23 research outputs found

    Studies Regarding Tailings Pond Seepage Water from Mining Activities over Avena sativa L. Germination Influence

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    Cultivation of oat in the limiting areas of tailings pond might be regarded as one of the possibilities that could lead to the general amelioration of these places. In order to characterize the waste products, to determine and evaluate the components that may be leached from waste products and that can affect the limiting areas of tailings pond, leaching tests were performed. In this paper, we have observed the influence of eluate, obtained from leaching tests, on seed germination, radicle and coleoptyle development as well as on the amount of accumulated dry matter for Avena sativa L., genotypes. According to our researches, we may conclude that the studied genotypes of Avena sativa L. showed tolerance to eluate while values registered for seed germination, radicle and coleoptyle development as well as dry matter content were comparatively higher than those registered for the control variant

    Research regarding the main production and quality indices of some corn hybrids cultivated in the Banat area

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    In this paper we have studied the main indices of quality and production of 20 maize hybrids cultivated in climatic conditions specific to the Banat area. For this purpose we have grown in terms of conventional technology the 20 hybrids in comparative production plots of 0.5 ha / hybrid, the experimental field being located in Becicherecul Mic. Through this experiment we determined the following parameters: leaf area, productivity and the amount of starch and protein in beans. Experiments have shown that there are significant genetic differences among the 20 hybrids studied both in terms of quality and productivity. The leaf area was determined using a portable AM-300 scanner, recorded values being between these limits 2680 cm2 /pl and 5877 cm2 /pl, the experience media determined was 3767 cm2 /pl. The determinations were made when the plants were in stage 7.9 according to BBCH decimal unit code. Increased average leaf area / plant is directly influenced by the early stage of studied hybrids, the best results occurring in early hybrids. Regarding production qualities the results pointed out that productivity limits ranged between 10.25 t / ha in early hybrids and 14.87 t / ha for full mid season maturity hybrids. Grain quality was determined using a grain analyzer after NIR method. The main quality attributes tracked were: grain content in starch and protein substances. Thus in terms of starch content best results were obtained in full mid season maturity hybrids (79.47 %) while higher protein content was recorded in short mid season maturity hybrids (10.27 %)

    Assessment of stability for some yield components in wheat under different fertilizations on saline soil

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    Salt-affected soils constrain wheat production in many countries. It is estimated that more than 831 million hectares (Mha) are salt affected globally, with 10 Mha of cultivated land lost annually. Salinity adversely affects wheat grain yield and grain quality traits. Wheat genotypes show wide variation for salinity stress tolerance. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and stability of spike traits in 14 winter wheat varieties with different origin, in order to identify the varieties that can exploit the growing conditions of saline soils. The wheat material was tested in nine environments as a combination of three years and three fertilization treatments (urea, calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate), using a split-plot design with three replications. At maturity plant height, spike length, grains number per spike, and spike yield were determined. The significant effect of genotype × environment interaction on the phenotypic expression of different traits indicates differential response of the genotypes across the testing environments, thus offering the possibility of identifying some genotypes of interest. The Romanian varieties ‘Alex’ and ‘Glosa’ present the highest productivity of spike associated with an average stability, being specifically adapted to favourable rainfall conditions, achieving above-average yields in less favourable conditions. The varieties ‘Cerere’, ‘Genesi’, ‘Alex’ and ‘Glosa’ can be selected for crossing and included in wheat breeding programs for the development of stable cultivars adapted to saline soils

    Cytokines’ Involvement in Periodontal Changes

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    The bacterial challenge on the periodontal tissues triggers an inflammatory reaction, driven by pro-inflammatory cytokines, that eventually leads to the periodontal structures’ damage. The pathogenic mechanisms of this inflammatory reaction are complex and are influenced by the type of host-immune response and certain local and systemic factors. These factors can influence periodontal inflammation, through the action of the various pro-inflammatory cytokines. Periodontal disease and certain systemic conditions can have a mutual association, as the pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases can involve similar molecular and cellular elements. The concept of ‘periodontal medicine’ comprises these pathogenic connections, focusing on the key role that periodontal health has on the general homeostasis and well-being

