38 research outputs found

    Statistics in engineering education

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    U ovom radu je prikazan subjektivni pristup i istraživanje obrazovanja statističkih metoda na maÅ”inskim fakultetima zemalja Evropske unije, kao osnova za postizanje svetskog nivoa kvaliteta i konkurentnosti proizvoda i usluga na svetskom tržiÅ”tu. Sugestije za poboljÅ”anje statističkog obrazovanja su prikazane sa ciljem da se prevaziđe postojeći jaz između inženjera i naučnika koji se bave primenjenom naukom, sa jedne strane i matematičara sa druge.This paper presents a subjective view and a research of the education of the statistical methods in Mechanical Engineering Faculties in EU countries, as a base for achieving world class quality in good and services. Suggestions for an improvement of the statistical education were presented in order to overcome the existing gap between engineers and scientists on one side and mathematicians on the other

    Crane cabins with integrated visual systems for the detection and interpretation of environment - economic appraisal

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    Rad analizira ekonomsku opravdanost i upotrebu nove generacije kabina krana znatno manje težine i krutosti čiji će unutraÅ”nji prostor neophodan za rukovaoca biti razvijen koriŔćenjem metode fizičkog, kognitivnog i ergonomskog organizovanja sa reÅ”enim problemom vidljivosti i koji će omogućiti veću produktivnost, usled smanjenja fizičkog i psihičkog stresa rukovaoca, kao i veću bezbednost i sigurnost usled integrisanja vizuelnog sistema. Dokazano je da ukupna ekonomska prednost eksploatacije kabine u ukupnom eksploatacijskom period značajno veća, nego upotrebna cena kabine, kao i da je interna stopa prinosa iznad prosečne ponderisane kamatne stope i da je vreme povratka uloženog manje od 3 godine. Analizirani proizvodni projekat i upotreba kabine krana sa integrisanim vizuelnim sistemom za detekciju i interpretaciju sredine je projekat niskog ekonomskog rizika.This paper analyses the economic feasibility of production and use of the new generation crane cabins of considerably lighter weight and stiff structure whose interior space necessary for the operator will be developed by using the methods of physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics with the solved problem of visibility and which will allow higher productivity due to reduction of physical and psychological stress of the operator, as well as greater safety and security due to the integrated visual system. It is proved that the total economic benefit of the exploitation of the cabin in the overall exploitation period is significantly higher than the purchase price of the cabin, as well as that the internal rate of return is above the relevant average weighted interest rate and the payback period is less than three years. The analyzed project of production and use of crane cabins with integrated visual systems for the detection and interpretation of environment is the project with low economic risk

    Statistics in engineering education

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    U ovom radu je prikazan subjektivni pristup i istraživanje obrazovanja statističkih metoda na maÅ”inskim fakultetima zemalja Evropske unije, kao osnova za postizanje svetskog nivoa kvaliteta i konkurentnosti proizvoda i usluga na svetskom tržiÅ”tu. Sugestije za poboljÅ”anje statističkog obrazovanja su prikazane sa ciljem da se prevaziđe postojeći jaz između inženjera i naučnika koji se bave primenjenom naukom, sa jedne strane i matematičara sa druge.This paper presents a subjective view and a research of the education of the statistical methods in Mechanical Engineering Faculties in EU countries, as a base for achieving world class quality in good and services. Suggestions for an improvement of the statistical education were presented in order to overcome the existing gap between engineers and scientists on one side and mathematicians on the other

