55 research outputs found

    Chondroitin sulfate metabolism in the brain

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    Exercise-induced motor improvement after complete spinal cord transection and its relation to expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and presynaptic markers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been postulated that exercise-induced activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may account for improvement of stepping ability in animals after complete spinal cord transection. As we have shown previously, treadmill locomotor exercise leads to up-regulation of BDNF protein and mRNA in the entire neuronal network of intact spinal cord. The questions arise: (i) how the treadmill locomotor training, supplemented with tail stimulation, affects the expression of molecular correlates of synaptic plasticity in spinal rats, and (ii) if a response is related to BDNF protein level and distribution.</p> <p>We investigated the effect of training in rats spinalized at low thoracic segments on the level and distribution of BDNF immunoreactivity (IR) in ventral quadrants of the lumbar segments, in conjunction with markers of presynaptic terminals, synaptophysin and synaptic zinc.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Training improved hindlimb stepping in spinal animals evaluated with modified Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan scale. Grades of spinal trained animals ranged between 5 and 11, whereas those of spinal were between 2 and 4. Functional improvement was associated with changes in presynaptic markers and BDNF distribution. Six weeks after transection, synaptophysin IR was reduced by 18% around the large neurons of lamina IX and training elevated its expression by over 30%. The level of synaptic zinc staining in the ventral horn was unaltered, whereas in ventral funiculi it was decreased by 26% postlesion and tended to normalize after the training. Overall BDNF IR levels in the ventral horn, which were higher by 22% postlesion, were unchanged after the training. However, training modified distribution of BDNF in the processes with its predominance in the longer and thicker ones. It also caused selective up-regulation of BDNF in two classes of cells (soma ranging between 100-400 μm<sup>2 </sup>and over 1000 μm<sup>2</sup>) of the ventrolateral and laterodorsal motor nuclei.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that it is not BDNF deficit that determines lack of functional improvement in spinal animals. They indicate selectivity of up-regulation of BDNF in distinct subpopulations of cells in the motor nuclei which leads to changes of innervation targeting motoneurons, tuned up by locomotor activity as indicated by a region-specific increase of presynaptic markers.</p

    High correlation between the turnover of nucleotides under mutational pressure and the DNA composition

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    BACKGROUND: Any DNA sequence is a result of compromise between the selection and mutation pressures exerted on it during evolution. It is difficult to estimate the relative influence of each of these pressures on the rate of accumulation of substitutions. However, it is important to discriminate between the effect of mutations, and the effect of selection, when studying the phylogenic relations between taxa. RESULTS: We have tested in computer simulations, and analytically, the available substitution matrices for many genomes, and we have found that DNA strands in equilibrium under mutational pressure have unique feature: the fraction of each type of nucleotide is linearly dependent on the time needed for substitution of half of nucleotides of a given type, with a correlation coefficient close to 1. Substitution matrices found for sequences under selection pressure do not have this property. A substitution matrix for the leading strand of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome, having reached equilibrium in computer simulation, gives a DNA sequence with nucleotide composition and asymmetry corresponding precisely to the third positions in codons of protein coding genes located on the leading strand. CONCLUSIONS: Parameters of mutational pressure allow us to count DNA composition in equilibrium with this mutational pressure. Comparing any real DNA sequence with the sequence in equilibrium it is possible to estimate the distance between these sequences, which could be used as a measure of the selection pressure. Furthermore, the parameters of the mutational pressure enable direct estimation of the relative mutation rates in any DNA sequence in the studied genome

    Rak przełyku — opis przypadku klinicznego wraz z przeglądem piśmiennictwa

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    W niniejszym opisie przypadku przedstawiono sposoby efektywnego leczenia przyczynowego i objawowego miejscowo zawansowanego, a następnie uogólnionego płaskonabłonkowego raka szyjnego odcinka przełyku, z uwzględnieniem dostępnych metod terapii (radiochemioterapia, chemioterapia). Pomimo bardzo wydłużonego okresu od diagnozy do rozpoczęcia leczenia terapia umożliwiła uzyskanie zadowalającej kontroli choroby oraz przeżycia całkowitego

    Porównanie skuteczności elastografii w diagnostyce zmian pęcherzykowych tarczycy i ognisk z jednoznacznym wynikiem BAC

