62 research outputs found

    On a nonlinear model for tumor growth in a cellular medium

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    We investigate the dynamics of a nonlinear model for tumor growth within a cellular medium. In this setting the "tumor" is viewed as a multiphase flow consisting of cancerous cells in either proliferating phase or quiescent phase and a collection of cells accounting for the "waste" and/or dead cells in the presence of a nutrient. Here, the tumor is thought of as a growing continuum Ω\Omega with boundary ∂Ω\partial \Omega both of which evolve in time. The key characteristic of the present model is that the total density of cancerous cells is allowed to vary, which is often the case within cellular media. We refer the reader to the articles \cite{Enault-2010}, \cite{LiLowengrub-2013} where compressible type tumor growth models are investigated. Global-in-time weak solutions are obtained using an approach based on penalization of the boundary behavior, diffusion, viscosity and pressure in the weak formulation, as well as convergence and compactness arguments in the spirit of Lions \cite{Lions-1998} (see also \cite{Feireisl-book, DT-MixedModel-2013}).Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1203.1215 by other author

    Low Mach number limit for the Quantum-Hydrodynamics system

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    In this paper we deal with the low Mach number limit for the system of quantum-hydrodynamics, far from the vortex nucleation regime. More precisely, in the framework of a periodic domain and ill-prepared initial data we prove strong convergence of the solutions towards regular solutions of the incompressible Euler system. In particular we will perform a detailed analysis of the time oscillations and of the relative entropy functional related to the system.Comment: To appear in Research in the Mathematical Science
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