32 research outputs found

    Waning efficacy in a long-term AAV-mediated gene therapy study in the murine model of Krabbe disease

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    Neonatal AAV9-gene therapy of the lysosomal enzyme galactosylceramidase (GALC) significantly ameliorates central and peripheral neuropathology, prolongs survival, and largely normalizes motor deficits in Twitcher mice. Despite these therapeutic milestones, new observations identified the presence of multiple small focal demyelinating areas in the brain after 6-8 months. These lesions are in stark contrast to the diffuse, global demyelination that affects the brain of naive Twitcher mice. Late-onset lesions exhibited lysosomal alterations with reduced expression of GALC and increased psychosine levels. Furthermore, we found that lesions were closely associated with the extravasation of plasma fibrinogen and activation of the fibrinogen-BMP-SMAD-GFAP gliotic response. Extravasation of fibrinogen correlated with tight junction disruptions of the vasculature within the lesioned areas. The lesions were surrounded by normal appearing white matter. Our study shows that the dysregulation of therapeutic GALC was likely driven by the exhaustion of therapeutic AAV episomal DNA within the lesions, paralleling the presence of proliferating oligodendrocyte progenitors and glia. We believe that this is the first demonstration of diminishing expression in vivo from an AAV gene therapy vector with detrimental effects in the brain of a lysosomal storage disease animal model. The development of this phenotype linking localized loss of GALC activity with relapsing neuropathology in the adult brain of neonatally AAV-gene therapy-treated Twitcher mice identifies and alerts to possible late-onset reductions of AAV efficacy, with implications to other genetic leukodystrophies

    Mutations in fam20b and xylt1 Reveal That Cartilage Matrix Controls Timing of Endochondral Ossification by Inhibiting Chondrocyte Maturation

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    Differentiating cells interact with their extracellular environment over time. Chondrocytes embed themselves in a proteoglycan (PG)-rich matrix, then undergo a developmental transition, termed “maturation,” when they express ihh to induce bone in the overlying tissue, the perichondrium. Here, we ask whether PGs regulate interactions between chondrocytes and perichondrium, using zebrafish mutants to reveal that cartilage PGs inhibit chondrocyte maturation, which ultimately dictates the timing of perichondral bone development. In a mutagenesis screen, we isolated a class of mutants with decreased cartilage matrix and increased perichondral bone. Positional cloning identified lesions in two genes, fam20b and xylosyltransferase1 (xylt1), both of which encode PG synthesis enzymes. Mutants failed to produce wild-type levels of chondroitin sulfate PGs, which are normally abundant in cartilage matrix, and initiated perichondral bone formation earlier than their wild-type siblings. Primary chondrocyte defects might induce the bone phenotype secondarily, because mutant chondrocytes precociously initiated maturation, showing increased and early expression of such markers as runx2b, collagen type 10a1, and ihh co-orthologs, and ihha mutation suppressed early perichondral bone in PG mutants. Ultrastructural analyses demonstrated aberrant matrix organization and also early cellular features of chondrocyte hypertrophy in mutants. Refining previous in vitro reports, which demonstrated that fam20b and xylt1 were involved in PG synthesis, our in vivo analyses reveal that these genes function in cartilage matrix production and ultimately regulate the timing of skeletal development

    Retinoic acid regulates avian lung branching through a molecular network

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    Retinoic acid (RA) is of major importance during vertebrate embryonic development and its levels need to be strictly regulated otherwise congenital malformations will develop. Through the action of specific nuclear receptors, named RAR/RXR, RA regulates the expression of genes that eventually influence proliferation and tissue patterning. RA has been described as crucial for different stages of mammalian lung morphogenesis, and as part of a complex molecular network that contributes to precise organogenesis; nonetheless, nothing is known about its role in avian lung development. The current report characterizes, for the first time, the expression pattern of RA signaling members (stra6, raldh2, raldh3, cyp26a1, rar alpha, and rar beta) and potential RA downstream targets (sox2, sox9, meis1, meis2, tgf beta 2, and id2) by in situ hybridization. In the attempt of unveiling the role of RA in chick lung branching, in vitro lung explants were performed. Supplementation studies revealed that RA stimulates lung branching in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the expression levels of cyp26a1, sox2, sox9, rar beta, meis2, hoxb5, tgf beta 2, id2, fgf10, fgfr2, and shh were evaluated after RA treatment to disclose a putative molecular network underlying RA effect. In situ hybridization analysis showed that RA is able to alter cyp26a1, sox9, tgf beta 2, and id2 spatial distribution; to increase rar beta, meis2, and hoxb5 expression levels; and has a very modest effect on sox2, fgf10, fgfr2, and shh expression levels. Overall, these findings support a role for RA in the proximal-distal patterning and branching morphogenesis of the avian lung and reveal intricate molecular interactions that ultimately orchestrate branching morphogenesis.The authors would like to thank Ana Lima for slide sectioning and Rita Lopes for contributing to the initiation of this project. This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038; and by the Project NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Case Report: Congenital tuberculosis in a premature infant requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Congenital tuberculosis is a rare infectious disease with less than 500 cases documented worldwide. Mortality is significant, ranging from 34 to 53%, and death without treatment is inevitable. Patients exhibit nonspecific symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory distress, feeding intolerance, and irritability which can make appropriate diagnosis challenging in Peng et al. (2011) Pediatr Pulmonol 46(12), 1215–1224. Tuberculosis prevalence is particularly high in developing countries where access to resources can be limited in World Health Organization (2019) Global tuberculosis report 2019, Geneva. We present a 2.4-kg premature male infant with acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to congenital tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis and tuberculosis-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome who was successfully supported with veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    Vascular dimorphism ensured by regulated proteoglycan dynamics favors rapid umbilical artery closure at birth

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    The umbilical artery lumen closes rapidly at birth, preventing neonatal blood loss, whereas the umbilical vein remains patent longer. Here, analysis of umbilical cords from humans and other mammals identified differential arterial-venous proteoglycan dynamics as a determinant of these contrasting vascular responses. The umbilical artery, but not the vein, has an inner layer enriched in the hydrated proteoglycan aggrecan, external to which lie contraction-primed smooth muscle cells (SMC). At birth, SMC contraction drives inner layer buckling and centripetal displacement to occlude the arterial lumen, a mechanism revealed by biomechanical observations and confirmed by computational analyses. This vascular dimorphism arises from spatially regulated proteoglycan expression and breakdown. Mice lacking aggrecan or the metalloprotease ADAMTS1, which degrades proteoglycans, demonstrate their opposing roles in umbilical vascular dimorphism, including effects on SMC differentiation. Umbilical vessel dimorphism is conserved in mammals, suggesting that differential proteoglycan dynamics and inner layer buckling were positively selected during evolution