2 research outputs found

    Emerging infections due to filamentous fungi in humans and animals: only the tip of the iceberg?

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    International audienceOver the last few decades, the number of patients susceptible to invasive filamentous fungal infections has steadily increased, especially in populations suffering from hematological diseases. The pathogens responsible for such mycoses are now quite well characterized, such as Aspergillus spp. - the most commonly isolated mold -, Mucorales, Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp. or melanized fungi. An increase in the incidence of this category of 'emerging' fungi has been recently highlighted, evoking a shift in fungal ecology. Starting from these medical findings, taking a step back and adopt a wider perspective offers possible explanations of this phenomenon on an even larger scale than previously reported. In this review, we illustrate the link between emerging fungi in medicine and changes in ecology or human behaviours, and we encourage integrative approaches to apprehend the adverse effects of progress and develop preventive measures in vast domains, such as agriculture or medicine

    Scedosporiosis/lomentosporiosis observational study (SOS): Clinical significance of Scedosporium species identification

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    International audienceScedosporiosis/lomentosporiosis is a devastating emerging fungal infection. Our objective was to describe the clinical pattern and to analyze whether taxonomic grouping of the species involved was supported by differences in terms of clinical presentations or outcomes. We retrospectively studied cases of invasive scedosporiosis in France from 2005 through 2017 based on isolates characterized by polyphasic approach. We recorded 90 cases, mainly related to Scedosporium apiospermum (n = 48), S. boydii/S. ellipsoideum (n = 20), and Lomentospora prolificans (n = 14). One-third of infections were disseminated, with unexpectedly high rates of cerebral (41%) and cardiovascular (31%) involvement. In light of recent Scedosporium taxonomic revisions, we aimed to study the clinical significance of Scedosporium species identification and report for the first time contrasting clinical presentations between infections caused S. apiospermum, which were associated with malignancies and cutaneous involvement in disseminated infections, and infections caused by S. boydii, which were associated with solid organ transplantation, cerebral infections, fungemia, and early death. The clinical presentation of L. prolificans also differed from that of other species, involving more neutropenic patients, breakthrough infections, fungemia, and disseminated infections. Neutropenia, dissemination, and lack of antifungal prescription were all associated with 3-month mortality. Our data support the distinction between S. apiospermum and S. boydii and between L. prolificans and Scedosporium sp. Our results also underline the importance of the workup to assess dissemination, including cardiovascular system and brain. Lay Summary Scedosporiosis/lomentosporiosis is a devastating emerging fungal infection. Our objective was to describe the clinical pattern and to analyze whether taxonomic grouping of the species involved was supported by differences in terms of clinical presentations or outcomes