29 research outputs found

    Axion response in gapless systems

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    The strong topological insulator in 3D is expected to realize a quantized magneto-electric response, the so-called axion response. However, many of the materials predicted to be topological insulators have turned out to be metallic, with bulk Fermi surfaces. Following the result of Bergman et al. (Phys. Rev. B 82, 195417 (2010)) that the helical surface states of the topological insulator persist even when the band structure gap is closed, we explore the fate of the magneto-electric response in such systems. We find a non-quantized magneto-electric coupling remains once a bulk Fermi surface opens - a non-universal axion response. More generally we find that higher dimensional analogs of the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect appear for \emph{every} Chern form - non-quantized response coefficients for gapless systems, as opposed to quantized transport coefficients in gapped systems, both with a topological origin. In particular, the non-quantized magneto-electric response in 3D descends from the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect analog in 4D

    Origin of the Tc_c enhancement in heterostructure cuprate superconductors

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    Recent experiments on heterostructures composed of two or more films of cuprate superconductors of different oxygen doping levels\cite{Yuli,Gozar} have shown a remarkable Tc_c enhancement (up to 50%) relative to single compound films. We provide here a simple explanation of the enhancement which arises naturally from a collection of experimental works. We show that the enhancement could be caused by a structural change in the lattice, namely an increase in the distance of the apical oxygen from the copper-oxygen plane. This increase modifies the effective off-site interaction in the plane which in turn enhances the d-wave superconductivity order parameter. To illustrate this point we study the extended Hubbard model using the fluctuation exchange approximation

    Realization of a vortex in the Kekule texture of molecular Graphene, at a Y junction where 3 domains meet

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    Following the recent realization of an artificial version of Graphene in the electronic surface states of copper with judiciously placed carbon monoxide molecules inducing the honeycomb lattice symmetry (K. K. Gomes et al., Nature 483, 306 (2012)), we demonstrate that these can be used to realize a vortex in a Kekule texture of the honeycomb lattice. The Kekule texture is mathematically analogous to a superconducting order parameter, opening a spectral gap in the massless Dirac point spectrum of the Graphene structure. The core of a vortex in the texture order parameter, supports subgap states, which for this system are analogs of Majorana fermions in some superconducting states. In particular, the electron charge bound to a single vortex core is effectively fractionalized to a charge of e/2e/2. The Kekule texture as realized in the molecular Graphene system realizes 3 different domain types, and we show that a Y-junction between them realizes the coveted Kekule vortex

    Theory of dissipationless Nernst effects

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    We develop a theory of transverse thermoelectric (Peltier) conductivity, \alpha_{xy}, in finite magnetic field -- this particular conductivity is often the most important contribution to the Nernst thermopower. We demonstrate that \alpha_{xy} of a free electron gas can be expressed purely and exactly as the entropy per carrier irrespective of temperature (which agrees with seminal Hall bar result of Girvin and Jonson). In two dimensions we prove the universality of this result in the presence of disorder which allows explicit demonstration of a number features of interest to experiments on graphene and other two-dimensional materials. We also exploit this relationship in the low field regime and to analyze the rich singularity structure in \alpha_{xy}(B, T) in three dimensions; we discuss its possible experimental implications.Comment: 4.5 pages, 2 figure

    Bulk metals with helical surface states

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    In the flurry of experiments looking for topological insulator materials, it has been recently discovered that some bulk metals very close to topological insulator electronic states, support the same topological surface states that are the defining characteristic of the topological insulator. First observed in spin-polarized ARPES in Sb (D. Hsieh et al. Science 323, 919 (2009)), the helical surface states in the metallic systems appear to be robust to at least mild disorder. We present here a theoretical investigation of the nature of these "helical metals" - bulk metals with helical surface states. We explore how the surface and bulk states can mix, in both clean and disordered systems. Using the Fano model, we discover that in a clean system, the helical surface states are \emph{not} simply absorbed by hybridization with a non-topological parasitic metallic band. Instead, they are pushed away from overlapping in momentum and energy with the bulk states, leaving behind a finite-lifetime surface resonance in the bulk energy band. Furthermore, the hybridization may lead in some cases to multiplied surface state bands, in all cases retaining the helical characteristic. Weak disorder leads to very similar effects - surface states are pushed away from the energy bandwidth of the bulk, leaving behind a finite-lifetime surface resonance in place of the original surface states

