112 research outputs found

    Generalized ray theory for shear dislocations

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    Generalized ray expansions of the P, SH, and SV displacement potentials resulting from a point-source dislocation are evaluated at the surface of a layered half-space. The Cagniard-de Hoop technique is used to obtain the transient response. The results of this analysis are used to construct synthetic seismograms for a shear dislocation on a vertical fault plane. Comparisons of synthetic and observed seismograms for the Borrego Mountain earthquake (April 9, 1968) at teleseismic distances indicate an equivalent point-source depth of 9 km with the far-field time function approximated by a step function with an exponential decay. This time function fits both the P and S wave forms. The apparent shift in corner frequency between the P and S waves for shallow events, as reported by some investigators, is explained by surface reflections

    Earthquake source parameters and fault kinematics in the Eastern California Shear Zone

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    Based on waveform data from a profile of aftershocks following the north-south trace of the June 28, 1992 Landers rupture across the Mojave desert, we construct a new velocity model for the Mojave region which features a thin, slow crust. Using this model, we obtain source parameters, including depth and duration, for each of the aftershocks in the profile, and in addition, any significant (M>3.7) Joshua Tree--Landers aftershock between April, 1992 and October, 1994 for which coherent TERRAscope data were available. In all, we determine source parameters and stress-drops for 45 significant (M_w > 4) earthquakes associated with the Joshua Tree and Landers sequences, using a waveform grid-search algorithm. Stress drops for these earthquakes appear to vary systematically with location, with respect to previous seismic activity, proximity to previous rupture (i.e., with respect to the Landers rupture), and with tectonic province. In general, for areas north of the Pinto Mountain fault, stress-drops of aftershocks located off the faults involved with the Landers rupture are higher than those located on the fault, with the exception of aftershocks on the newly recognized Kickapoo (Landers) fault. Stress drops are moderate south of the Pinto Mountain fault, where there is a history of seismic swarms but no single through-going fault. In contrast to aftershocks in the eastern Transverse ranges, and related to the 1992 Big Bear, California, sequence, Landers events show no clear relationship between stress-drop and depth. Instead, higher stress-drop aftershocks appear to correlate with activity on nascent faults, or those which experienced relatively small slip during mainshock rupture.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Bull. Seism. Soc. A

    Numerical seismograms of long-period body waves from seventeen to forty degrees

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    Long-period wave propagation in the upper mantle is investigated by constructing synthetic seismograms for proposed models. A model consisting of spherical layers is assumed. Generalized ray theory and the Cagniard-de Hoop method is used to obtain the transient response. Preliminary calculations on producing the phases P and PP by ray summation out to periods of 50 sec is demonstrated, and synthetic seismograms for the long-period World Wide Standard Seismograph Network (WWSSN) and Long Range Seismic Measurement (LRSM) instruments are constructed. Models containing prominent transition zones as well as smooth models predict a maximum in the P amplitude near 20°. The LRSM synthetics are quite similar for the various models because the instrument is relatively narrow-band, peaked at 20 sec. The upper mantle appears smooth at wavelengths greater than 200 km. On the other hand, the WWSSN synthetics are very exciting for models containing structure. The triplications are apparent and the various pulses contain different periods. The amplitude of the P phase at 30° is down to about 25 per cent of its 20° maximum. The amplitude of the PP phase at 35° is comparable to P. Near 37°, the PP phase grows rapidly reaching about twice the P phase amplitude near 40°. Models containing sharp transition zones produce high-frequency interferences at neighboring ranges. A profile of observations is presented for comparison

    Body-wave amplitude and travel-time correlations across North America

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    Relationships between travel-time and amplitude station anomalies are examined for short- and long-period SH waves and short-period P waves recorded at North American WWSSN and Canadian Seismic Network stations. Data for two azimuths of approach to North America are analyzed. To facilitate intercomparison of the data, the S-wave travel times and amplitudes are measured from the same records, and the amplitude data processing is similar for both P and S waves. Short-period P- and S-wave amplitudes have similar regional variations, being relatively low in the western tectonic region and enhanced in the shield and mid-continental regions. The east coast has intermediate amplitude anomalies and systematic, large azimuthal travel-time variations. There is a general correlation between diminished short-period amplitudes and late S-wave arrival times, and enhanced amplitudes and early arrivals. However, this correlation is not obvious within the eastern and western provinces separately, and the data are consistent with a step-like shift in amplitude level across the Rocky Mountain front. Long-period S waves show no overall correlation between amplitude and travel-time anomalies

    Applications of the transmitted Kirchhoff-Holmholtz method to transmitted body waves and possible structural effects at NTS

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    We extend the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral method to calculate acoustic potentials which transmit through three-dimensional warped boundaries. We specify the potentials on an arbitrary surface with Snell's law and plane-wave transmission coefficients and numerically integrate their contributions at a receiver via the scalar integral representation theorem. The method is appropriate for modeling precritical transmitted potentials. Results from test models compare well with optical solutions for transmissions through a flat interface. We model the effect of several idealized crust-mantle boundary structures on teleseismic P wave generated by explosion sources. The structures are all upwarps and are designed to produce travel-time residuals as a function of delta and azimuth which have the same magnitude as residuals observed for NTS tests within Pahute Mesa. These structures consistently cause complicated low amplitude waveforms which arrive early and simple high amplitude waveforms which arrive late. Thus, they cause systematic amplitude variations with azimuth, delta, and source location. The magnitude of this variation is less than or equal to 2½. This factor is somewhat less than the observed ab amplitude variation with azimuth of Pahute Mesa tests; however, it is approximately the same magnitude as the observed ab variation at a given station as a function of test location within the mesa

