14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Potato Cultivars and Breeding Lines for Carotenoids Content in Tubers

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    The potato is one of the most common elements of everyday human diet due to its high nutritional and culinary value. Potato tubers provide mainly energy in the form of carbohydrates and also some other nu-trients, which include carotenoids as compounds linked to oxidation-preventing mechanisms. The main assi-milable carotenoids present in cultivated potato are lutein and zeaxanthin. Potato cultivars rich in carotenoids are a subject of increasing consideration in breeding for improvement of the nutritional quality of tubers. The paper describes the spectrophotometric method of evaluation of total and individual carotenoids content in potato tubers

    Evaluation of Potato Cultivars and Breeding Lines for Resistance to Globodera Rostochiensis and Globodera Pallida

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    Nematodes are among the most important agents affecting potato crops. Heavy infestations by Globodera rosto-chiensis and G. pallida can cause significant yield losses and limit the choice of potato cultivars that can be grown effectively (Oerke, 2006). Breeding of new potato cultivar resistant to G. rostochiensis and G. pallida is a long-term process. It is preceded by screening of potato breeding lines for resistance in repeated biotests, which seems to be the most effective and safest method of protection. Evaluation of nematode resistance is an important element of charac-terization of breeding lines and new cultivars. Resistance to Globodera spp. is evaluated in biological tests. The use of DNA markers for detecting nematode resistance genes may be an alternative approach to phenotypic evaluation of resistance degree of potato plants (Jena and Mackill, 2008). The goal of this report is focused on a description of resistance assessment procedure of breeding lines and varieties of potato to PCN and on comparison of biological and molecular methods of resistance evaluation. Presented information is addressed to both breeders and Polish inspec-tion services

    Molecular Methods of Characterization and Identification of Globodera Rostochiensis and Globodera Pallida Populations

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    The cyst nematodes belonging to the genus Globodera are big worldwide problem in countries were Sola-naceaous plants growing. Knowledge of species-composition in populations of Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida is very important for selection of appropriate measure of nematode regulations occurrence. Inter- and intraspecific variability among species of Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida were studied intensively with the use of molecular analyses of DNA methods. This review summarize and compare of methods chosen to distinguishing between Globodera, both pathotypes and species

    Pyramiding of resistance genes against Phytophthora infestans in potato

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    Piramidyzacja genów odporności ziemniaka na P. infestans jest skuteczną metodą zwiększenia efektywności i trwałości wykorzystywanych w hodowli ziemniaka źródeł odporności na tego patogena. Prezentowane badania miały na celu połączenie odporności warunkowanej dwoma wysokoefektywnymi genami R, warunkującymi odporność na szerokie spektrum ras P. infestans. W badaniach wykorzystano odmianę Bzura, jako donor genu R2-like oraz klon hodowlany 04-IX-21, jako donor genu Rpi-phu1. Odporność nieselekcjonowanego potomstwa pochodzącego ze skrzyżowania tych form, była testowana przez trzy lata w teście listkowym, z użyciem trzech grup izolatów różnicujących. Na podstawie wyników fenotypowych ocen odporności wyselekcjonowano grupę klonów posiadających oba geny odporności. Jako alternatywę do czasochłonnych i pracochłonnych testów fenotypowych zaproponowano selekcję w oparciu o markery DNA specyficzne dla badanych genów odporności. Wyniki badań molekularnych w pełni pokryły się z ocenami fenotypowymi, co potwierdza przydatność zaproponowanych markerów, jako narzędzia do selekcji form odpornych w programach hodowlanych.Pyramiding of the resistance genes against P. infestans enhances effectiveness and durability of resistance used in potato breeding programs. The aim of presented study was to combine two broad-spectrum resistance genes against P. infestans. The resistance donors cultivar Bzura (possessing R2-like gene) and potato clone 04-IX-21 (possessing Rpi-phu1 gene) were crossed, and unselected progeny was developed. The resistance of progeny clones was tested in three consecutive years in detached leaflet tests with the use of three groups of isolates different in terms of virulence profiles. Based on the results of phenotypical tests, a group of progeny clones combining both resistance genes were selected. Since phenotypical tests are very laborious and time-consuming, authors proposed selection of such clones with the use of DNA markers specific for these genes. Results of genotyping were fully consistent with phenotypic tests, which confirms that proposed DNA markers can be used for selection of resistant clones in breeding programs

