185 research outputs found

    The issue of the display of sensitive information in the state land cadastre and its publicity in the conditions military conflict

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    The goal of the scientific work was to justify the need during the war in Ukraine to find a balance in the issue of limiting access to sensitive in terms of state and public security open data in the State Land Cadastre system to ensure the interests of national security and public interests. Information of interest to the aggressor should become inaccessible. This data selection should be made by the military and the Security Service and should not be publicly displayed. On the other hand – the rest of the information should be used by specialists in the field of geodesy and land management, construction and architecture, local self-government bodies with a certain number of persons with access to data. The author's proposal is also that access to data, including open data, should be regulated and authorized. So it is proposed to classify them at the legislative level in terms of levels of sensitivity, methods of use, access regulations, and to define lists of sensitive information and ways of displaying it. The need to change the attitude towards information resources as free resources and transfer information to the status of an intangible asset with licensed access (analogue – software) was noted, because the introduction of information into economic circulation will cause the growth of the economy. It is proposed that upon the end of martial law, the restrictions that were in force under these conditions should be reviewed, amendments to the legislation should be introduced into the regulations of the State Land Cadastre, and the composition, content, and distribution capacity of the cartographic base of the Public Cadastre Map should be updated. Key words: martial law, sensitive information, state land cadastre, geospatial data, Public cadastral map, certified land surveyors, certified surveyors, certified architects

    Conceptual principles of formation of the system of rational agricultural land use

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    The article analyses the current state of agricultural land use in Ukraine, which is characterized by extremely high levels of ploughing of agricultural lands, violation of scientifically substantiated crop rotation, and hence significant anthropogenic pressure on the soil, which in turn increases the intensification of degradation. The conceptual bases of formation of the system of rational agricultural land use in the conditions of transformation of land relations are substantiated. It is proved that such systems should be formed at the national, regional and local levels based on the principles of environmental friendliness, adaptability, biogenicity, variability, etc. using a landscape approach to the organization of agricultural enterprises. To ensure the conservation of soil resources and zero level of degradation processes, the main block of such systems, their basis should be soil protection and reclamation of the territory. Only land management should be considered as the main mechanism for the formation of a system of rational agricultural land use, and therefore the process of its formation at the national level should be carried out through the development and implementation of the National Land Use and Protection Program; at the regional level - through the development and implementation of regional land use and protection programs; at the local level – through the development and implementation of relevant land management projects. Keywords: agricultural land use, system, degradation processes, soil protection and reclamation landscaping


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    As a result of the research, it was found that the lack of formed and established boundaries in newly formed territorial communities significantly affects the implementation of land management within their territory, the reliability of land registration and statistical reporting, the flow of funds to local budgets, the efficiency and rationality of the use of natural resources, which complicates the activities of local self-government bodies. It was clarified that the implementation of projects for the formation and establishment of boundaries of village and settlement councils was not carried out, that is, the formation of their boundaries took place only on paper without verification on the ground, and as a result, inaccurate areas and limits were obtained. These measures may be introduced in case of implementation of the proposed changes to the Land Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Land Management". The expected results are presented in the event of implementation of these measures

    Збереження ґрунтових ресурсів методом землевпорядкування, що зазнали руйнування внаслідок ведення воєнних дій

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    Доведено, що охорона ґрунтів стала національною екологічною проблемою, тому мають бути подолані протиріччя між соціально-економічними потребами людини та вимогами екологічної безпеки. Наявність нормативів якісного стану ґрунтів та їх гранично допустимого забруднення у законодавчому полі свідчить про те, що вони відображають лише хімічну природу антропогенних навантажень, проте взагалі відсутні нормативи щодо таких видів навантажень, як фізичний, механічний, меліоративний і техногенний, що набуває особливого значення в умовах ведення військових дій в Україні. Обґрунтовано, що при оцінюванні рівня пошкоджених земель і ґрунтів унаслідок ведення бойових дій із визначенням ступеню придатності до їх подальшого використання необхідно враховувати: рівень пошкодження земельної ділянки у відсотковому співвідношенні до її площі; ступінь придатності; характеристику забруднених земель; надання пропозицій щодо подальшого використання земельної ділянки й заходів з метою зниження рівня надходження забруднювальних речовин у ґрунт. Запропоновано також реалізовувати заходи з охорони земель і ґрунтів методом землевпорядкування шляхом розроблення відповідної землевпорядної документації. Зважаючи на техногенне навантаження на ґрунти внаслідок впливу військових дій доведено потребу розроблення робочого проекту землеустрою щодо рекультивації порушених земель унаслідок бойових дій та робочого проекту землеустрою щодо консервації деградованих, малопродуктивних і техногенно забруднених угідь для чого потрібно ввести зміни до постанови КМ України від 2 лютого 2022 р. № 86 «Про затвердження Правил розроблення робочих проектів землеустрою». Ключові слова: ґрунти, вплив воєнних дій, антропогенне навантаження, ґрунтозахисне землеробство, рекультивація земель, землеустрі


