13 research outputs found

    Welche Governance-Formen eignen sich?.

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    Die Integration von Umweltbelangen in andere Politikfelder gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Doch wie wirkt sich diese Umweltpolitikintegration wirklich auf die politische Steuerung aus? Untersuchungen verschiedener meist europÀischer LÀnder und Analysen auf lokaler, regionaler und internationaler Ebene geben Hinweise auf erfolgreiche Governance-Formen

    Wie können StÀdte voneinander lernen?

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    Der Klimaschutz ist keine kommunale Pflichtaufgabe. Es obliegt den StĂ€dten, Lösungen zu finden, die das Klima schĂŒtzen, sich bewĂ€hrt haben und keinen Widerstand in der Bevölkerung auslösen. Vernetzung zwischen den StĂ€dten ist ein Mittel, um auf erprobte Lösungen zurĂŒckgreifen zu können

    Sharing communication insights of the citizen science program Plastic Pirates—best practices from 7 years of engaging schoolchildren and teachers in plastic pollution research

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    Engaging the general public in research processes through citizen science allows for innovative scientific studies and makes science accessible to the general public. Effective communication strategies are crucial for the success of such initiatives. The citizen science program Plastic Pirates investigated the plastic pollution of rivers and implemented a variety of communication strategies with participating schoolchildren, teachers, and youth groups (e.g., sport associations, scouts or educational vacation programs, representing approximately 6% of participating groups). These were continuously revised and adapted since its start in 2016. Without time-efficient communication and strategies to keep track of conversations, it would not have been possible to achieve the scientific and educational goals of the program, i.e., to help teachers increase the environmental awareness and scientific literacy of their schoolchildren, and to produce peer-reviewed articles based on the collected citizen science data. Communication within the Plastic Pirates program was divided into four distinct phases: 1) recruiting and motivating participants, 2) coordination and guidance of participants, 3) data reception and revision, and 4) sharing updates and results. Some of the obstacles that had to be overcome to achieve successful communication were e.g., time constraints to obtaining scientific data from the participants, the time lag between the active involvement of the participants and the actual data analysis and publication of results, and limited personnel resources available for communication efforts. Our recommendations for other citizen science practitioners include regular and transparent communication with the participants regarding their contribution, the use of adequate and various communication channels, shifting the workload from the participants to the coordinating team of a citizen science initiative, as well as offering feedback on the research findings to the citizen scientists, thereby disseminating the results of the program

    Archivierung und Zugang zu qualitativen Daten

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die BeitrĂ€ge und Ergebnisse eines vom Rat fĂŒr Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) und dem Datenservicezentrum Qualiservice am 27. und 28. April 2018 an der UniversitĂ€t Bremen veranstalteten Workshops zum Thema "Archivierung und Zugang zu qualitativen Daten". Ziel des Workshops mit mehr als 50 Forschenden verschiedener sozial- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen sowie Vertreterinnen und Vertretern von Forschungsdatenzentren war es, bisherige Erfahrungen zu evaluieren und Anforderungen fĂŒr eine verbesserte Archivierungsinfrastruktur in der qualitativen Forschung zu benennen

    RADOST Akteursanalyse - Teil 2 : Auswertung der Befragung von Akteuren aus Politik, Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft

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    Analyse zu Interessen, NutzungsansprĂŒchen, Zielen und Konflikten relevanter Akteure der deutschen OstseekĂŒste vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Das Projekt “Regionale Anpassungsstrategien fĂŒr die deutsche OstseekĂŒste“ (RADOST) wird im Rahmen der Maßnahme „Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfĂ€hig gestalten“ (KLIM-ZUG) vom Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung gefördert

    Developing Countries in the Lead—What Drives the Diffusion of Plastic Bag Policies?

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    While diffusion patterns are quite well understood in the context of the Global North, diffusion research has only been applied to a limited extent to investigate how policies spread across developing countries. In this article, we therefore analyze the diffusion patterns of plastic bag bans and plastic bag taxes in the Global South and Global North to contribute to the further refinement of diffusion theory by specifically addressing the under-researched Global South. Moreover, with an in-depth investigation of plastic bag policies through the lens of diffusion research, the article provides insights in the rather new and still underexplored policy field of plastic pollution. We find that industrialized countries have mostly adopted plastic bag taxes, while developing countries have mainly introduced plastic bag bans and thus more stringent legislation than countries in the Global North. So far, the key driving force for the diffusion of plastic bag policies in the Global North has been the global public pressure. In the Global South, where plastic bag litter is much more visible and harmful due to limited waste collection and recycling rates, national problem pressure has been much more influential

    Und was macht das Publikum?:Podiumsdiskussion zu AffektivitÀt und AktivitÀt von PrÀsenzpublika im Sport und im Theater

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    ‘Und was macht das Publikum?: Podiumsdiskussion zu AffektivitĂ€t und AktivitĂ€t von PrĂ€senzpublika im Sport und im Theater’, roundtable presented at the conference Public Emotions: Affective Collectivity in Audiences, ICI Berlin, 3 May 2018, video recording, mp4, 57:27 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e180503_1