    Performance of industrial companies after ownership transformation

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    Koristeći pristup kroz totalnu faktorsku produktivnost (TFP) u radu su empirijski određene razlike u ekonomskoj efikasnosti privatnih industrijskih preduzeća u Srbiji. Na panel uzorku od 567 firmi u periodu 2005-2007 utvrđeno je da su firme u većinskom stranom vlasniÅ”tvu, izvozno orjentisane i novoformirane firme imale za 18%, 37% i 26% veću produktivnost od prosečne produktivnosti na teritoriji Srbije. Regionalno posmatrano najveće razlike u produktivnosti po osnovu stranog vlasniÅ”tva utvrđene su na području Centralne Srbije dok su izvozno orjentisane i novoformirane firme bile najefikasnije na području Beograda. .Using the total factor productivity (TFP) approach we empirically estimated the differences in economic efficiency of private industrial firms in Serbia. On the panel data from a sample of 567 companies in the period 2005-2007, it was found that majority-foreign owned companies, as well as export-oriented and newly-founded private firms recorded higher productivity than the average in Serbia by 18%, 37% and 26% respectively. From the regional aspect, the biggest differences in productivity resulting from foreign capital ownership are seen in the region of Central Serbia, whereas export-oriented and newly-founded firms were most efficient in the area of Belgrade.

    The economic feasibility of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided visual guidance system

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    Brojna istraživanja u oblasti nesreća u kojima učestvuju dizalice ukazuju na činjenice da je rad rukovaoca/kraniste posao visokog rizika i da je uzrok nesreća i nezgoda najčeŔće ljudski faktor. Shodno tome, inovacije na polju unapređenja industrijske bezbednosti procesa u kojima učestvuju dizalice, u smislu pomoći kranisti da ne napravi greÅ”ku pri rukovanju, su preko potrebne. Projekat "SPRINCE" za rezultat ima inovativno reÅ”enje sistema za vizuelno navođenje u realnom vremenu, u cilju reÅ”avanja problema smanjene vidljivosti iz kranskih kabina. Ovaj rad analizira ekonomsku opravdanost sistema za vizuelno navođenje i na taj način povezuje ljudske, organizacione i tehničke faktore kroz pristup troÅ”kova i koristi. Analizirana su dva predložena scenarija: A) proizvodnja i prodaja kranskih kabina sa sistemom za vizuelno navođenje i B) upotreba (kupovina) kranske kabine sa sistemom za vizuelno navođenje. Tehno-ekonomska analiza pokazuje da su ekonomske koristi u oba scenarija tokom perioda koriŔćenja viÅ”e puta veće od nabavne cene, dok je interna stopa prinosa viÅ”e puta veća od prosečno ponderisane kamatne stope. Period povraćaja uloženih sredstava je manji od četiri godine. Takođe, oba projekta pripadaju kategoriji projekata niskog rizika.Cranes' operations are extremely risky and hazardous tasks, as demonstrated in various surveys in the field of incidents' causes and effects. The most frequent cause of unsafe crane operation task execution is human error. Accordingly, innovation which enables cranes' safe operations, prevents "blind lifts" and helps crane operator to avoid potential error is urgent. Project SPRINCE has proposed computer-aided Visual Guidance System as a real time solution aimed to prevent crane accidents, caused by obstructed view. This paper analyses the economic feasibility of Visual Guidance System application in various scenarios in aim to connect human, technology and organization issues through cost-benefit framework. There are two proposed investment scenarios analysed: A) Producing and selling of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided Visual Guidance System and B) Usage (purchase) of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided Visual Guidance System. The economic appraisal has proved that the total economic benefit in both scenarios in the complete utilization period is several times higher than the buying price, while the internal rate of return is few times higher than the aggregate rate of interest paid. Also, the amount of time which takes to recover the cost of an investment is less than four years. Moreover, both scenarios belong to the category of innovation projects with very low risk

    The economic feasibility of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided visual guidance system

