analytical calculations of the joint distribution of other pairs of position parameters are very difficult and can only be realized by numerical procedures. Formulas (11) - (15) for determining the asymptotical values of all correlation coefficients for a large numbers of observations are presented. The main studies of the correlation coefficients for the number observation from n = 2 to n = 100 are realised by the Monte Carlo method. The results of simulation investigations are shown in Fig. 1. The median and mean are most correlated, and the asymptotical value of the correlation coefficient is equal to the inverse value of a form factor of the sample probability density function (PDF). The value of the correlation coefficient between the median and midrange does not practically depend on the type of PDF and decreases approximately proportionally to the square root of the number of observations (13, Fig. 1). The value of the correlation coefficient between the mean and midrange also decreases monotonically with an increase in the number of observations, but the rate of decrease depends on the amplitude factor of a sample (15, Fig. 1)

    Influence of the correlation in observations on the line regression uncertainty

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    W referacie zaprezentowano rezultaty bada艅 wp艂ywu korelacji wynik贸w obserwacji wielko艣ci wyj艣ciowej na parametry niepewno艣ci linii regresji. Przedstawiono wzory do obliczenia standardowych niepewno艣ci wsp贸艂czynnik贸w oraz prognozowanych warto艣ci linii regresji w zale偶no艣ci od funkcji korelacji. Pokazano, 偶e nie uwzgl臋dnienie korelacji powoduje nieuzasadnione optymistyczne warto艣ci niepewno艣ci wsp贸艂czynnik贸w oraz prognozowanych warto艣ci parametr贸w linii. W zale偶no艣ci od istotno艣ci korelacji obserwacji rzeczywista niepewno艣膰 mo偶e by膰 kilka razy wi臋ksza w por贸wnaniu do niepewno艣ci, obliczonej bez uwzgl臋dnienia korelacji.The paper presents the investigation results of the influence of the correlation in output value observations on the uncertainty parameters of the regression line. The formulas for calculating the standard uncertainties of the coefficients and forecasted values of the regression line as a function of the correlation are given. It is shown that the result of not taking into account the correlation is very optimistic uncertainty values of the coefficients and of the forecasted values of the line parameters. Dependently on the significance of the correlation, the true uncertainty can be several times greater than that calculated without taking into account the correlation

    Influence of lack of a priori knowledge about autocorrelation functions of observations on estimation of their average value standard uncertainty

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    W artykule przedstawione s膮 problemy obliczenia standardowej niepewno艣ci warto艣ci 艣redniej arytmetycznej szeregu skorelowanych obserwacji pomiarowych zwi膮zane z brakiem znajomo艣ci a priori ich funkcji autokorelacji. Wykazano, 偶e wskutek istotnej statystycznej niestabilno艣ci estymowanej na podstawie zarejestrowanych obserwacji unormowanej funkcji autokorelacji obliczona standardowa niepewno艣膰 wyniku pomiaru cz臋sto mo偶e by膰 ma艂o wiarygodna. Om贸wione s膮 kierunki zmniejszenia wp艂ywu niedok艂adnego estymowania funkcji autokorelacji na warto艣膰 standardowej niepewno艣ci warto艣ci 艣redniej.In the paper there are presented some problems of estimating the standard uncertainty of the average value of the series of observations which correspond to the unknown a priori their autocorrelation function. It is proved that for proper evaluation of the average value standard uncertainty it is necessary to determine the effective number of the uncorrelated observations neff, which depends on the normalized autocorrelation function ρk. The formulas (3) and (7) used for calculating the standard uncertainty of the mean value for the a priori known and unknown standard deviation of autocorrelated observation are given. It is shown that the evaluation of autocorrelation coefficients rk based on the registered n observations is accompanied by their essential statistical instability within the range from approximately 20% (for the first coefficients rk, numbered k=1,2,3,..) to 96% (for the last coefficients, numbered k→n) for the number of observations n≈100 (Fig. 1a and Fig. 2). This instability in turn leads to the incor-rect determination of the effective number of observations (Figs. 3 and 4) and, as a result, provides the incorrect standard uncertainty of the measurement result. From Monte Carlo simulations one can draw a conclusion that in order to obtain in the first approach the stable neff, the number of summered members in formula (2) must be fewer than n/20梅n/30. In the summary some methods for decreasing the influence of inaccurate evaluation of the correlation function on the standard uncertainty mean value are described

    Taking into consideration uncertainties of the both results in linear regreesion

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    W referacie zosta艂a zaproponowana i przeanalizowana metoda regresji liniowej, kt贸ra uwzgl臋dnia wp艂yw niepewno艣ci wielko艣ci wej艣ciowej oraz wyj艣ciowej na warto艣膰 wsp贸艂czynnika nachylenia prostej. Poprawn膮 warto艣膰 wsp贸艂czynnika nachylenia uzyskuje si臋 na drodze minimalizacji sumy kwadrat贸w odchyle艅 poszukiwanej prostej od punkt贸w eksperymentalnych w kierunku maksymalnego wp艂ywu niepewno艣ci wynik贸w pomiaru. Wyprowadzono wz贸r do obliczenia wsp贸艂czynnika nachylenia prostej jako funkcji parametr贸w wynik贸w obserwacji oraz ich standardowych niepewno艣ci. Wykazano, 偶e wszystkie inne liniowe regresje s膮 przypadkami szczeg贸lnymi zaproponowanej metody regresji.In the paper a new method of calculation of the linear regression is proposed and analyzed. This method takes directly into account the influence of uncertainties of both input and output quantities onto the regression line slope. The correct slope value is calculated under condition to minimization the sum of the squared deviations of desired line from the experimental points in the direction of maximum influence of uncertainties. The formula for the calculation of the regression line slope in function of the parameters of observation results and their standard uncertainties is given. It is shown that all other linear regressions are the particular cases of the regression proposed in this paper