19 research outputs found

    Exploring the geography of China's airport networks: a hybrid complex-network approach

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    Air networks are normal examples of transportation systems among ubiquitous big data networks in the dynamic nature. This is particularly the case in developing countries with rapid airport network expansions. This paper explores the structure and evolution of the trunk airport network of China (ANC) in major years during 1980s-2000s. We generalise the complex network approach developed in existing studies and further test for statistical properties of weighted network characteristics by using pair-wise traffic flows. The spatiotemporal decomposition of network metric plots and the visualization maps leads to a rich harvest of stylized ANC structures: (i) national hub-and-spoke patterns surrounding mega-cities; (ii) regional broker patterns surrounding Kunming and Urumqi, and (iii) local heterogeneous disparity patterns in isolated geographical cities, such as Lhasa, Lijiang, Huangshan, etc. These findings have important implications towards understanding the geo-political and economic forces at stake in shaping China's urban systems

    A Fast Registration Method for Optical and SAR Images Based on SRAWG Feature Description

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    Due to differences in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical imaging modes, there is a considerable degree of nonlinear intensity difference (NID) and geometric difference between the two images. The SAR image is also accompanied by strong multiplicative speckle noise. These phenomena lead to what is known as a challenging task to register optical and SAR images. With the development of remote sensing technology, both optical and SAR images equipped with sensor positioning parameters can be roughly registered according to geographic coordinates in advance. However, due to the inaccuracy of sensor parameters, the relative positioning accuracy is still as high as tens or even hundreds of pixels. This paper proposes a fast co-registration method including 3D dense feature description based on a single-scale Sobel and the ratio of exponentially weighted averages (ROEWA) combined with the angle-weighted gradient (SRAWG), overlapping template merging, and non-maxima suppressed template search. In order to more accurately describe the structural features of the image, the single-scale Sobel and ROEWA operators are used to calculate the gradients of optical and SAR images, respectively. On this basis, the 3 × 3 neighborhood angle-weighted gradients of each pixel are fused to form a pixel-wise 3D dense feature description. Aiming at the repeated feature description in the overlapping template and the multi-peak problem on the search surface, this paper adopts the template search strategy of overlapping template merging and non-maximum suppression. The registration results obtained on seven pairs of test images show that the proposed method has significant advantages over state-of-the-art methods in terms of comprehensive registration accuracy and efficiency

    Performance Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors for Heterologous Image Matching

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    In point-based heterologous image matching algorithms, high-quality interest point detection directly affects the final image matching quality. In this paper, starting from the detection mechanism of each interest point detector, optical images and SAR images with different resolutions and covering different areas are selected as experimental data. The five state-of-the-art SAR-Harris, UND-Harris, Har-DoG, Harris-Laplace and DoG interest point detectors are analyzed in terms of scale difference adaptability, nonlinear intensity difference adaptability, distribution uniformity, image registration alignment performance and detection efficiency. Then, we performed registration experiments on images from different sensors, at different times, and at different resolutions to further validate our evaluation results. Finally, the applicable image types of each detector are summarized. The experimental results show that SAR-Harris has the best performance in scale difference adaptability, and UND-Harris has the weakest performance. In terms of nonlinear intensity difference adaptability, SAR-Harris and UND-Harris are comparable, and DoG performance is the weakest. The distribution uniformity of UND-Harris is significantly better than other detectors. Although Har-DoG is weaker than Har-Lap and DoG in repeatability, it is better than both in final image alignment performance. DoG is superior in detection efficiency, followed by SAR-Harris. A comprehensive evaluation and a large amount of experimental data are used to evaluate and summarize each detector in detail. This paper provides a useful guide for the selection of interest point detectors during heterologous image matching

    Performance Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors for Heterologous Image Matching

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    In point-based heterologous image matching algorithms, high-quality interest point detection directly affects the final image matching quality. In this paper, starting from the detection mechanism of each interest point detector, optical images and SAR images with different resolutions and covering different areas are selected as experimental data. The five state-of-the-art SAR-Harris, UND-Harris, Har-DoG, Harris-Laplace and DoG interest point detectors are analyzed in terms of scale difference adaptability, nonlinear intensity difference adaptability, distribution uniformity, image registration alignment performance and detection efficiency. Then, we performed registration experiments on images from different sensors, at different times, and at different resolutions to further validate our evaluation results. Finally, the applicable image types of each detector are summarized. The experimental results show that SAR-Harris has the best performance in scale difference adaptability, and UND-Harris has the weakest performance. In terms of nonlinear intensity difference adaptability, SAR-Harris and UND-Harris are comparable, and DoG performance is the weakest. The distribution uniformity of UND-Harris is significantly better than other detectors. Although Har-DoG is weaker than Har-Lap and DoG in repeatability, it is better than both in final image alignment performance. DoG is superior in detection efficiency, followed by SAR-Harris. A comprehensive evaluation and a large amount of experimental data are used to evaluate and summarize each detector in detail. This paper provides a useful guide for the selection of interest point detectors during heterologous image matching

