750 research outputs found

    Learning Laplacian Matrix in Smooth Graph Signal Representations

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    The construction of a meaningful graph plays a crucial role in the success of many graph-based representations and algorithms for handling structured data, especially in the emerging field of graph signal processing. However, a meaningful graph is not always readily available from the data, nor easy to define depending on the application domain. In particular, it is often desirable in graph signal processing applications that a graph is chosen such that the data admit certain regularity or smoothness on the graph. In this paper, we address the problem of learning graph Laplacians, which is equivalent to learning graph topologies, such that the input data form graph signals with smooth variations on the resulting topology. To this end, we adopt a factor analysis model for the graph signals and impose a Gaussian probabilistic prior on the latent variables that control these signals. We show that the Gaussian prior leads to an efficient representation that favors the smoothness property of the graph signals. We then propose an algorithm for learning graphs that enforces such property and is based on minimizing the variations of the signals on the learned graph. Experiments on both synthetic and real world data demonstrate that the proposed graph learning framework can efficiently infer meaningful graph topologies from signal observations under the smoothness prior

    Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Matrix via Relaxed Principal Component Pursuit

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    The network traffic matrix is widely used in network operation and management. It is therefore of crucial importance to analyze the components and the structure of the network traffic matrix, for which several mathematical approaches such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were proposed. In this paper, we first argue that PCA performs poorly for analyzing traffic matrix that is polluted by large volume anomalies, and then propose a new decomposition model for the network traffic matrix. According to this model, we carry out the structural analysis by decomposing the network traffic matrix into three sub-matrices, namely, the deterministic traffic, the anomaly traffic and the noise traffic matrix, which is similar to the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) problem previously studied in [13]. Based on the Relaxed Principal Component Pursuit (Relaxed PCP) method and the Accelerated Proximal Gradient (APG) algorithm, we present an iterative approach for decomposing a traffic matrix, and demonstrate its efficiency and flexibility by experimental results. Finally, we further discuss several features of the deterministic and noise traffic. Our study develops a novel method for the problem of structural analysis of the traffic matrix, which is robust against pollution of large volume anomalies.Comment: Accepted to Elsevier Computer Network

    Understanding stock market instability via graph auto-encoders

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    Understanding stock market instability is a key question in financial management as practitioners seek to forecast breakdowns in asset co-movements which expose portfolios to rapid and devastating collapses in value. The structure of these co-movements can be described as a graph where companies are represented by nodes and edges capture correlations between their price movements. Learning a timely indicator of co-movement breakdowns (manifested as modifications in the graph structure) is central in understanding both financial stability and volatility forecasting. We propose to use the edge reconstruction accuracy of a graph auto-encoder (GAE) as an indicator for how spatially homogeneous connections between assets are, which, based on financial network literature, we use as a proxy to infer market volatility. Our experiments on the S&P 500 over the 2015-2022 period show that higher GAE reconstruction error values are correlated with higher volatility. We also show that out-of-sample autoregressive modeling of volatility is improved by the addition of the proposed measure. Our paper contributes to the literature of machine learning in finance particularly in the context of understanding stock market instability.Comment: Submitted to Glinda workshop of the Neurips 2022 conference Keywords : Graph Based Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Graph Autoencoder, Stock Market Information, Volatility Forecastin

    Learning Hypergraphs From Signals With Dual Smoothness Prior

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    The construction of a meaningful hypergraph topology is the key to processing signals with high-order relationships that involve more than two entities. Learning the hypergraph structure from the observed signals to capture the intrinsic relationships among the entities becomes crucial when a hypergraph topology is not readily available in the datasets. There are two challenges that lie at the heart of this problem: 1) how to handle the huge search space of potential hyperedges, and 2) how to define meaningful criteria to measure the relationship between the signals observed on nodes and the hypergraph structure. In this paper, to address the first challenge, we adopt the assumption that the ideal hypergraph structure can be derived from a learnable graph structure that captures the pairwise relations within signals. Further, we propose a hypergraph learning framework with a novel dual smoothness prior that reveals a mapping between the observed node signals and the hypergraph structure, whereby each hyperedge corresponds to a subgraph with both node signal smoothness and edge signal smoothness in the learnable graph structure. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed framework on both synthetic and real world datasets. Experiments show that our proposed framework can efficiently infer meaningful hypergraph topologies from observed signals.Comment: We have polished the paper and fixed some typos and the correct number of the target hyperedges is given to the baseline in this versio

    Hypergraph Structure Inference From Data Under Smoothness Prior

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    Hypergraphs are important for processing data with higher-order relationships involving more than two entities. In scenarios where explicit hypergraphs are not readily available, it is desirable to infer a meaningful hypergraph structure from the node features to capture the intrinsic relations within the data. However, existing methods either adopt simple pre-defined rules that fail to precisely capture the distribution of the potential hypergraph structure, or learn a mapping between hypergraph structures and node features but require a large amount of labelled data, i.e., pre-existing hypergraph structures, for training. Both restrict their applications in practical scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose a novel smoothness prior that enables us to design a method to infer the probability for each potential hyperedge without labelled data as supervision. The proposed prior indicates features of nodes in a hyperedge are highly correlated by the features of the hyperedge containing them. We use this prior to derive the relation between the hypergraph structure and the node features via probabilistic modelling. This allows us to develop an unsupervised inference method to estimate the probability for each potential hyperedge via solving an optimisation problem that has an analytical solution. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that our method can learn meaningful hypergraph structures from data more efficiently than existing hypergraph structure inference methods

    Laplacian-regularized graph bandits: Algorithms and theoretical analysis

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    We consider a stochastic linear bandit problem with multiple users, where the relationship between users is captured by an underlying graph and user preferences are represented as smooth signals on the graph. We introduce a novel bandit algorithm where the smoothness prior is imposed via the random-walk graph Laplacian, which leads to a single-user cumulative regret scaling as O~(ΨdT)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\Psi d \sqrt{T}) with time horizon TT, feature dimensionality dd, and the scalar parameter Ψ(0,1)\Psi \in (0,1) that depends on the graph connectivity. This is an improvement over O~(dT)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d \sqrt{T}) in \algo{LinUCB}~\Ccite{li2010contextual}, where user relationship is not taken into account. In terms of network regret (sum of cumulative regret over nn users), the proposed algorithm leads to a scaling as O~(ΨdnT)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\Psi d\sqrt{nT}), which is a significant improvement over O~(ndT)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(nd\sqrt{T}) in the state-of-the-art algorithm \algo{Gob.Lin} \Ccite{cesa2013gang}. To improve scalability, we further propose a simplified algorithm with a linear computational complexity with respect to the number of users, while maintaining the same regret. Finally, we present a finite-time analysis on the proposed algorithms, and demonstrate their advantage in comparison with state-of-the-art graph-based bandit algorithms on both synthetic and real-world data