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    Introduction: The aim was to assess the usefulness of strain elastography (SEG) in the diagnostics of two groups of thyroid nodules (TNs): follicular lesions (FL) with low malignancy risk (< 20.0%) and low percentage of papillary carcinomas (PTCs) among cancers as well as TNs with unequivocal cytology (UC) and high percentage of PTCs among cancers. Material and methods: 168 TNs were analysed and eventually surgically treated: 100 UC (50 benign and 50 malignant — 90.0% PTCs) and 68 FL (60 benign, 8 malignant — 50.0% PTCs). Elasticity score (ES) and strain ratio (SR) were evaluated, and their effectiveness was compared with the evaluation of the number of ultrasound malignancy risk features (NoUMRFs). Results: In the UC group the evaluation of mean values of SR and ES in both sections (meanSR, meanES) was more efficient than NoUMRFs analysis (AUC: 0.903 and 0.869 vs. 0.754, p 0.7, and only the set of features: tSR ≥ 1.7 and NoUMRFs ≥ 1 increased the malignancy risk in nodules (OR: 12.0; SEN: 75.0%, SPC: 75.0%). Conclusions: SEG is more reliable than conventional US in the diagnostics of TNs. The efficacy of SEG decreases with lowering percentage of PTCs among cancers. But in FL nodules SEG may support the selection of nodules for surgical treatment.  Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena przydatności elastografii uciskowej (SEG) w diagnostyce 2 grup guzków tarczycy (TNs): zmian pęcherzy­kowych (FL) z niskim ryzykiem złośliwości (&lt; 20,0%) i niskim odsetkiem raków brodawkowatych (PTCs) wśród nowotworów złośliwych oraz TNs z jednoznaczną cytologią (UC) i wysokim odsetkiem PTCs wśród nowotworów złośliwych. Materiał i metody: Analizowano 168 TNs, wszystkie ostatecznie były leczone operacyjnie, 100 UC: 50 łagodnych i 50 złośliwych (90,0% PTCs) i 68 FL: 60 łagodnych i 8 złośliwych (50,0% PTCs). Oceniano klasę elastogramu (ES) i wskaźnik odkształenia (SR) oraz porównywano ich skuteczność z oceną liczby ultrasonograficznych cech ryzyka złośliwości (NoUMRFs). Wyniki: W grupie UC ocena średnich wartości SR i ES (meanSR i meanES) z obu przekrojów była bardziej skuteczna niż ocena No­UMRFs (AUC: 0,903 i 0,869 v. 0,754, &lt; 0,05). Przekroczenie progów: meanSR ≥ 2,01, meanES ≥ 2,5, NoUMRFs ≥ 2 powodowało istotny wzrost ryzyka złośliwości zmiany (odpowiednio OR: 45,0; 23,2; 5,4), ale tylko meanSR ≥ 2,01 był niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka złośliwości (OR: 20,3; SEN: 86,0%, SPC: 88,0%). W grupie FL tylko dla tSR (SR analizowane na przekroju poprzecznym) stwierdzono wartość AUC &gt; 0,7. Jednoczesne występowanie tSR ≥ 1,7 i NoUMRFs ≥ 1 istotnie zwiększało ryzyko złośliwości zmiany (OR: 12,0; SEN: 75,0%, SPC: 75,0%). Wnioski: SEG jest bardziej wiarygodna niż klasyczna ultrasonografia w diagnostyce TNs. Skuteczność SEG spada z obniżaniem się odsetka PTCs wśród nowotworów złośliwych. Ale także w grupie FL SEG może pomóc wyodrębnianiu TNs, które powinny być leczone chirurgicznie.