    A Fast Registration Method for Optical and SAR Images Based on SRAWG Feature Description

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    Due to differences in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical imaging modes, there is a considerable degree of nonlinear intensity difference (NID) and geometric difference between the two images. The SAR image is also accompanied by strong multiplicative speckle noise. These phenomena lead to what is known as a challenging task to register optical and SAR images. With the development of remote sensing technology, both optical and SAR images equipped with sensor positioning parameters can be roughly registered according to geographic coordinates in advance. However, due to the inaccuracy of sensor parameters, the relative positioning accuracy is still as high as tens or even hundreds of pixels. This paper proposes a fast co-registration method including 3D dense feature description based on a single-scale Sobel and the ratio of exponentially weighted averages (ROEWA) combined with the angle-weighted gradient (SRAWG), overlapping template merging, and non-maxima suppressed template search. In order to more accurately describe the structural features of the image, the single-scale Sobel and ROEWA operators are used to calculate the gradients of optical and SAR images, respectively. On this basis, the 3 × 3 neighborhood angle-weighted gradients of each pixel are fused to form a pixel-wise 3D dense feature description. Aiming at the repeated feature description in the overlapping template and the multi-peak problem on the search surface, this paper adopts the template search strategy of overlapping template merging and non-maximum suppression. The registration results obtained on seven pairs of test images show that the proposed method has significant advantages over state-of-the-art methods in terms of comprehensive registration accuracy and efficiency

    Modeling the Mechanical Consequences of Age-Related Trabecular Bone Loss by XFEM Simulation

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    The elderly are more likely to suffer from fracture because of age-related trabecular bone loss. Different bone loss locations and patterns have different effects on bone mechanical properties. Extended finite element method (XFEM) can simulate fracture process and was suited to investigate the effects of bone loss on trabecular bone. Age-related bone loss is indicated by trabecular thinning and loss and may occur at low-strain locations or other random sites. Accordingly, several ideal normal and aged trabecular bone models were created based on different bone loss locations and patterns; then, fracture processes from crack initiation to complete failure of these models were observed by XFEM; finally, the effects of different locations and patterns on trabecular bone were compared. Results indicated that bone loss occurring at low-strain locations was more detrimental to trabecular bone than that occurring at other random sites; meanwhile, the decrease in bone strength caused by trabecular loss was higher than that caused by trabecular thinning, and the effects of vertical trabecular loss on mechanical properties were more severe than horizontal trabecular loss. This study provided a numerical method to simulate trabecular bone fracture and distinguished different effects of the possible occurrence of bone loss locations and patterns on trabecular bone

    A universal nanoreactor strategy for scalable supported ultrafine bimetallic nanoparticles synthesis

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    Supported bimetallic catalysts have become an important class of catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis. Although well-defined bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) can be synthesized by seeded-growth in liquid phase, uniform deposition of these BNPs onto porous supports is very challenging. Here, we develop a universal nanoreactor strategy to directly fabricate the PdAu BNPs in the solid support of coral-like nitrogen-doped mesoporous polymer (NMP) with uniform dispersion in a large scale. This strategy is based on coordination chemistry to introduce the high-quality seeds of Pd nanoclusters and the Au ions into the NMP, and thus to be used as a nanoreactor for seeded growth of PdAu BNPs in solid state during thermal reduction. Many other supported Pd-based BNPs (diameters ranging from 2 to 3 nm) have also been successfully synthesized by adoption of this strategy, including PdRu, PdCo, PdNi, PdZn, PdAg and PdCu BNPs. As an example, the as-synthesized Pd1Au1/4 sample shows enhanced catalytic performance in formic acid (FA) dehydrogenation compared with the monometallic analogues, indicating the synergistic effect between Pd and Au. In addition, the Pd1Au1/4 product is molded into monolith without any binders due to its coral-like structure. The Pd1Au1/4 monolith shows considerable activity in FA dehydrogenation with a turnover frequency (TOF) value of 3684 h−1 at 333 K, which is recycled five times without changes in activity. We believe that the nanoreactor strategy provides an effective route to synthesize various supported bimetallic catalysts that have potential for applications in green and sustainable catalytic processes