24,334 research outputs found

    Conductance of Quantum Impurity Models from Quantum Monte Carlo

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    The conductance of two Anderson impurity models, one with two-fold and another with four-fold degeneracy, representing two types of quantum dots, is calculated using a world-line quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method. Extrapolation of the imaginary time QMC data to zero frequency yields the linear conductance, which is then compared to numerical renormalization group results in order to assess its accuracy. We find that the method gives excellent results at low temperature (T<Tk) throughout the mixed valence and Kondo regimes, but it is unreliable for higher temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Phase Transition and Dynamically Enhanced Symmetry in Quadruple Quantum Dot System

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    We propose a system of four quantum dots designed to study the competition between three types of interactions: Heisenberg, Kondo and Ising. We find a rich phase diagram containing two sharp features: a quantum phase transition (QPT) between charge-ordered and charge-liquid phases, and a dramatic resonance in the charge liquid visible in the conductance. The QPT is of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type with a discontinuous jump in the conductance at the transition. We connect the resonance phenomenon with the degeneracy of three levels in the isolated quadruple dot and argue that this leads to a Kondo-like dynamical enhancement of symmetry from U(1) x Z_2 to U(1) x U(1).Comment: 4 pages main text + 4 pages supplementary materia
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