    Semiclassical dynamics and long time asymptotics of the central-spin problem in a quantum dot

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    The spin of an electron trapped in a quantum dot is a promising candidate implementation of a qubit for quantum information processing. We study the central spin problem of the effect of the hyperfine interaction between such an electron and a large number of nuclear moments. Using a spin coherent path integral, we show that in this limit the electron spin evolution is well described by classical dynamics of both the nuclear and electron spins. We then introduce approximate yet systematic methods to analyze aspects of the classical dynamics, and discuss the importance of the exact integrability of the central spin Hamiltonian. This is compared with numerical simulation. Finally, we obtain the asymptotic long time decay of the electron spin polarization. We show that this is insensitive to integrability, and determined instead by the transfer of angular momentum to very weakly coupled spins far from the center of the quantum dot. The specific form of the decay is shown to depend sensitively on the form of the electronic wavefunction.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PR

    Effective Hamiltonians for some highly frustrated magnets

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    In prior work, the authors developed a method of degenerate perturbation theory about the Ising limit to derive an effective Hamiltonian describing quantum fluctuations in a half-polarized magnetization plateau on the pyrochlore lattice. Here, we extend this formulation to an arbitrary lattice of corner sharing simplexes of qq sites, at a fraction (qβˆ’2k)/q(q-2k)/q of the saturation magnetization, with 0<k<q0<k<q. We present explicit effective Hamiltonians for the examples of the checkerboard, kagome, and pyrochlore lattices. The consequent ground states in these cases for k=1k=1 are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures,. Conference proceedings for Highly Frustrated Magnetism 200

    Quantum effects in a half-polarized pyrochlore antiferromagnet

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    We study quantum effects in a spin-3/2 antiferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice in an external magnetic field, focusing on the vicinity of a plateau in the magnetization at half the saturation value, observed in CdCr2_2O4_4, and HgCr2_2O4_4. Our theory, based on quantum fluctuations, predicts the existence of a symmetry-broken state on the plateau, even with only nearest-neighbor microscopic exchange. This symmetry broken state consists of a particular arrangement of spins polarized parallel and antiparallel to the field in a 3:1 ratio on each tetrahedron. It quadruples the lattice unit cell, and reduces the space group from Fd3Λ‰mFd\bar{3}m to P4332P4_332. We also predict that for fields just above the plateau, the low temperature phase has transverse spin order, describable as a Bose-Einstein condensate of magnons. Other comparisons to and suggestions for experiments are discussed

    Degenerate perturbation theory of quantum fluctuations in a pyrochlore antiferromagnet

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    We study the effect of quantum fluctuations on the half-polarized magnetization plateau of a pyrochlore antiferromagnet. We argue that an expansion around the easy axis limit is appropriate for discussing the ground state selection amongst the classically degenerate manifold of collinear states with a 3:1 ratio of spins parallel/anti-parallel to the magnetization axis. A general approach to the necessary degenerate perturbation theory is presented, and an effective quantum dimer model within this degenerate manifold is derived for arbitrary spin ss. We also generalize the existing semiclassical analysis of Hizi and Henley [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 73}, 054403 (2006)] to the easy axis limit, and show that both approaches agree at large ss. We show that under rather general conditions, the first non-constant terms in the effective Hamiltonian for sβ‰₯1s\geq 1 occur only at {\sl sixth} order in the transverse exchange coupling. For sβ‰₯3/2s\geq 3/2, the effective Hamiltonian predicts a magnetically ordered state. For s≀1s\leq 1 more exotic possibilities may be realized, though an analytical solution of the resulting quantum dimer model is not possible