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    Regulatory acts and scientific publications relating to the works on inventory of lands of state institutions and enterprises of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter – NAAS) have been analyzed. It was revealed that the current legislation and just adopted “Procedure of Inventory of Lands” subject to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.476 of June 5th, 2019 does not include any norms that would consider the specifics of the land use by scientific organizations; their research fields and valuable lands for conducting scientific research should be taken into account when entering the data in the State Land Cadastre, as well as the property rights to them should be registered. The attention is drawn to the problem of legal uncertainty concerning boundaries of lands of state institutions and enterprises of NAAS. The specific functional peculiarities of agricultural land use by state institutions and enterprises of NAAS are considered. In this regard, the structure, content and composition of the main provisions of the industry standard for land inventory of state institutions and enterprises of the NAAS are proposed, which will become a regulatory tool for the preparation of the technical documentation on land management for the implementation of this type of work, and the information obtained will be the basis for the resolution of mature problems concerning the agricultural lands used by these state institutions and enterprises of NAAS

    Proposals for improving the classification of land purpose types (on the example of the category of residential and public building lands)

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    The current classification of land uses for residential and public development was analyzed and proved to be in need of improvement. Proposals for its improvement within the researched category of land based on current land legislation and other normative legal acts are given. It has been proven that the existing list of the main types of land plots (which are based on the content of Article 38 of the Land Code of Ukraine) in the current classification is incomplete and not fully justified. Examples of unjustified assignment of land plots of other land categories to the category of land for residential and public development were revealed. In accordance with this, a 4-level structure of the classification of types of land use for residential and public development is proposed. Taking into account the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, it is currently impossible to use part of the land plots for their main purpose. From these positions, it is proposed to additionally highlight "technologically polluted lands as a result of hostilities" within the framework of the above-mentioned classifier. And after carrying out appropriate works on demining and reclamation of these lands to their safe use for people and the environment, they can be returned to use for the main purpose. Keywords: classification of types of purpose land, land for residential and public development, man-made contaminated land due to hostilities

    Scientific principles of classification of regime-forming objects (on the example of water objects)

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    The study of scientific works, normative legal acts related to issues of classification of regime-forming objects, restrictions on the use of land and land plots made it possible to identify problems related to regime-forming water objects that need to be solved. In accordance with this, the conceptual apparatus related to regime-forming water objects was considered, their list was standardized taking into account the current legal acts and the need for their classification was substantiated. As a result, a classification of regime-forming water objects is proposed, which will allow to further form the limits of restrictions along and around these objects and to develop a classification of restrictions on the use of land and land plots. According to the proposal of the author's team, this classification can become an analogue for the classification of other objects, such as: an object of main pipelines, an energy object, an object of cultural heritage, military objects. It is justified that the creation of a single structure of classification is not possible, since each of these objects, when classified from general to specific, will have different levels of classification and require the development of individual approaches to their classification. Keywords: regime-forming objects, water objects, restrictions on the use of land plots, classification

    Justification of the need to supplement the list of limitations regarding the use of lands and land plots by environmental and technological limitations

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    The need for improvement and adaptation of the existing norms for land protection, rational use of land plots with the legislative norms of the European Union has been identified. The work of scientists, current land legislation, other legal acts related to ecological and technological restrictions have been studied. It was established that the existing "List of restrictions on the use of land and land plots" approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1051 and No. 821 does not provide for a complete list of restrictions on the use of agricultural land, in particular ecological and technological restrictions. Also, the main restrictions on the use of land, provided by ecological and technological groups on arable land based on the steepness of the slopes, were considered. It was noted that the current legislative norms of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses in the field of nature protection and use of natural resources provide for liability for violations of land use rules. It is emphasized that in the absence of ecological and technological restrictions in the information of the State Land Cadastre, landowners and land users neglect the norms of ecological and technological restrictions in conducting economic activities on arable land, and it is established that there are no mechanisms for holding them accountable in case of their violation. Proposals are presented in addition to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1051 and No. 821 in the "List of restrictions on the use of land and land plots" with ecological and technological restrictions on arable land. Keywords: ecological-technological restrictions, ecological-technological groups, arable land, restrictions on the use of land plots, State Land Cadastre

    Challenges of land management in the agro sphere, caused by military aggression, and the ways of their solution

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    The current state of agricultural lands, especially those damaged as a result of emergency situations and hostilities, is analyzed. It has been proven that the algorithm for removing lands damaged as a result of military operations from agricultural circulation must be fixed at the legislative level by making appropriate amendments and additions to the Land Code of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine: "On Land Protection", "On Land Management". The current Land Conservation Procedure should be supplemented with criteria and indicators for establishing the degree of mechanical destruction and/or chemical pollution, because the direction, content and volume of restoration works and, accordingly, the amount of their financing depend on this. It is emphasized that only a differentiated approach to the transformation of technogenically polluted lands allows rational spending of funds and achieving the maximum environmental protection effect. It is emphasized that in today's conditions, for an adequate and timely response to challenges in the field of land use and protection, in rural areas, land management should have a dynamic multivariate (alternative) nature, especially at the local level, based on the main legally established principles. The tasks of land management in the agrarian sphere, caused by military aggression, are formulated, and the ways of their solution are substantiated. The list of shortcomings in the legislative norms, which are present in the modern context when compiling land management documentation, is given. Key words: land management, agricultural land, destruction of soil cover, chemical pollution of land