    Time functions appropriate for some aftershocks of the Point Mugu, California earthquake of February 21, 1973

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    Broad-band recordings of aftershocks of the Pt. Mugu earthquake at small epicentral distances provided an excellent opportunity to test source models for small earthquakes. Simple events recorded at nearly vertical incidence produced a single P-wave pulse of a duration of about 0.07 sec and a somewhat more complicated S wave with a slightly longer duration. Such events are consistent with a point dislocation source for which Q_β = 100 or for which there is directivity with the fault breaking downward. We attribute the more usual complexities of small earthquake records to multiple events, some of which we observed, layering effects combined with greater epicentral distances, and scattering

    Localized boundary layer below the mid-Pacific velocity anomaly identified from a PeP precursor

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    Dense record sections from deep earthquakes in Fiji and Argentina recorded on hundreds of short-period stations in California at distances of 81° to 85° are used to investigate the detailed P wave velocity structure above the core-mantle boundary (CMB). In the Fiji data a secondary phase arriving 2 to 4 s after the direct P is identified as a precursor to PcP. This phase provides good evidence for a reflection off the top of a thin low-velocity layer above the CMB. Comparisons to synthetic seismograms indicate a layer thickness of 10 km and a velocity reduction of 5%–10% compared to the overlying mantle. A record section from an Argentina event does not show the PcP precursor, indicating that the low-velocity layer is not a global feature. This thin low-velocity layer is in the same place as a much larger S wave velocity anomaly in the lower mantle and is probably indicative of a boundary layer just above the CMB under the mid-Pacific

    Advancement in Source Estimation Techniques Using Broadband Regional Seismograms

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    One important constraint on source retrieval from regional seismograms comes from the amplitude difference between various phases (such as Pnl/surface wave, SV/SH). Because the misfit errors used in some waveform inversions are normalized by the data and synthetics, the amplitude information in the data has not been fully utilized. In this article, we modify the "cut and paste" source estimation technique (Zhao and Helmberger, 1994) by removing this type of normalization. It is shown that the modified method increases the stability and resolution of inversion. When multiple stations at different distance ranges are used, a distance scaling factor is introduced to compensate for the amplitude decay with distance. By applying the technique to the TERRAscope data, we have determined source mechanisms and depths of 335 southern Californian events with M_L ≧ 3.5. The amplitude decays with distance are r^(1.13) for Pnl, r^(0.55) for Love waves, and r^(0.74) for Rayleigh waves. In contrast to generally shallow source depths reported by the southern California short period network, the depth distribution from waveform inversion shows a strong peak around 12 km with few earthquakes occurring above 5 km and below 20 km

    Intermediate depth earthquakes beneath the India-Tibet collision zone

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    We report on three intermediate depth earthquakes in the India‐Tibet collision zone, two under the Himalayan Thrust Belt (HTB) and one beneath the Indus Zangbo suture. The mb magnitudes of these three events are from 4.3 to 4.9, and are too small to be well located by conventional means. However, from modeling their broadband waveforms recorded at near‐regional distances on a temporary PASSCAL array, we can confidently confine the sources to be below the crust, between 70 and 80 km deep. The existence of these intermediate depth earthquakes in this area suggests relatively low temperatures in the mantle lithosphere. The two events under the HTB display strike‐slip mechanisms with some normal faulting component; this is quite different from the shallow thrust events typical of the same area. The principal P and T axes of all 3 fault plane solutions show roughly NS compression and EW extension, consistent with a regional stress field produced by the indenting of the India continent

    A two-dimensional P-SV hybrid method and its application to modeling localized structures near the core-mantle boundary

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    A P-SV hybrid method is developed for calculating synthetic seismograms involving two-dimensional localized heterogeneous structures. The finite difference technique is applied in the heterogeneous region and generalized ray theory solutions from a seismic source are used in the finite difference initiation process. The seismic motions, after interacting with the heterogeneous structures, are propagated back to the Earth's surface analytically with the aid of the Kirchhoff method. Anomalous long-period SKS-SPdKS observations, sampling a region near the core-mantle boundary beneath the southwest Pacific, are modeled with the hybrid method. Localized structures just above the core-mantle boundary, with lateral dimensions of 250 to 400 km, can explain even the most anomalous data observed to date if S velocity drops up to 30% are allowed for a P velocity drop of 10%. Structural shapes and seismic properties of those anomalies are constrained from the data since synthetic waveforms are sensitive to the location and lateral dimension of seismic anomalies near the core-mantle boundary. Some important issues, such as the density change and roughness of the structures and the sharpness of the transition from the structures to the surrounding mantle, however, remain unresolved due to the nature of the data