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    Brojna istraživanja u oblasti nesreća u kojima učestvuju dizalice ukazuju na činjenice da je rad rukovaoca/kraniste posao visokog rizika i da je uzrok nesreća i nezgoda najčeŔće ljudski faktor. Shodno tome, inovacije na polju unapređenja industrijske bezbednosti procesa u kojima učestvuju dizalice, u smislu pomoći kranisti da ne napravi greÅ”ku pri rukovanju, su preko potrebne. Projekat "SPRINCE" za rezultat ima inovativno reÅ”enje sistema za vizuelno navođenje u realnom vremenu, u cilju reÅ”avanja problema smanjene vidljivosti iz kranskih kabina. Ovaj rad analizira ekonomsku opravdanost sistema za vizuelno navođenje i na taj način povezuje ljudske, organizacione i tehničke faktore kroz pristup troÅ”kova i koristi. Analizirana su dva predložena scenarija: A) proizvodnja i prodaja kranskih kabina sa sistemom za vizuelno navođenje i B) upotreba (kupovina) kranske kabine sa sistemom za vizuelno navođenje. Tehno-ekonomska analiza pokazuje da su ekonomske koristi u oba scenarija tokom perioda koriŔćenja viÅ”e puta veće od nabavne cene, dok je interna stopa prinosa viÅ”e puta veća od prosečno ponderisane kamatne stope. Period povraćaja uloženih sredstava je manji od četiri godine. Takođe, oba projekta pripadaju kategoriji projekata niskog rizika.Cranes' operations are extremely risky and hazardous tasks, as demonstrated in various surveys in the field of incidents' causes and effects. The most frequent cause of unsafe crane operation task execution is human error. Accordingly, innovation which enables cranes' safe operations, prevents "blind lifts" and helps crane operator to avoid potential error is urgent. Project SPRINCE has proposed computer-aided Visual Guidance System as a real time solution aimed to prevent crane accidents, caused by obstructed view. This paper analyses the economic feasibility of Visual Guidance System application in various scenarios in aim to connect human, technology and organization issues through cost-benefit framework. There are two proposed investment scenarios analysed: A) Producing and selling of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided Visual Guidance System and B) Usage (purchase) of crane cabins with real-time computer-aided Visual Guidance System. The economic appraisal has proved that the total economic benefit in both scenarios in the complete utilization period is several times higher than the buying price, while the internal rate of return is few times higher than the aggregate rate of interest paid. Also, the amount of time which takes to recover the cost of an investment is less than four years. Moreover, both scenarios belong to the category of innovation projects with very low risk

    Efekti privatizacije i restrukturiranja u industrijskim preduzećima u Srbiji

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    Rad testira uticaj privatizacije i restrukturiranja na efikasnost poslovanja industrijskih preduzeća u Srbiji privatizovanih tokom 2002 i 2003 godine. Na uzorku od 45 izabranih preduzeća analiza pokazuje da se privatizacijom povećavaju prosečne vrednosti pokazatelja uspeÅ”nosti poslovanja. Nije dokazano da je to povećanje i statistički signifikantno osim u slučaju profitabilnosti ukupne ekonomije preduzeća. U radu je potvrđena hipoteza da uspeÅ”nost poslovanja privatizovanih preduzeća u postprivatizacionom periodu statistički značajno zavisi od tipa investitora i koncentracije vlasničkih prava ali ne i od dela kapitala u vlasniÅ”tvu države.This paper examine the impact of privatization and restructuring on the operating and financial performances of industrial enterprises privatized in Serbia during the period 2002-2003. The longitudinal study of 45 firms has empirically confirmed the significant increase in profitability of total assets (ROA). The impacts of buyer type and level of property rights concentration on increase of performances in postprivatization period were also confirmed

    Allocative efficiency and QM factors covariate in Serbian industry

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    Trendovi alokativne efikasnosti i kovarijati veličine preduzeća i efikasnosti faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom u srpskoj industriji su testirani na nebalansiranom panel uzorku od 48 industrijskih preduzeća iz 12 industrijskih sektora u periodu 2004-2009. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da 10 od 12 sektora ima pozitivan kovarijat učeŔća u outputu tržiÅ”ta i multi-faktorskoj produktivnosti. Kovarijat veličine preduzeća i efikasnosti svih faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom pokazuju isti smer u hemijskom sektoru (pozitivno) i sektoru motornih vozila (negativno), Å”to znači da u ta dva sektora veće kompanije imaju natprosečnu i/ili ispodprosečnu efikasnost menadžmenta kvalitetom. Isti (pozitivan) trend alokativne efikasnosti i kovarijata svih faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom je zabeležen u hemijskoj industriji.Trends of allocative efficiency and covariate of firm size and efficiency of quality management(QM) factors in the Serbian industry were tested on the unbalanced panel sample of 48 industrial firms from 12 industrial sectors in the period 2004-2009. The obtained results show that 10 of 12 sectors have a positive covariate of participation in the output market and multi-factor productivity. Covariates of firm size and efficiency of all QM factors record the same direction in the chemicals sector (positive) and motor vehicles (negative), which means that in those two sectors larger companies had above-average and/or below-average efficient TQM. The same (positive) trend of allocative efficiency and covariates of all QM factors was recorded in manufacture of chemical industry

