6 research outputs found

    Intelligente Schleusenzulaufsteuerung zur Effizienzsteigerung des Binnenschiffsverkehrs

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    Posterbeitrag bezieht sich auf Poster, siehe https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11970/11044

    Universal morphologies for the Caucasus region

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    The Caucasus region is famed for its rich and diverse arrays of languages and language families, often challenging European-centered views established in traditional linguistics. In this paper, we describe ongoing efforts to improve the coverage of Universal Morphologies for languages of the Caucasus region. The Universal Morphologies (UniMorph) are a recent community project aiming to complement the Universal Dependencies which focus on morphosyntax and syntax. We describe the development of UniMorph resources for Nakh-Daghestanian and Kartvelian languages as a well as for Classical Armenian, we discuss challenges that the complex morphology of these and related languages poses to the current design of UniMorph, and suggest possibilities to improve the applicability of UniMorph for languages of the Caucasus region in particular and for low resource languages in general. We also criticize the UniMorph TSV format for its limited expressiveness, and suggest to complement the existing UniMorph workflow with support for additional source formats on grounds of Linked Open Data technology

    Using machine learning for translation inference across dictionaries

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    This paper describes our contribution to the closed track of the Shared Task Translation Inference across Dictionaries (TIAD2017), 1 held in conjunction with the first Conference on Language Data and Knowledge (LDK-2017). In our approach, we use supervised machine learning to predict high-quality candidate translation pairs. We train a Support Vector Machine using several features, mostly of the translation graph, but also taking into consideration string similarity (Levenshtein distance). As the closed track does not provide manual training data, we define positive training examples as translation candidate pairs which occur in a cycle in which there is a direct connection