21 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Scan and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus in Henan, China: 2005–2012

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    Background: Studies have shown that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection increased during the past decades in China. However, little evidence is available on when, where, and who were infected with HCV. There are gaps in knowledge on the epidemiological burden and evolution of the HCV epidemic in China. Methods: Data on HCV cases were collected by the disease surveillance system from 2005 to 2012 to explore the epidemic in Henan province. Spatiotemporal scan statistics and age-period-cohort (APC) model were used to examine the effects of age, period, birth cohort, and spatiotemporal clustering. Results: 177,171 HCV cases were reported in Henan province between 2005 and 2012. APC modelling showed that the HCV reported rates significantly increased in people aged > 50 years. A moderate increase in HCV reported rates was observed for females aged about 25 years. HCV reported rates increased over the study period. Infection rates were greatest among people born between 1960 and 1980. People born around 1970 had the highest relative risk of HCV infection. Women born between 1960 and 1980 had a five-fold increase in HCV infection rates compared to men, for the same birth cohort. Spatiotemporal mapping showed major clustering of cases in northern Henan, which probably evolved much earlier than other areas in the province. Conclusions: Spatiotemporal mapping and APC methods are useful to help delineate the evolution of the HCV epidemic. Birth cohort should be part of the criteria screening programmes for HCV in order to identify those at highest risk of infection and unaware of their status. As Henan is unique in the transmission route for HCV, these methods should be used in other high burden provinces to help identify subpopulations at risk

    Tracking the Evolution of HIV/AIDS in China from 1989–2009 to Inform Future Prevention and Control Efforts

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    BACKGROUND: To determine policy implications, this analysis tracks the evolution of HIV/AIDS infection across China to understand current trends and potential risk factors. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A retrospective study with spatial analytical model and multilevel spatial models was conducted among 326,157 HIV/AIDS cases reported from 1989-2009. The results indicate that the distribution of HIV/AIDS was clustered at the county level with different directional distributions across China from 2003 to 2009. Compared to 2003, by 2009 there was a 122% increase in HIV cases among rural residents, 294% increase among urban residents, 211% increase among migrants, and 237% increase among permanent residents. The overall proportion of HIV by different routes of transmission showed dramatic changes with a 504% increase in sexual transmission of HIV, 90% decrease in blood/plasma transmission, and 35% decrease in injecting drug user transmission. Sexual transmission was the major transmission route among women (44%) and the elderly (59% in men, 44% in women) as well as among permanent (36%) and urban residents (33%). Among those <65 years old, women increased more than men, but among those ≥ 65 years, men increased more than women. Migrants contributed to the variance of HIV infection between counties but not within counties. The length of highway and urbanization combined with illiteracy were risk factors for HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Rates of HIV/AIDS among permanent urban residents, particularly women and elderly men, have increased significantly in recent years. To prevent HIV from spreading further among the general population, additional attention should be paid to these populations as well as to migrants

    The Effect of Bottom Ash Ball-Milling Time on Properties of Controlled Low-Strength Material Using Multi-Component Coal-Based Solid Wastes

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    As the conventional disposal method for industrial by-products and wastes, landfills can cause environmental pollution and huge economic costs. However, some secondary materials can be effectively used to develop novel underground filling materials. Controlled low-strength material (CLSM) is a highly flowable, controllable, and low-strength filling material. The rational use of coal industry by-products to prepare CLSM is significant in reducing environmental pollution and value-added disposal of solid waste. In this work, five different by-products of the coal industry (bottom ash (BA), fly ash, desulfurized gypsum, gasification slag, and coal gangue) and cement were used as mixtures to prepare multi-component coal industry solid waste-based CLSM. The microstructure and phase composition of the obtained samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the particle size/fineness of samples was also measured. The changes in fresh and hardened properties of CLSM were studied using BA after ball milling for 20 min (BAI group) and 45 min (BAII group) that replaced fly ash with four mass ratios (10 wt%, 30 wt%, 50 wt%, and 70 wt%). The results showed that the CLSM mixtures satisfied the limits and requirements of the American Concrete Institute Committee 229 for CLSM. Improving the mass ratio of BA to fly ash and the ball-milling time of the BA significantly reduced the flowability and the bleeding of the CLSM; the flowability was still in the high flowability category, the lowest bleeding BAI70 (i.e., the content of BA in the BAI group was 70 wt%) and BAII70 (i.e., the content of BA in the BAII group was 70 wt%) decreased by 48% and 64%, respectively. Furthermore, the 3 d compressive strengths of BAI70 and BAII70 were increased by 48% and 93%, respectively, compared with the group without BA, which was significantly favorable, whereas the 28 d compressive strength did not change significantly. Moreover, the removability modulus of CLSM was calculated, which was greater than 1, indicating that CLSM was suitable for structural backfilling that requires a certain strength. This study provides a basis for the large-scale utilization of coal industry solid waste in the construction industry and underground coal mine filling