    Ocena stanu ukrwienia mięśnia sercowego metodą tomografii emisyjnej pojedynczego fotonu (SPECT) u młodych chorych na cukrzycę typu 1

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    OBJECTIVE. Long history of diabetes and persistant positive microalbuminuria significantly increase the risk of cardio-vascular complications. Detection of patients with vascular changes before their clinical manifestation with the use of sensitive and specific diagnostic procedures might lead to decrease in early mortality from coronary heart disease in this group of patients. AIM OF STUDY. Was to evaluate the coronary blood flow with the use of single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) in young patients, with diabetic history longer than 5 years, negative towards circulatory diseases, negative ECG exercise test, negative or persistant positive microalbuminuria. RESEARCH DESING. The study was entered by 8 patients with positive microalbuminuria (5 female, 3 male; aged 26,8 &#177; 4,7 years, diabetic history 15,8 &#177; &#177; 4,9 years and HbA1C 8,3 &#177; 2,3%) and 12 patients with negative microalbuminuria (9 female, 3 male; aged 26,4 &#177; 6,7 years, diabetic history 13,0 &#177; 3,9 years and HbA1C 8,8 &#177; 1,8%). MATERIAL AND METHODS. Myocardial perfusion was examined by single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) with gamma-camera (Siemens) with the system ICON 6.0.3. The study was performed at rest and during ischaemia induced pharmacologically with dipiridamol (0.56 mg/kg body weight). We used MIBI (methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile) marked with 99mTc in dose 2 x 20 mCi. Selected parameters of heart rate variability (SNN50, SDNN, RMSSD, trianale index) were also compared. RESULTS. In the SPECT analysis we observed significant changes in radioactivity after dipiridamol in 6 patients with positive microalbuminuria (75,0%) and in 2 patients without microalbuminuria (17,0%). The assessed parameters of heart rate variability did not show any significant differences (p > 0,05). Myocardial perfusion changes coexisted with diabetic retinopathy in 88% patients with positive microalbuminuria and in 100% with negative microalbuminuria. CONCLUSIONS. 1. Most patients with type 1 diabetes and positive microalbuminuria show significant, yet asymptomatic changes in myocardial blood flow. 2. Microalbuminuria appears as good early indicator of coronary heart disease in diabetic patients. 3. Diabetic retinopathy suggests presence changes of myocardial perfusion. 4. Patients with type 1 diabetic history longer than 5 years and microangipathy need an earlier and precise cardiological assessmentDługoletni wywiad w kierunku cukrzycy typu 1 oraz utrwalona dodatnia mikroalbuminuria istotnie zwiększają ryzyko rozwoju powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych. Wyodrębnienie za pomocą metod diagnostycznych charakteryzujących się dużą czułością i specyficznością grupy chorych ze zmianami naczyniowymi, zanim wystąpią objawy kliniczne, stanowi podstawę do zmniejszenia wczesnej śmiertelności z powodu choroby niedokrwiennej serca w tej populacji chorych. CEL PRACY. Ocena stanu ukrwienia mięśnia sercowego na podstawie tomografii emisyjnej pojedynczego fotonu (SPECT) u pacjentów poniżej 40 roku życia chorujących na cukrzycę typu 1 dłużej niż 5 lat, bez wywiadu w kierunku chorób układu krążenia, z ujemnym elektrokardiograficznym testem wysiłkowym (EKGWTest) i z ujemną lub dodatnią, utrwaloną mikroalbuminurią

    Analiza znaczenia klinicznego niejednoznacznych wyników biopsji tarczycy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kategorii ZPBN na podstawie 5 lat stosowania nowej klasyfikacji rozpoznań cytologicznych

