36 research outputs found

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in locoregional lymph nodes in a patient with breast cancer

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    Współwystępowanie nowotworów jest zjawiskiem rzadkim, ale wielokrotnie opisanym. Przedstawionyopis przypadku dokumentuje przebieg wczesnego raka piersi z jednoczesnym zajęciemipsilateralnych węzłów pachowych przez chłoniaka z małych limfocytów B.The occurence of two malignancies is a rare diagnosis, but described many times previously.The presented case report is the first paper describing a patient with early breast cancer withinvolvement of ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes by small lymphocytic lymphoma

    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) — diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

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    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a rare and aggressive haematological malignancy. The disease usually affects the skin, bone marrow, peripheral blood and less commonly lymph nodes. The actual incidence of BPDCN is currently unknown. The data presented in the literature most often relate to one cases or small groups of patients, rarely they are multicentre studies. Diagnosis of BPDCN is based on histopathological examination and immunohistochemical stains. The diversity of the clinical manifestations and the PBDCN immunophenotype is the cause of significant difficulties in making a diagnosis and can lead to diagnostic errors. The optimal treatment for patients with this cancer has not yet been established. Responses to various chemotherapy regimens are unsatisfactory. Recent literature has reported that bone marrow allograft or targeted therapy may improve treatment outcomes in this group of patients. The paper presents the case of a 75-year-old man with BPDCN diagnosis. Attention was paid to diagnostic difficulties in patients with BPDCN and the differentiation of this rare disease with other hematological malignancies was discussed. The need for a national register of BPDCN patients has been highlighted. This could contribute to expanding knowledge about this cancer and to the development of effective, standard therapeutic treatment

    Abdominal Burkitt lymphoma mimicking the ovarian cancer. Case report and review of the literature

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    Summary Primary Burkitt lymphoma is a lymphoblastic B-cell malignant tumor with very aggressive course. Its abdominal form involving internal genital organs is very rare. Case: We report the case of 27-year-old woman treated for abdominal Burkitt lymphoma. The patient presented bilateral ovarian tumors with ascites, pain and elevated CA 125 over 900 IU/ml. During laparotomy an advanced neoplasmatic disease involving internal genital organs has been diagnosed. Bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy have been performed. Additionally, the neoplasmatic tumor from ileo-coecal region has been ressected in order to prevent ileus. Pathologic examination has revealed an abdominal Burkitt lymphoma. After surgery, polychemotherapy has been administered (COP followed by CODOX-M+IVAC). The patient, 36 months after surgical treatment, remains under the control of our Department. No signs of recurrence have been detected so far. Conclusions: The presence of primary abdominal Burkitt lymphoma may include clinical and laboratory findings suggesting the presence of ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy appears to be an essential therapeutic management for all forms of Burkitt lymphoma. Clinically advanced Burkitt lymphoma may be successfully managed with chemotherapy

    Chłoniak z dużych komórek B z cechami chłoniaka plazmablastycznego jako zachorowanie definiujące AIDS

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    Plasmablastic lymphoma is a rare variant of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) which usually develops inHIV-infected patients, but can also occur in HIV-negative patients. The prognosis for patients with HIV-associatedlymphoma has improved in the HAART era, but there is still a high risk of treatment-associated complications. Recentstudies show that more aggressive treatment in HIV-infected patients is feasible.We present a case of a 62-year-old male with large B-cell lymphoma with plasmablastic features of gingiva as thefirst manifestation of C3 stage of AIDS The patient received antiviral therapy. He achieved complete remission inclinical examination after the first course of CHOP chemotherapy. He died suddenly at home before preplannedreassessment by CT. An autopsy was not performed.Chłoniak plazmablastyczny jest rzadko rozpoznawanym podtypem rozlanego chłoniaka z dużych limfocytów B.Zazwyczaj występuje u pacjentów zakażonych wirusem HIV, ale może pojawiać się również u osób seronegatywnych.Rokowanie pacjentów z chłoniakami związanymi z HIV poprawiło się od czasu wprowadzenia HAART,ale wciąż istnieje duże ryzyko powikłań związanych z leczeniem.W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 62-letniego mężczyzny z chłoniakiem dziąsła z dużych komórek Bz cechami chłoniaka plazmablastycznego jako pierwotną manifestację AIDS, który zdiagnozowano w stadiumC3. Chory otrzymał leczenie przeciwwirusowe. Po pierwszym cyklu chemioterapii CHOP stwierdzono całkowitąremisję w badaniu klinicznym. Chory zmarł nagle w domu w trakcie piątego kursu chemioterapii przed wykonaniemrediagnostyki obrazowej. Nie wykonano sekcji zwłok