    The reaction of tetraploid potato clones to Potato virus M (PVM) infection

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    Celem pracy było określenie reakcji rodów 4x ziemniaka na dwa różne szczepy wirusa M ziemniaka (PVM). Odporność ocenianych 15 rodów tetraploidalnych, pochodząca od S. megistacrolobum związana jest z reakcją nekrotyczną warunkowaną obecnością genu Rm. Do oceny odporności na PVM zastosowano metodę inokulacji mechanicznej i przez szczepienie. Do zakażeń wykorzystano dwa szczepy: z odmiany Uran (M-U) oraz z odmiany Giewont (M55a). W badanych rodach i 3 odmianach wzorcowych sprawdzono obecność markerów molekularnych sprzężonych z genem Rm (GP 283 i GP 250). Reakcje roślin po zakażeniu wirusem M ziemniaka były bardzo zmienne i zależały od genotypu roślin i zastosowanego szczepu PVM. Rody podzielono na grupy w zależności od obserwowanej reakcji na zakażenie PVM. Różnorodność i zmienność reakcji wskazuje, iż uwarunkowanie odporności na PVM jest bardzo złożone i należy dalej poszukiwać „hipotetycznego” czynnika związanego z genem Rm.The aim of the study was to identify the response of potato clones (4x) to inoculation with two different strains of the Potato virus M (PVM). The resistance of the evaluated 15 tetraploid clones is derived from S. megistacrolobum and is connected to necrotic reaction governed by the gene Rm. For evaluation of resistance to the PVM, the mechanical inoculation and inoculation by grafting were applied. For the inoculation of potato plants, two strains of PVM were used, namely strain from potato cv. Uran (M-U) and strain from cv. Giewont (M55a). The tested clones and standard cultivars were checked for the presence of molecular markers GP 283 and GP 250, which are linked with the resistance gene Rm. The reaction of plants after inoculation with PVM was variable and depended on the plant genotype and the strain of the virus. The examined clones were divided into groups depending on the observed response to infection with PVM. The diversity and variability of this response indicate very complex conditioning of resistance to PVM and the "hypothetical” factor associated with gene Rm should be still sought

    Effect of location on starch content and tuber texture characteristics in potato breeding lines and cultivars

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    The texture of boiled potato tubers is one of the most important quality traits. The variation of tuber texture is usually examined in relationship with dry matter or starch content. The objective of the work was to examine variation and stability of texture and starch content in tubers grown in various environments. Both traits were evaluated for the set of potato breeding lines and 10 table potato cultivars. The lines were developed in the program of parental lines carried out in Młochów Research Center, Poland. The environments were represented by three locations, which differed in cultivation system as well as climatic and soil conditions. The traits were influenced by the effects of genotype, location and their interactions. The effect of location on texture was not explained by the changes in starch content. The calculated stability parameters indicated that unstable expression of both traits was more pronounced and more frequent in breeding lines than in the cultivars. The short period of selection used in the development of the parental lines is not conducive to select potato genotypes with stable expression of quality traits. The starch content was at most moderately related with various characteristics of tuber texture

    Intraosseous Lipoma of the Sphenoid: A Case Study

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    Intraosseous lipoma is very rare, usually benign tumor of flat bones. However, the localization in skull bones is described in sporadic cases. The differential diagnosis includes end stage of infection, infarct lesions, intraosseous meningioma, angiolipoma, or myxofibrous tumors. We report a patient with intraosseous lipoma located in the sphenoid bone. The diagnosis was established due to the characteristic radiological features. According to the history of seizures, the lesion was removed via endoscopic endonasal approach. Histopathological examination showed adipocytes. The patient underwent control neuroimaging studies