    Decomposition of productivity and allocative efficiency in Serbian industry

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    Na uzorku od 567 preduzeća koristeći poluparametrijski LP pristup određivanja multifaktorske produktivnosti (MFP) u radu je OP dekompozicijom kvantifikovana alokativna efikasnost na nivou Srbije, izabranih regiona i industrijskih sektora. U posmatranom periodu 2005 - 2007 privatizovana i nova privatna preduzeća pokazala su pozitivnu alokativnu efikasnost odnosno pozitivnu kovarijaciju učeŔća na tržiÅ”tu i faktorske produktivnosti. Preduzeća sa većom produktivnoŔću su imala i veća učeŔća na tržiÅ”tu autputa. Najveća alokativna efikasnost je zabeležena na području Vojvodine, a od industrijskih sektora u industriji duvana, drvnoj industriji i industriji prerade metala. Negativna alokativna efikasnost odnosno veće učeŔće na tržiÅ”tu autputa firmi sa niskom faktorskom produktivnoŔću utvrđena je u industriji motornih vozila i proizvodnji električnih maÅ”ina.In this paper on the sample of 567 enterprises, using the semi-parametric LP approach for estimation of multifactor productivity (MFP), the allocative efficiency was quantified by OP decomposition at the level of Serbia, of the selected regions and industrial sectors. In the observed period from 2005 to 2007, the privatised and new private-owned enterprises showed positive allocative efficiency or positive covariance between the participation in the market and factor productivity. Companies with higher productivity also had larger participation in the output market. The highest degree of allocative efficiency was recorded on the territory of Vojvodina and in terms of industrial sectors, in the tobacco industry, wood industry and metal-processing industry. Negative allocative efficiency, i.e. larger participation of the firms with low factor productivity in the output market was seen in the motor vehicle industry and electrical machinery production

    Decomposition of productivity and allocative efficiency in Serbian industry

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    Na uzorku od 567 preduzeća koristeći poluparametrijski LP pristup određivanja multifaktorske produktivnosti (MFP) u radu je OP dekompozicijom kvantifikovana alokativna efikasnost na nivou Srbije, izabranih regiona i industrijskih sektora. U posmatranom periodu 2005 - 2007 privatizovana i nova privatna preduzeća pokazala su pozitivnu alokativnu efikasnost odnosno pozitivnu kovarijaciju učeŔća na tržiÅ”tu i faktorske produktivnosti. Preduzeća sa većom produktivnoŔću su imala i veća učeŔća na tržiÅ”tu autputa. Najveća alokativna efikasnost je zabeležena na području Vojvodine, a od industrijskih sektora u industriji duvana, drvnoj industriji i industriji prerade metala. Negativna alokativna efikasnost odnosno veće učeŔće na tržiÅ”tu autputa firmi sa niskom faktorskom produktivnoŔću utvrđena je u industriji motornih vozila i proizvodnji električnih maÅ”ina.In this paper on the sample of 567 enterprises, using the semi-parametric LP approach for estimation of multifactor productivity (MFP), the allocative efficiency was quantified by OP decomposition at the level of Serbia, of the selected regions and industrial sectors. In the observed period from 2005 to 2007, the privatised and new private-owned enterprises showed positive allocative efficiency or positive covariance between the participation in the market and factor productivity. Companies with higher productivity also had larger participation in the output market. The highest degree of allocative efficiency was recorded on the territory of Vojvodina and in terms of industrial sectors, in the tobacco industry, wood industry and metal-processing industry. Negative allocative efficiency, i.e. larger participation of the firms with low factor productivity in the output market was seen in the motor vehicle industry and electrical machinery production