51 research outputs found

    jaw-1D: a gain-of-function mutation responsive to paramutation-like induction of epigenetic silencing

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    The Arabidopsis thaliana gain-of-function T-DNA insertion mutant jaw-1D produces miR319A, a microRNA that represses genes encoding CIN-like TEOSINTE BRANCHED1/CYCLOIDEA/PROLIFERATING CELL FACTORs (TCPs), a family of transcription factors that play key roles in leaf morphogenesis. In this study, we show that jaw-1D is responsive to paramutation-like epigenetic silencing. A genetic cross of jaw-1D with the polycomb gene mutant curly leaf-29 (clf-29) leads to attenuation of the jaw-1D mutant plant phenotype. This induced mutation, jaw-1D*, was associated with down-regulation of miR319A, was heritable independently from clf-29, and displayed paramutation-like non-Mendelian inheritance. Down-regulation of miR319A in jaw-1D* was linked to elevated levels of histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation and DNA methylation at the CaMV35S enhancer located within the activation-tagging T-DNA of the jaw-1D locus. Examination of 21 independent T-DNA insertion mutant lines revealed that 11 could attenuate the jaw-1D mutant phenotype in a similar way to the paramutation induced by clf-29. These paramutagenic mutant lines shared the common feature that their T-DNA insertion was present as multi-copy tandem repeats and contained high levels of CG and CHG methylation. Our results provide important insights into paramutation-like epigenetic silencing, and caution against the use of jaw-1D in genetic interaction studies

    Linking PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR to Histone Modification in Plant Shade Avoidance

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    Shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) allows a plant grown in a densely populated environment to maximize opportunities to access to sunlight. Although it is well established that SAS is accompanied by gene expression changes, the underlying molecular mechanism needs to be elucidated. Here, we identify the H3K4me3/H3K36me3-binding proteins, Morf Related Gene (MRG) group proteins MRG1 and MRG2, as positive regulators of shade-induced hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). MRG2 binds PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR7 (PIF7) and regulates the expression of several common downstream target genes, including YUCCA8 and IAA19 involved in the auxin biosynthesis or response pathway and PRE1 involved in brassinosteroid regulation of cell elongation. In response to shade, PIF7 and MRG2 are enriched at the promoter and gene-body regions and are necessary for increase of histone H4 and H3 acetylation to promote target gene expression. Our study uncovers a mechanism in which the shade-responsive factor PIF7 recruits MRG1/MRG2 that binds H3K4me3/H3K36me3 and brings histone-acetylases to induce histone acetylations to promote expression of shade responsive genes, providing thus a molecular mechanistic link coupling the environmental light to epigenetic modification in regulation of hypocotyl elongation in plant SAS

    A fingerprint based crypto-biometric system for secure communication

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    To ensure the secure transmission of data, cryptography is treated as the most effective solution. Cryptographic key is an important entity in this procedure. In general, randomly generated cryptographic key (of 256 bits) is difficult to remember. However, such a key needs to be stored in a protected place or transported through a shared communication line which, in fact, poses another threat to security. As an alternative, researchers advocate the generation of cryptographic key using the biometric traits of both sender and receiver during the sessions of communication, thus avoiding key storing and at the same time without compromising the strength in security. Nevertheless, the biometric-based cryptographic key generation possesses few concerns such as privacy of biometrics, sharing of biometric data between both communicating users (i.e., sender and receiver), and generating revocable key from irrevocable biometric. This work addresses the above-mentioned concerns. In this work, a framework for secure communication between two users using fingerprint based crypto-biometric system has been proposed. For this, Diffie-Hellman (DH) algorithm is used to generate public keys from private keys of both sender and receiver which are shared and further used to produce a symmetric cryptographic key at both ends. In this approach, revocable key for symmetric cryptography is generated from irrevocable fingerprint. The biometric data is neither stored nor shared which ensures the security of biometric data, and perfect forward secrecy is achieved using session keys. This work also ensures the long-term security of messages communicated between two users. Based on the experimental evaluation over four datasets of FVC2002 and NIST special database, the proposed framework is privacy-preserving and could be utilized onto real access control systems.Comment: 29 single column pages, 8 figure

    H3K4me2 functions as a repressive epigenetic mark in plants

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    Structural insights into molecular mechanism for N6-adenosine methylation by MT-A70 family methyltransferase METTL4