    Establishing Optimum Time for Foliar Fertilisation in Alfalfa

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    Foliar fertilisation is part of the conventional fertilisation integrated system in crops. Foliar fertilisers, due to the large number of macro-elements and microelements that make up their chemical composition, play an important role in plant nutrition ensuring high quality yields. This paper presents the differentiated effect of applying foliar fertilisers on alfalfa depending on application time after mowing

    Effect of Fertilising Fodder Chicory on Fodder Quality

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    The nutritive value of fodder chicory is close to the quality of fodder alfalfa, i.e. under certain technological conditions, fodder chicory has a higher nutritive value and more raw protein. Studies show that over three experimental years, the content of raw protein reached values ranging between 23.69 and 25.26% with mineral fertilisation and between 21.88 and 22.81% with organic fertilisation, compared to only 21.06% in the control variant. Depending on the content of raw protein, the amount of raw protein increased with 40.7% with mineral fertilisation and with 22.4% with organic fertilisation, compared to the control variant

    Impact of Applying Organic and Mineral Fertilisers on Dry Matter in Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    Applying nitrogen fertilisers in legume species has been subjected to scientific research due to the efficacy of these fertilisers on yield (symbiotic atmospheric nitrogen fixation). In general, applying high rates of nitrogen fertilisers on legume species does not correlate directly with green matter production because these species take the necessary nitrogen from the atmosphere. This feature is specific also to bird’s-foot-trefoil, which fixes important amounts of atmospheric nitrogen during vegetation. This paper presents the impact of the interaction between organic and mineral fertilisers on bird’s-foot-trefoil within a bifactorial experiment. Differences in yield at both unilateral effect of the factors and at that of the interaction of the factors are statistically ensured

    Analysis of Vine Nutrition and Productivity Based on Statistical Indicators

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    Different fertilization systems, methods and techniques result in differences in plant nutrition, with variations in the mineral element contents in the leaves and values of physiological, yield, and production quality indices. This results in large datasets that are often relatively difficult to interpret. Starting from these aspects, the present study analyzed data on the state of plant nutrition (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg content in leaves, in % of dry matter; Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn content in leaves, in mg/kg of dry matter), physiological indices (chlorophyll leaf content—Chl; leaf area—LA), yield (kg/vine, t/ha), and grape berry quality (sugar and acidity content in berries) of the ‘Burgund mare’ grape cultivar in relation to organic, mineral and foliar fertilization. According to a PCA multivariate analysis, four groups of components were obtained: PC1 including five factors, with positive action in the case of K (r = 0.963), P (r = 0.770) and Cu (r = 0.752), and negative action in the case of Mg (r = −0.940) and Mn (r = −0.759); PC2 including three factors, with positive action for Chl (r = 0.938), LA (r = 0.938) and Ca (r = 0.722); PC3 including one factor (N), with negative action (r = −0.916); and PC4 including two factors, with positive action for Fe (r = 0.869) and Zn (r = 0.761). Based on the one-sample t test (parametric) and the Wilcoxon test (non-parametric) and a threshold value of α = 0.05, the differences between the index values for fertilization variants T2–T13 compared with those for the control variant (T1) were verified. Significant differences were recorded in PC1 for P, Mg and Cu; in PC2 for Chl, LA and Ca; and in PC3 for N. Insignificant differences were recorded in PC1 for K and Mn and in PC4 for Fe and Zn. In the case of the productivity elements and quality indices, significant differences were recorded

    Impact of Fertilisation on the Growth and Development of the Root System and of the Aerial Vegetative System in Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    In all conventional agricultural systems based on the application of mineral or organic fertilisers, their impact is assessed depending on the final product (production of green matter or of seeds) and on its quality. At plant level, the impact of fertilisers differentiates depending on the structure and morphological features of the plants. This paper presents the differentiated impact of applying organic and mineral fertilisers on the growth and development of the root system and of the aerial vegetative system in bird’s-foot-trefoil