1,043 research outputs found

    πNσ\pi N \sigma Term and Quark Spin Content of the Nucleon

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    We report results of our calculation on the πNσ\pi N\sigma term and quark spin content of the nucleon on the quenched 163×2416^3 \times 24 lattice at β=6.0\beta = 6.0. The disconnected insertions which involve contributions from the sea quarks are calculated with the stochastic Z2Z_2 noise algorithm. As a physical test of the algorithm, we show that the forward matrix elements of the vector and pseudoscalar currents for the disconnected insertions are indeed consistent with the known results of zero. We tried the Wuppertal smeared source and found it to be more noisy than the point source. With unrenormalized mq=4.42(17)m_q=4.42(17)MeV, we find the πNσ\pi N\sigma term to be 39.2±5.239.2\pm 5.2 MeV. The strange quark condensate in the nucleon is large, i.e. ⟨N∣sˉs∣N⟩=1.16±0.54\langle N|\bar{s}s|N\rangle = 1.16 \pm 0.54. For the quark spin content, we find Δu=0.78±0.07\Delta u =0.78\pm 0.07, Δd=−0.42±0.07\Delta d =-0.42\pm 0.07, and Δs=−0.13±0.06\Delta s = -0.13\pm 0.06. The flavor-singlet axial charge gA1=ΔΣ=0.22±0.09g_A^1 = \Delta \Sigma =0.22\pm 0.09 .Comment: contribution to Lattice '94; 3 page uuencoded ps fil

    Search for sterile neutrinos in holographic dark energy cosmology: Reconciling Planck observation with the local measurement of the Hubble constant

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    We search for sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology by using the latest observational data. To perform the analysis, we employ the current cosmological observations, including the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum data from the Planck mission, the baryon acoustic oscillation measurements, the type Ia supernova data, the redshift space distortion measurements, the shear data of weak lensing observation, the Planck lensing measurement, and the latest direct measurement of H0H_0 as well. We show that, compared to the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, the holographic dark energy cosmology with sterile neutrinos can relieve the tension between the Planck observation and the direct measurement of H0H_0 much better. Once we include the H0H_0 measurement in the global fit, we find that the hint of the existence of sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology can be given. Under the constraint of the all-data combination, we obtain Neff=3.76±0.26N_{\rm eff}= 3.76\pm0.26 and mν,sterileeff<0.215 eVm_{\nu,\rm sterile}^{\rm eff}< 0.215\,\rm eV, indicating that the detection of ΔNeff>0\Delta N_{\rm eff}>0 in the holographic dark energy cosmology is at the 2.75σ2.75\sigma level and the massless or very light sterile neutrino is favored by the current observations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, published in PR

    Stochastic Estimation with Z2Z_2 Noise

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    We introduce a Z2Z_2 noise for the stochastic estimation of matrix inversion and discuss its superiority over other noises including the Gaussian noise. This algorithm is applied to the calculation of quark loops in lattice quantum chromodynamics that involves diagonal and off-diagonal traces of the inverse matrix. We will point out its usefulness in its applications to estimating determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, as well as its limitations based on the structure of the inverse matrix.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figure, UK/93-0
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