    Analysis of Lower Extremity Motor Capacity and Foot Plantar Pressure in Overweight and Obese Elderly Women

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    Background: Overweight, obesity and falls are major public health problems and old people are the biggest group suffering falls. Methods: 92 females were divided into the overweight or obesity (O) group (68.85 ± 3.85) and regular-weight (R) group (67.90 ± 4.02). Lower extremity motor capacity and plantar pressure were compared between the two groups. The IRB approval number is 20190804. Results: (1) Functional Movement Screen and Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores in the O group were significantly lower than in the R group. The time to complete the Timed Up and Go test in the O group was significantly longer than in the R group. (2) Foot flat phase, double support distance, and left foot axis angle in the O group were significantly higher than in the R group. Distance and velocity, left-foot minimum subtalar joint angle and right-foot maximum subtalar joint angle in the O group were significantly shorter than in the R group. (3) Peak force, average force and pressure of metatarsal 1–4, mid-foot, heel medial and lateral, peak pressure of metatarsal l, midfoot, heel medial and lateral in the O group were significantly higher than in the R group. (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Overweight and obese elderly women have a lower sensorimotor function, flexibility and stability in functional movements, but higher loads on the foot

    Template-free electrochemical synthesis of single-crystal CuTe nanoribbons

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    Copper telluride (CuTe) is a transition metal chalcogenide with interesting electronic and photoelectric properties and potential applications. In this study, CuTe nanoribbons were successfully synthesized for the first time by an electrochemical method from an aqueous solution at 85 degrees C without using any template or capping agent. The composition of the nanoribbons was determined by the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The morphology and crystal structure of the as-grown CuTe nanoribbons were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron diffraction (ED), and high-resolution transparent electron inicroscopy (HRTEM). The CuTe nanoribbons have single-crystal orthorhombic structure and grown along the [010] direction. The growth mechanism of the nanoribbons is discussed based on the experimental conditions and the special layer structure of CuTe

    Analysis of Lower Extremity Motor Capacity and Foot Plantar Pressure in Overweight and Obese Elderly Women

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    Background: Overweight, obesity and falls are major public health problems and old people are the biggest group suffering falls. Methods: 92 females were divided into the overweight or obesity (O) group (68.85 &plusmn; 3.85) and regular-weight (R) group (67.90 &plusmn; 4.02). Lower extremity motor capacity and plantar pressure were compared between the two groups. The IRB approval number is 20190804. Results: (1) Functional Movement Screen and Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores in the O group were significantly lower than in the R group. The time to complete the Timed Up and Go test in the O group was significantly longer than in the R group. (2) Foot flat phase, double support distance, and left foot axis angle in the O group were significantly higher than in the R group. Distance and velocity, left-foot minimum subtalar joint angle and right-foot maximum subtalar joint angle in the O group were significantly shorter than in the R group. (3) Peak force, average force and pressure of metatarsal 1&ndash;4, mid-foot, heel medial and lateral, peak pressure of metatarsal l, midfoot, heel medial and lateral in the O group were significantly higher than in the R group. (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: Overweight and obese elderly women have a lower sensorimotor function, flexibility and stability in functional movements, but higher loads on the foot