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    METTL4 belongs to a subclade of MT-A70 family members of methyltransferase (MTase) proteins shown to mediate N6-adenosine methylation for both RNA and DNA in diverse eukaryotes. Here, we report that Arabidopsis METTL4 functions as U2 snRNA MTase for N6−2’-O-dimethyladenosine (m6Am) in vivo that regulates flowering time, and specifically catalyzes N6-methylation of 2’-O-methyladenosine (Am) within a single-stranded RNA in vitro. The apo structures of full-length Arabidopsis METTL4 bound to S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) and the complex structure with an Am-containing RNA substrate, combined with mutagenesis and in vitro enzymatic assays, uncover a preformed L-shaped, positively-charged cavity surrounded by four loops for substrate binding and a catalytic center composed of conserved residues for specific Am nucleotide recognition and N6-methylation activity. Structural comparison of METTL4 with the mRNA m6A enzyme METTL3/METTL14 heterodimer and modeling analysis suggest a catalytic mechanism for N6-adenosine methylation by METTL4, which may be shared among MT-A70 family members

    Ethical Risk Factors and Mechanisms in Artificial Intelligence Decision Making

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    While artificial intelligence (AI) technology can enhance social wellbeing and progress, it also generates ethical decision-making dilemmas such as algorithmic discrimination, data bias, and unclear accountability. In this paper, we identify the ethical risk factors of AI decision making from the perspective of qualitative research, construct a risk-factor model of AI decision making ethical risks using rooting theory, and explore the mechanisms of interaction between risks through system dynamics, based on which risk management strategies are proposed. We find that technological uncertainty, incomplete data, and management errors are the main sources of ethical risks in AI decision making and that the intervention of risk governance elements can effectively block the social risks arising from algorithmic, technological, and data risks. Accordingly, we propose strategies for the governance of ethical risks in AI decision making from the perspectives of management, research, and development

    Analyse moléculaire et caractérisation fonctionnelle des gènes codant des protéines de la famille de Nucléosome Assembly Protein 1 (NAP1) chez les plantes

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    Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into chromatin, a regularly repeated structure whose fundamental building block is the nucleosome. Each nucleosome core particle is composed of a histone octamer consisting of two molecules each of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, around which approximately 146 147 bp of DNA is wrapped. The assembly of nucleosome is the first step of chromatin assembly which is important for the chromatin structure affecting a broad ranges of biological events including DNA replication, repair, recombination, transcription, cell differentiation, proliferation, and organism development, and is fulfilled with the help of histone chaperones, which are important for the organization and dynamics of chromatin templates, and are involved in the storage, translocation to the nucleus and exchange of histones and their deposition onto the DNA for replication-dependent chromatin assembly.[...].STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceChinaFRC

    Efficiency Decomposition Analysis of the Marine Ship Industry Chain Based on Three-Stage Super-Efficiency SBM Model—Evidence from Chinese A-Share-Listed Companies

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    Based on the micro-data of 79 listed companies in the Chinese marine ship industry chain from 2015 to 2019, this paper calculates the comprehensive technical efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE), and scale efficiency (SE) of the upstream, midstream, and downstream of China’s marine ship industry chain by using a three-stage super-efficiency slacks-based model (SBM), and further analyzes the weak links in industrial chain efficiency and their influencing factors. It is shown that (i) the TE and PTE of the upstream, midstream, and downstream of China’s marine ship industry chain are in a “V”-shaped distribution, high at both ends and low in the middle, but that the SE is ranked as follows: upstream > midstream > downstream. In addition, the PTE is the main factor which hinders the improvement of TE in the industrial chain. (ii) The environmental variables have significant impacts on industrial chain efficiency. When the influences of environmental variables and random error terms are excluded, the industrial chain efficiency changes significantly. The values of SE and TE decrease significantly, and the distribution characteristic of TE changes. However, the PTE is still in a “V”-shaped distribution and appears to be the main driving force for the progress of TE. (iii) China’s marine ship industry chain has obvious weak links in terms of efficiency, and the midstream and downstream areas need to focus on development. Each link of the industry chain has high coupling and low coordination, and they are all closely related to each other, but the coordination ability is insufficient. The industrial chain in terms of efficiency and coordinated development can still be improved