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      Introduction: The diagnostic category of follicular lesion of undetermined significance (FLUS) was intended to allow selection of cases with low risk of malignancy from all smears with indeterminate, suspicious cytology (ISC), which can potentially take advantage from repeat fine-needle aspiration (rFNA). Aim of the study was a comparison of the risk of malignancy related to FLUS nodules and other nodules with ISC: suspected follicular neoplasm (SFN) and suspected malignancy (SM), as well as analysis of the usefulness of assessing ultrasonographic malignancy risk features (UMRF) in nodules with ISC. Material and methods: We analysed UMRF, rFNA, and results of histopathological examination (H) in 441 FLUS, 135 SFN, and 72 SM nodules. Results: The frequency of exposing cancer in H in FLUS nodules was 5.9%, and when cytological follow up was also included it was 2.9%. rFNAs made the diagnosis more precise in 72.7% of FLUS, and in 5.2% it was diagnosis/suspicion of cancer. The incidence of cancer in SFN nodules was 8.2%, in SM nodules with suspicion of papillary cancer — 61.1%, and in nodules with suspicion of other or unspecified malignancy — 53.8% (p &lt; 0.0001 FLUS vs. both groups). The presence of calcifications is the only independent UMRF for nodules with ISC (OR 4.7). Features of importance are also microcalcifications (OR 3.8), especially in the SM group, and taller-than-wide-shape (OR 2.2). FLUS and SFN nodules are characterised by particularly low value of assessing suspicious margins; analysis of hypoechogenicity is of low value in SFN nodules, like suspected vascularisation in SFN and SM nodules. Conclusions: The risk of cancer in FLUS and SFN nodules is lower than in SM nodules. rFNAs of FLUS nodules make the diagnosis more precise in more than 70% of cases and are effective in revealing cancers. UMRFs present variable diagnostic value depending on the subcategory of ISC. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 23–34)    Wstęp: Rozpoznanie zmiana pęcherzykowa bliżej nieokreślona (FLUS) miało wyodrębnić spośród rozmazów z niejednoznaczną, podejrzaną cytologią (ISC) przypadki z niskim ryzykiem złośliwości i potencjalną korzyścią z wykonania powtórnej FNA (rFNA). Celem pracy było porównanie ryzyka złośliwości guzków FLUS i innych guzków z ISC: podejrzenie nowotworu pęcherzykowego (SFN) i podejrzenie złośliwości (SM) oraz analiza przydatności oceny ultrasonograficznych cech ryzyka złośliwości (UMRF) w guzkach z ISC. Materiał i metody: Analizowano UMRF, rFNA i wyniki badania histopatologicznego (H) 441 guzków FLUS, 135 SFN i 72 SM. Wyniki: Częstość ujawniania raka w H w guzkach FLUS wynosiła 5,9%, a uwzględniając także cytologiczny follow up 2,9%. rFNAs uściśliły rozpoznanie w 72,7% guzków FLUS, w 5,2% ich wynik zawierał rozpoznanie/podejrzenie raka. Częstość raka w guzkach SFN wynosiła 8,2%, w guzkach SM z podejrzeniem raka brodawkowatego 61,1%, a z podejrzeniem innego nowotworu złośliwego lub bez określenia jego typu 53,8% (p &lt; 0,0001 vs. FLUS w obu przypadkach). Obecność zwapnień jest jedyną niezależną UMRF dla guzków z kategorii ISC (OR 4,7). Ponadto znaczenie mają ocena mikrozwapnień (OR 3,8), szczególnie w grupie SM, i podejrzanego kształtu (OR 2,2). W grupach FLUS i SFN szczególnie niską wartość ma ocena podejrzanych granic, ponadto w grupie SFN analiza hipoechogeniczności, a w grupie SFN i SM — podejrzanego unaczynienia. Wnioski: Ryzyko raka w guzkach FLUS i SFN jest niższe niż w kategorii SM. rFNA guzków FLUS uściśla rozpoznanie w ponad 70% przypadków i jest skuteczna w ujawnianiu raków. UMRF mają zróżnicowaną wartość diagnostyczną w zależności od podkategorii ISC. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 23–34)

    Impact of marathon performance on muscles stiffness in runners over 50 years old

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    IntroductionThe research examines the relationship between marathon performance and muscle stiffness changes from pre to marathon in recreational runners aged 50+ years.MethodsThirty-one male long-distance runners aged 50–73 years participated in the experiment. The muscle stiffness of quadriceps and calves was measured in two independent sessions: the day before the marathon and 30 min after the completed marathon run using a Myoton device.Results and DiscussionThe 42.195-km run was completed in 4.30,05 h ± 35.12 min, which indicates an intensity of 79.3% ± 7.1% of HRmax. The long-term, low-intensity running exercise (marathon) in older recreational runners and the low level of HRmax and VO2max showed no statistically significant changes in muscle stiffness (quadriceps and calves). There was reduced muscle stiffness (p = 0.016), but only in the triceps of the calf in the dominant (left) leg. Moreover, to optimally evaluate the marathon and adequately prepare for the performance training program, we need to consider the direct and indirect analyses of the running economy, running technique, and HRmax and VO2max variables. These variables significantly affect marathon exercise