4 research outputs found

    Single table access using multiple indexes: Optimization, execution, and concurrency control techniques

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    Abstract Many data base management systems ’ query optimizers choose at most one index for accessing the records of a table in a given query, even though many indexes may exist on the table. In spite of the fact that there are some systems which use multiple indexes, very little has been published about the concurrency control or query optimization implications (e.g., deciding how many indexes to use) of using multiple indexes. This paper addresses these issues and presents solutions to the associated problems. Techniques are presented for the efficient handling of record ID lists, elimination of some locking, and determination of how many and which indexes to use. The techniques are adaptive in the sense that the execution strategies may be modified at run-time (e.g., not use some indexes which were to have been used), if the assumptions made at optimization-time (e.g., about selectivities) turn out to be wrong. Opportunities for exploiting parallelism are also identified. A subset of our ideas have been implemented in IBM’s DB2 V2R2 relational data base management system. 1

    Aries: A transaction recovery method supporting fine-granularity locking and partial rollbacks using write-ahead logging

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    In this paper we present a simple and efficient method, called ARIES ( Algorithm for Recouery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics), which supports partial rollbacks of transactions, finegranularity (e.g., record) locking and recovery using write-ahead logging (WAL). We introduce the paradigm of repeating history to redo all missing updates before performing the rollbacks of the loser transactions during restart after a system failure. ARIES uses a log sequence number in each page to correlate the state of a page with respect to logged updates of that page. All updates of a transaction are logged, including those performed during rollbacks. By appropriate chaining of the log records written during rollbacks to those written during forward progress, a bounded amount of logging is ensured during rollbacks even in the face of repeated failures during restart or of nested rollbacks We deal with a variety of features that are very Important in building and operating an industrial-strength transaction processing system ARIES supports fuzzy checkpoints, selective and deferred restart, fuzzy image copies, media recovery, and high concurrency lock modes (e. g., increment /decrement) which exploit the semantics of the operations and require the ability to perform operation logging. ARIES is flexible with respect to the kinds of buffer management policies that can be implemented. It supports objects o