    cDNA sequencing improves the detection of P53 missense mutations in colorectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently published data showed discrepancies beteween <it>P53 </it>cDNA and DNA sequencing in glioblastomas. We hypothesised that similar discrepancies may be observed in other human cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To this end, we analyzed 23 colorectal cancers for <it>P53 </it>mutations and gene expression using both DNA and cDNA sequencing, real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found <it>P53 </it>gene mutations in 16 cases (15 missense and 1 nonsense). Two of the 15 cases with missense mutations showed alterations based only on cDNA, and not DNA sequencing. Moreover, in 6 of the 15 cases with a cDNA mutation those mutations were difficult to detect in the DNA sequencing, so the results of DNA analysis alone could be misinterpreted if the cDNA sequencing results had not also been available. In all those 15 cases, we observed a higher ratio of the mutated to the wild type template by cDNA analysis, but not by the DNA analysis. Interestingly, a similar overexpression of <it>P53 </it>mRNA was present in samples with and without <it>P53 </it>mutations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In terms of colorectal cancer, those discrepancies might be explained under three conditions: 1, overexpression of mutated <it>P53 </it>mRNA in cancer cells as compared with normal cells; 2, a higher content of cells without <it>P53 </it>mutation (normal cells and cells showing <it>K-RAS </it>and/or <it>APC </it>but not <it>P53 </it>mutation) in samples presenting <it>P53 </it>mutation; 3, heterozygous or hemizygous mutations of <it>P53 </it>gene. Additionally, for heterozygous mutations unknown mechanism(s) causing selective overproduction of mutated allele should also be considered. Our data offer new clues for studying discrepancy in <it>P53 </it>cDNA and DNA sequencing analysis.</p

    Molecular analysis of WWOX expression correlation with proliferation and apoptosis in glioblastoma multiforme

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common type of primary brain tumor in adults. WWOX is a tumor suppressor gene involved in carcinogenesis and cancer progression in many different neoplasms. Reduced WWOX expression is associated with more aggressive phenotype and poor patient outcome in several cancers. We investigated alternations of WWOX expression and its correlation with proliferation, apoptosis and signal trafficking in 67 glioblastoma multiforme specimens. Moreover, we examined the level of WWOX LOH and methylation status in WWOX promoter region. Our results suggest that loss of heterozygosity (relatively frequent in glioblastoma multiforme) along with promoter methylation may decrease the expression of this tumor suppressor gene. Our experiment revealed positive correlations between WWOX and Bcl2 and between WWOX and Ki67. We also confirmed that WWOX is positively correlated with ErbB4 signaling pathway in glioblastoma multiforme

    Azacitidine treatment of patient with acute myeloid leukemia secondary to myelofibrosis

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    Leczenie ostrej białaczki szpikowej (AML) stanowi istotny problem medyczny, w szczególności w grupie pacjentów obciążonych licznymi chorobami dodatkowymi. Leczenie demetylujące może być opcją terapeutyczną u chorych poniżej 60. roku życia w przypadku choroby nieproliferacyjnej, a obarczonych wieloma chorobami współistniejącymi. W poniższym artykule przedstawiono opis przypadku 57-letniego chorego na wtórną do mielofibrozy AML wysokiego ryzyka cytogenetyczo-molekularnego, z wysokim wskaźnikiem chorób dodatkowych, leczonego azacytydyną.The treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is still a medical dilemma, especially in patients with high comorbidities score. Demethylating agents may be the therapeutic option in AML patients under 60-years-old with non-proliferating diseases and high comorbidity index. In this article we presented the case of 57-years-old patient with high-risk secondary to myelofibrosis AML and high comorbidity index, who was treated with azacitidine