181 research outputs found

    Real-time Information, Uncertainty and Quantum Feedback Control

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    Feedback is the core concept in cybernetics and its effective use has made great success in but not limited to the fields of engineering, biology, and computer science. When feedback is used to quantum systems, two major types of feedback control protocols including coherent feedback control (CFC) and measurement-based feedback control (MFC) have been developed. In this paper, we compare the two types of quantum feedback control protocols by focusing on the real-time information used in the feedback loop and the capability in dealing with parameter uncertainty. An equivalent relationship is established between quantum CFC and non-selective quantum MFC in the form of operator-sum representation. Using several examples of quantum feedback control, we show that quantum MFC can theoretically achieve better performance than quantum CFC in stabilizing a quantum state and dealing with Hamiltonian parameter uncertainty. The results enrich understanding of the relative advantages between quantum MFC and quantum CFC, and can provide useful information in choosing suitable feedback protocols for quantum systems.Comment: 24 page

    Robust manipulation of superconducting qubits in the presence of fluctuations

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    Superconducting quantum systems are promising candidates for quantum information processing due to their scalability and design flexibility. However, the existence of defects, fluctuations, and inaccuracies is unavoidable for practical superconducting quantum circuits. In this paper, a sampling-based learning control (SLC) method is used to guide the design of control fields for manipulating superconducting quantum systems. Numerical results for one-qubit systems and coupled two-qubit systems show that the "smart" fields learned using the SLC method can achieve robust manipulation of superconducting qubits, even in the presence of large fluctuations and inaccuracies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Sampling-based learning control of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles

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    Compensation for parameter dispersion is a significant challenge for control of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles. In this paper, we present a systematic methodology of sampling-based learning control (SLC) for simultaneously steering the members of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles to the same desired state. The SLC method is employed for optimal control of the state-to-state transition probability for inhomogeneous quantum ensembles of spins as well as Λ\Lambda type atomic systems. The procedure involves the steps of (i) training and (ii) testing. In the training step, a generalized system is constructed by sampling members according to the distribution of inhomogeneous parameters drawn from the ensemble. A gradient flow based learning and optimization algorithm is adopted to find the control for the generalized system. In the process of testing, a number of additional ensemble members are randomly selected to evaluate the control performance. Numerical results are presented showing the success of the SLC method.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Sampling-based Learning Control for Quantum Systems with Uncertainties

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    Robust control design for quantum systems has been recognized as a key task in the development of practical quantum technology. In this paper, we present a systematic numerical methodology of sampling-based learning control (SLC) for control design of quantum systems with uncertainties. The SLC method includes two steps of "training" and "testing". In the training step, an augmented system is constructed using artificial samples generated by sampling uncertainty parameters according to a given distribution. A gradient flow based learning algorithm is developed to find the control for the augmented system. In the process of testing, a number of additional samples are tested to evaluate the control performance where these samples are obtained through sampling the uncertainty parameters according to a possible distribution. The SLC method is applied to three significant examples of quantum robust control including state preparation in a three-level quantum system, robust entanglement generation in a two-qubit superconducting circuit and quantum entanglement control in a two-atom system interacting with a quantized field in a cavity. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the SLC approach even when uncertainties are quite large, and show its potential for robust control design of quantum systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, in press, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 201

    Efficient Bayesian Policy Reuse with a Scalable Observation Model in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Bayesian policy reuse (BPR) is a general policy transfer framework for selecting a source policy from an offline library by inferring the task belief based on some observation signals and a trained observation model. In this paper, we propose an improved BPR method to achieve more efficient policy transfer in deep reinforcement learning (DRL). First, most BPR algorithms use the episodic return as the observation signal that contains limited information and cannot be obtained until the end of an episode. Instead, we employ the state transition sample, which is informative and instantaneous, as the observation signal for faster and more accurate task inference. Second, BPR algorithms usually require numerous samples to estimate the probability distribution of the tabular-based observation model, which may be expensive and even infeasible to learn and maintain, especially when using the state transition sample as the signal. Hence, we propose a scalable observation model based on fitting state transition functions of source tasks from only a small number of samples, which can generalize to any signals observed in the target task. Moreover, we extend the offline-mode BPR to the continual learning setting by expanding the scalable observation model in a plug-and-play fashion, which can avoid negative transfer when faced with new unknown tasks. Experimental results show that our method can consistently facilitate faster and more efficient policy transfer.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, under revie

    Preliminary study of beta-blocker therapy on modulation of interleukin-33/ST2 signaling during ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the role of b-blocker therapy on modulating interleukin (IL)-33/ST2 (interleukin-1 receptor-like 1) signaling during ventricular remodeling related to heart failure (HF) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats that survived surgery to induce AMI were randomly divided into the placebo group and the b-blocker treatment group. A sham group was used as a control. Left ventricular (LV) function variables, the myocardial infarct size, fibrosis and IL-33/ST2 protein expression was measured. Results: Compared with the placebo group, b-blocker treatment significantly improved LV function and reduced infarct size (p < 0.05). There was higher protein expression of IL-33 (p < 0.05) and sST2 (p < 0.05), as well as higher expression of fibrosis (p < 0.05), compared to the sham group. Notably, the high expression of cardioprotective IL-33 was not affected by b-blocker treatment (p > 0.05), however, treatment with b-blocker enhanced IL-33/ST2 signaling, with lower expression of sST2 (p < 0.05) and significantly attenuated fibrosis (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our study suggested that b-blocker therapy might play a beneficial role in the modula­tion of IL-33/ST2 signaling during ventricular remodeling. These results may be helpful in identifying IL-33/ST2 systems as putative b-blocker targets at an early stage after AMI. (Cardiol J 2017; 24, 2: 188–194

    On compression rate of quantum autoencoders: Control design, numerical and experimental realization

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    Quantum autoencoders which aim at compressing quantum information in a low-dimensional latent space lie in the heart of automatic data compression in the field of quantum information. In this paper, we establish an upper bound of the compression rate for a given quantum autoencoder and present a learning control approach for training the autoencoder to achieve the maximal compression rate. The upper bound of the compression rate is theoretically proven using eigen-decomposition and matrix differentiation, which is determined by the eigenvalues of the density matrix representation of the input states. Numerical results on 2-qubit and 3-qubit systems are presented to demonstrate how to train the quantum autoencoder to achieve the theoretically maximal compression, and the training performance using different machine learning algorithms is compared. Experimental results of a quantum autoencoder using quantum optical systems are illustrated for compressing two 2-qubit states into two 1-qubit states